AcademicYear 2014-2015
Title of the course
The goal of the course is to improve the knowledge – by means of concepts and methods of the international political economy – of the process of European integration in the first part of the lessons and, in the second part, of the process of international integration
Evaluation method: Oral examination
Introduction: What is International Political Economy
Part I: European Integration
– International integration and European integration. The political economy of European integration. Institutional evolution. Private and public goods.Coercive order and cooperative order.European integration and international political economy.
– The foundation of European institutions. From the ECSC to the Common Market.Economic integration and political integration.
– The birth and development of the Common Market. The Common Agricultural Policy (PAC).The project of the single market. Economic integration and comparative costs. Free trade area and custom union.
– Building the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). From self-sufficiency to convertibility.The crisis of the Seventies.The European Monetary System (EMS).A monetary union without an economic union.The theory of optimum currency areas and money as a public good.The growth and stability pact (GSP).
– The European budget and the policies of the EU. Regional policies and social cohesion policies. The industrial and scientific research policies. The growth and employment policy.The environment policy and the policies for a sustainable development.The foreign and security policy.
– Fiscal federalism in Europe.
– The EU and international integration. Cooperative world multipolarism.The global public goods.A government for Europe.Political realism, federalism and cosmopolitanism.Politics, economics and institutions.
Part II: International integration
-Why a Supranational Political Economy
-The invisible Leviathan
-Global Imbalances, Income Inequalities and Regional Integration
-Global Imbalances and the Dollar Standard
-Globalization and Income Inequalities
-Multipolarity and Regional Integration
-Money and Finance as Supranational Public Goods
-J. Ravenhill (ed), Global Political Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014 (Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of Part one).
-G. Montani, Lecture notes on: From International to Supranational Political Economy
-J. Pinder and S. Usherwood, European Union: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2013
-R. Fiorentini and G. Montani, The New Global Political Economy. From Crisis to Supranational Integration, Edward Elgar, 2012
Further Reading List
On European Integration
–R. Baldwin, Ch.Wyplosz, Economics of European Integration, McGraw Hill, 2012.
–El-Agraa A. (ed), The European Union. Economics and Policies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007.
–Artis M., Nixson F. (eds), The Economics of the European Union. Policy and Analysis, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 2007.
–Jones E., Menon A., Wheatherill S. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the European Union, Oxford University Press
– G. Montani, L’economia politica dell’integrazione europea. Evoluzione di una democrazia sovranazionale, UTET, Novara, 2008.
– G. Montani, The Cost of Fiscal Disunion in Europe and the New Model of FiscalFederalism, Bulletin of Political Economy, 2013
On International Integration
–G. Anderson, Fiscal Federalism: A Comparative Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2010.
–Blyth M., Austerity. The History of a Dangerous Idea, Oxford University Press, 2013.
–B. Cohen, Advanced Introduction to International Political Economy, Chaltenham, Edward Elgar, 2014.
–Eichengreen B., ExorbitantPrivilege. The Rise and Fall of theDollar, Oxford University Press, 2011.
–LinJ. Y., Against the Consensus. Reflections on the Great Recession, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
–RaghuramRajan, Fault Lines: How HiddenFracturesStillThreaten the World Economy, Princeton University Press, Oxford, 2010.
–RoddenJ. A, Hamilton’sParadox. The Promise and Peril of Fiscal Federalism, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006.
–RoddenJ. A., Federalism, in Weingast B. and Wittman D. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, Oxford University Press, 2006.
–J. D. Sachs, Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet, New York, Penguin Press, 2008.
–Stiglitz J. E., Global Public Goods and Global Finance: does Global Governanceensurethat the Global Public InterestisServed? in J-Ph. Touffut, (ed), Advancing Public Goods, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2006.