Fairview Middle School

“Thinking Big Brings Big Results”

Teacher Handbook


Selina Sparkman Brandon Poyner
Principal Assistant Principal

750 East Parkway South
Memphis, Tennessee 38104

Table of Contents


School Safety 1
Lunch Schedule 2
Phone Tree 3
SCS Calendar 4
Vision Statement 6
Mission Statement 6
Teacher Attendance 6
Absences from School 6
SEMS—Web Center 7
Leaving Campus 8
Lesson Plans 8
Professionalism 8
Student Confidentiality 9
Cumulative Records 9
Personal Appearance 9
Professional Growth & Dev. 9
Classroom Telephones 9
Progressive Discipline 10
Disciplinary Offenses 10
Outlook for Teachers 11
Hall Passes for Students 11
SCS Board Policy Handbook 11
Soda and Food 11
Smoking 11
Staff Parking 12
Faculty Meetings 12
Media Center 12
Visual Aid Equipment 12
Textbook Inventory 12
Copy Machines 13
Outside Speakers 13
Care of Rooms 13
Personal Valuables 13
Teacher Out of classroom 14
Retaining and/or Releasing 14
Students Leaving Campus 14
Class Parties/Movies 14
School Calendar 14
Student Discipline 15
Office Discipline Referrals 17
Suggestions for Teachers 17
In-School Suspension Program 17
Guidance Philosophy 18
Assemblies 18
Sick Students 18
Medication for Students 19
Student Accident Reports 19
Recordkeeping and Attendance 19
Official Hours 20
After School 20
Conferences for Parents 20
Accountability of Keys 20
Visitors 21
Announcements 21
Office Items/Supplies 21
Break-In & Theft Report 21
Responsibilities Outside 21
Restrooms 21
Field Trips 22
Grade Book 23
Special Education 24
Monitoring Student Progress 24
Reporting Student Progress 24
Morning Duty/Metal Detection 25
Afternoon Duty 25
Fire Drill Procedures 25
Lock Down Procedures 27
Addendum 28


School Safety

Electrical appliances such as microwave ovens, refrigerators, convection ovens, hot plates, coffee pots and space heaters are prohibited inside the classroom. The use of these items will cause circuit overloads and can lead to fires. Student medical supplies that require refrigeration are the exception.

The use of open flame items, such as candles and incense, is prohibited by the fire department.

Plug-ins, aerosol sprays, or chemical fragrances cannot be used in classrooms, office areas or other spaces. These items can cause respiratory problems for students and staff.

Smoking is prohibited on school property. This applies to students, employees and visitors.

Ladders or safety step stools should be used to access high areas. Standing on chairs, tables, desks, countertops, file cabinets, sinks, etc., are hazardous and can result in accidents.

Chemicals removed from labs and classrooms must be picked-up and disposed of in accordance with environmental regulations. This includes old office supplies such as duplicating fluid. Please contact Risk Management for proper removal of these chemicals.

Vehicles pared or standing in fire lanes create a dangerous safety concern for all individuals in the building.

Placing or storing items on ventilation units prevent proper room air supply and can create indoor air problems.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Risk Management.

Fairview Middle School
Lunch Schedule

Lunch / Team / Time / Lunch Duty
1st / 6th / 10:10-10-40 / Poyner
2nd / 7th / 11:15-11:45 / Wade
3rd / 8th / 12:20-12:50 / Wade

Teachers are not required to eat lunch with their students on a regular school day; however, all teachers are encouraged to spend quality time with their students during assigned lunch times. All teachers are required to escort students into the cafeteria for lunch and pick up students inside the cafeteria after lunch to escort them to their next class.


