Fallen Angels Chapters 12 - 23

Chapter 12 (pgs. 145-150)

What are sappers?

Why does Johnson think the United States is involved in the Vietnam Conflict?

Chapter 13 (151-166)

Why does the author, Walter Dean Myers, capitalize the word “World”?

Why is the Lieutenant Gearhart more threatened by the NVA than by the VC?

What potentially fatal mistakes does Richie make on the interdiction patrol?

Chapter 14 (167-188)

What is significant about Monaco including Johnson in his wedding plans?

Why does Captain Steward ask Ritchie to rewrite Lieutenant Gearhart’s letter to Turner’s parents?

Why does Richie feel like a hypocrite when he prays?

What do soldiers find when they arrive at the village they are ordered to defend?

How does Richie survive the VC’s attack in the hit and how does he react?

What comforts Richie when he breaks down?

Why do the men distrust Captain Stewart?

Why does Peewee look like he has been beaten up in a fight?

Chapter 15 (189-204)

What does Richie have trouble writing in a letter to his brother?

Why do the Americans call off the ambush?

Why do Sergeant Simpson and Captain Stewart have an altercation?

Describe what occurs when Alpha Company charges up the hill?

Chapter 16 (205-217)

The orderly in hospital says Richie is both lucky and unlucky. Explain.

How is the hospital like heaven to Richie?

What award does Richie receive and why? What does he do with the award?

By the end of the chapter, how long had Richie been in Vietnam?

Chapter 17 (218-231)

What problem do Peewee and Monaco alert Richie to when he returns to the outfit?

How does Richie know that Dongan is crafty and dangerous?

What does General Westmoreland’s order to minimize destruction mean to Richie?

Describe what happens to Richie on the worst day of the war?

Chapter 18 (232 – 252)

What indicates that Peewee is uneasy about the patrol up the hill?

Describe some of the things Richie witnesses while securing the village.

Chapter 19 (253-261)

What ghastly chore do Richie and the men perform at the beginning of the chapter?

Monaco discovers a soldier in the pile who is still alive. What happens to him?

Describe how the men react to Captain Stewart’s orders.

Chapter 20 (262-271)

How do the ARVN troops betray the Americans and what is the outcome?

Why does Monaco open fire on the safety of the hooch?

Chapter 21 (272-283)

Why do Peewee and Walowick argue?

Where is the enemy hiding when the men patrol the river road?

Chapter 22 (284-297)

Where do Richie and Peewee spend the night?

How does the use of scripture heighten the story’s suspense?

What to they finally discover when the reach the pickup zone?

Chapter 23 (298-309)

What becomes of Monaco? What is the significance of the note he leaves?

Why does Richie choose not to complain about the sharp pain in his leg?

What new does Richie receive before flying home about Judy Duncan