Student Name / 05-06 Grade Year
Smith, John Q K 06-07
Teacher: / Ms. Smith
Assessment Key
1 = Beginning / 3 = Proficient at grade level2 = Developing / N = Not Applicable
Student Progress Report Card
A=100-90 B=89-80 C=79-70 D=69-65 F=64 below
/Marking Period
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4thDays Absent / 0
Days Tardy / 2
/ Marking Period1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Science Overall Grade / A
1. Explains basic scientific processes / N
2. Demonstrates critical thinking skills / 3
3. Understands scientific vocabulary / 3
Language Arts
/ Marking Period1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Language Arts Overall Grade / A
1. Uses proper word analysis skills / 3
2. Uses proper reading strategies / 3
3. Comprehends what is read / 3
4. Understands literature conventions / N
1. Uses appropriate writing processes / 3
2. Uses appropriate grammar / 3
3. Uses appropriate punctuation and capitalization / 3
4. Uses appropriate word spelling / 3
5. Uses appropriate editing skills / N
6. Uses appropriate handwriting / 3
/ Marking Period1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Mathematics Overall Grade / A
Numbers Sense
1. Reading numbers / 3
2. Writing numbers / 3
3. Place value / N
5. Graphing / N
Number Facts
1. Addition facts and concepts / 3
2. Subtraction facts and concepts / 3
3. Mathematical Symbols / N
Parent Signature: ______/
Special Classes
/ Marking Period1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Physical Education
P.E. Overall Grade / A
1. Participates in activities / 3
2. Shows good sportsmanship / 3
Music / Performing Arts
Music Overall Grade / B
1. Participates in activities / 3
2. Can produce a rhythm / 2
Personal / Social Growth
/ Marking Period1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
1. Works independently / 3
2. Demonstrates positive attitude / 3
3. Complies with school rules / 3
4. Makes responsible choices / 3
5. Respects the work of others / 3
6. Works cooperatively in small groups / 3
7. Participates in large group activities / 3
8. Seeks help when appropriate / 3
9. Demonstrates listening habits / 3
10. Focuses on task at hand / 3
11. Plays well with others / 3
12. Finishes required tasks / 3
13. Follows directions / 3
Teacher Comment: ______
Conference Requested