Fairview Middle School

2013-2014 Phone Tree


Academic Calendar
Before School Begins
Date(s) / Day(s) / Event
July 24 / Wednesday / New Teacher Induction for New Teachers & Learning Coaches
July 25 / Thursday / New Teacher Induction for New Teachers & Learning Coaches
July 26 / Friday / New Teacher Induction for New Teachers & Learning Coaches
July 29 / Monday / ½ Professional Development & ½ Administrative
July 30 / Tuesday / Administrative Day/Registration
July 31 / Wednesday / ½ Professional Development & ½ Administrative
August 1 / Thursday / Professional Development
August 2 / Friday / Professional Development
First Semester
August 5 / Monday / First Day of School
September 2 / Monday / Labor Day
September 19 / Thursday / Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:00pm)
September 20 / Friday / District Learning Day (Students Out)
October 4 / Friday / End of 1st 9 Weeks
October 7-11 / Monday-Friday / Fall Break
October 14 / Monday / 2nd 9 Weeks Begins
November 7 / Thursday / Explore Test (8th Grade Only)
November 11 / Monday / Veterans’ Day
November 27-29 / Wednesday-Friday / Thanksgiving Break
December 18-20 / Wednesday-Friday / Exams
December 20 / Friday / Last Day for Students (Students out ½ day)
End of 2nd 9 Weeks
December 23-January 3 / Monday-Friday / Winter Break
Second Semester
Date(s) / Day(s) / Event
January 6 / Monday / ½ Professional Development ½ Administrative
January 7 / Tuesday / Students Return
January 20 / Monday / Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
February 3-7 / Monday-Friday / TCAP Writing Assessment
February 13 / Thursday / Parent Conferences (4:00-7:00pm)
February 14 / Friday / District Learning Day (Students Out)
February 17 / Monday / Presidents’ Day Holiday
March 7 / Friday / End of 3rd Nine Weeks
March 10-14 / Monday-Friday / Spring Break Holiday
April 18 / Friday / Good Friday Holiday
April 22-29 / Tuesday-Tuesday / TCAP Achievement Test
May 5 / Monday / Algebra I Assessment
May 21-22 / Wednesday-Thursday / Semester Exams
May 23 / Friday / Last Day for Students (Students out ½ day)

*Constructed Response Assessments will be held three times (once in the fall, twice in the spring). Dates are forthcoming from the Tennessee Department of Education.

*Inclement Weather Days: May 27-30, 2014.

Vision Statement

The vision of Fairview Middle School is to instill integrity, cultivate college readiness and produce citizens equipped to compete within a global society.

Mission Statement

The mission of Fairview Middle School is to ensure all stakeholders share the responsibility of student achievement by providing a safe, rigorous, and data-driven environment for diverse learners that promotes college readiness.

Teacher Attendance
Working Day

The teacher’s day is from 7:45am to 3:15pm. Each teacher is expected to sign in for himself/herself only using the School Check-in system. Teachers are expected to sign in and be in the cafeteria to pick up his/her students by 7:45am. Each teacher is expected to escort students from the cafeteria at 7:45am. It is the teacher’s responsibility to sign-in personally on both the sign-in sheet & School Check-in system, and report to the main office immediately upon arrival at school. If the teacher arrives after 8:00am and a substitute has been assigned to the classroom, the teacher will be sent home.

Teachers are expected to be teaching every day with the school board protocol posted.

When the dismissal bell rings at 3:00pm, teachers are to escort students out of the building and immediately go to his/her designated afternoon duty post (see addendum). Coaches should identify a pick-up area for students participating in his/her sport. Once duty is over, each coach will pick-up students in the designated area and escort them to the after-school activity. Students participating in after school activities cannot be left unsupervised in the building while teachers are on duty after school.

Absences From School—Teachers

Teachers who are unable to report to school must call the automated management system, SEMS, and then contact Mrs. Sparkman at 359-5355 or Mr. Poyner at 604-5236. If Mrs. Sparkman and Mr. Poyner are out of town or unable to be reached, contact Mrs. Woodard at 489-1502. Whenever possible, this call should be made the night before. However, when this is impossible, teachers must call by 6:00am the morning of the absence.
Teachers are reminded to update their personal and assignment information each year with the SEMS system.

SEMS—Web Center (Substitute Employee Management System)

Teachers will be able to use the SEMS Web Center to create an absence.

How do teachers use the SEMS system? Employees must first register with the system via the telephone by calling 452-2000. The system will ask for an Access ID and PIN for anyone accessing the system. Employees who are registering should enter their social security number as their Access ID and they should enter their social security number again for their PIN. When the social security number is entered as the PIN, the system will begin the registration process. The employee will voice his/her name on the system, verify his/her work location, and then set up his/her own six digit PIN. Once the system states that his/her PIN has been successfully changed, he/she has successfully registered with the system. The employee now has the option of utilizing the system either via telephone or Internet. For subsequent use of the system, the employee will still enter his/her social security number as Access ID and the six digit number he/she established when registering as his/her PIN.

When teachers and other school personnel are absent from school for any reason(s), they must fill out a Report of Absentee Form. This form must be filled out and given to the Financial Secretary immediately after returning to work.

Teachers may be required to bring a doctor’s statement when they are out for personal illness or illness of the immediate family. If this is not turned in, you will be considered absent without cause and report to payroll accordingly.

The principal must approve personal leave days. All personal leave requests must be made at least three days (72 hours) before the requested leave will begin. No personal leave will be approved at the end of either semester. It is essential that all regular personnel be in attendance during these closing periods. NOTE: If personal leave days are not used, they will be converted to sick days at the end of the school year.

Teachers are required to leave a lesson plan, roll book and other necessary materials for the substitute teacher.

·  Teachers are required to leave an emergency substitute package in the main office with Mrs. Malone. This should include: lesson plans, seating charts, schedule of classes/lunch/duties, student escort schedule, classroom rules, emergency procedures, school map and any other materials the substitute will need—for up to five consecutive days. These activities should be updated after use.

·  If a teacher is absent from school and plans to return to work the following day, it is the responsibility of that teacher to notify the principal on or before 2:00pm. If the teacher does not call, the substitute teacher will be instructed to return another day.

·  If a teacher is going to be late in the morning, please notify Mrs. Sparkman at 359-5355 or Mr. Poyner at 604-4236. If Mrs. Sparkman or Mr. Poyner cannot be reached, then notify the Mrs. Woodard and Mrs. Malone prior to 7:30am so that classes may be covered.

Leaving Campus

If you need to leave the school campus at any time during the school day, you must sign-out and sign-in using the automated School Check-in system. This includes leaving for lunch, during planning period, for off-campus professional development, or any other reason that requires that you leave the campus during the regular work day, regardless of how long or short the time off campus may be. It is the teacher’s responsibility to sign-in using School Check-in upon return to campus. If you leave campus any time other than for getting lunch, you must inform and administrator.

Lesson Plans, Data & Assessments

All lesson plans, weekly data, and weekly assessments are due to Mrs. Woodard by 7:45am each Monday. Lesson plans, weekly data, and weekly assessments are vitally important and will be reviewed by the administration weekly. They serve to indicate the teacher’s organization and preparation for themselves and substitutes. These can be emailed to Mrs. Woodard at , submitted via Google docs at , or as a hard copy in Mrs. Woodard’s box. Teachers must also maintain hard copies of these items in their Accountability Binders.
Lesson plans for ISS must be submitted with your weekly lesson plan each Monday.

Updated weekly data should be posted outside your door each Monday by 8:00am.


Adults should model the same speaking tone and problem solving skills that we want our students to use. Students are to be treated with RESPECT at all times. It should not be necessary for any adult to raise his/her voice in class. Using appropriate and effective procedures in the classroom will make this possible. Students should never be humiliated, ridiculed, or the subject of sarcasm. Neither teachers nor teaching assistants should physically grab a student by body or article of clothing. Our aim is to de-escalate incidents by using our own calm reasoning rather than emotional reactions.

As educators, we serve as role models for students and adults of the community. Our behavior should reflect respect for everyone. This includes positive support for co-workers in conduct and conversation and adherence to school rules.

It is extremely important that every teacher maintain a good rapport with parents by making every effort to communicate effectively and by responding promptly and accurately to their questions and concerns. If you cannot answer a question, refer it to the administration.

If you have information regarding specific children (i.e. abuse, neglect, etc.) you must by law report this information to the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) at 1.877.237.0004. The information should be given to the Principal or Guidance Counselor.

Student Confidentiality

It is vital that teachers safeguard documents that contain personal student information. Permanent records, grade books, etc. should never be left unattended.

Cumulative Records

All information contained in a student’s folder is confidential. When removing a cumulative record from the files, lift out the whole folder, and sign for it accordingly. Cumulative records must remain at school. Cumulative records are housed in Pupil Services.

Personal Appearance

Teachers should take a professional attitude toward their personal appearance and are expected to dress in that way. This means that apparel such as jeans, warm-up suits, low cut/tight/revealing/short outfits, etc. are not appropriate. Your appearance will greatly influence that of our students.