Faculty Senate Minutes
3:00- 5:00 pm Egan Library 211
September 1, 2006
Call-in 1-800-893-8850 Participant PIN 3325714
Members in attendance:
Jane Terzis, Humanities
Jill Dumesnil, Natural Sciences
Lynn Shepherd, Library
Virgil Fredenberg , Education
Eric Niewoehner, CIOS
Yuliya Ivanova, Business/P/A
Tony Martin, Career Ed
Lisa Hoferkamp, Juneau
Tim Ewest, Ketchikan
Joe Little, Sitka
Chuck Craig, Senate President
Robbie Stell, UAS Provost
Social Sciences, no representation
Alice Tersteeg, Thomas Duke, Marquam George, Karen Schmitt, Eve Dillingham, Chuck Greeson, Tim Powers and David Noon via telephone.
1.Approval of agenda (a motion to move-up items 7A-7C will be accepted).
Agenda was modified to move curriculum reviews forward to accommodate faculty members attending to answer questions. Minutes of the last meeting were approved.
2. An introduction of new senators, operation of the Senate.
New senators were introduced, including Jill Dumesnil (Natural Science) and Eric Neiwoehner (CIOS).
3. Approval of minutes for May 5, 2006.
Minutes were approved under #1.
4. Senate Chair proposal for “Rules of Engagement.”.
Chuck presented a Powerpoint which outlined his proposals for the “Rules of engagement” for the 2006-07 Faculty Senate. This Powerpoint is available for download at the Faculty Senate page under President’s Site . Discussion ensued concerning what represents a major change that should be brought before the Faculty Senate.
- New business
A. Action. A proposal for a BA in Fine Arts presented by Alice Tersteeg and Jane Terzis. (attachment: 9-1-06-01 BFA Propsal.doc )
B. Action. Marine Technology AAS revision and proposal for a Minor in Marine Transportation, Certificate in Able Seamanship, Certificate in Vessel Operations, Occupational Endorsement in Marine Transportation (attachments: 9-1-06-05 MT AAS Change CurrProp.pdf, ..\..\Agendas_Attachments\9-1-06-13 AAS MT new-policy-proposal.pdf, ..\..\Agendas_Attachments\9-1-06-14 Old and New MT A.A.S..doc, 9-1-06-06 MT Minor CurrProp.pdf, 9-1-06-07 AB Cert CurrProp, 9-1-06-08 Vessel Op Cert CurrProp.pdf, 9-1-06-09 MT New ProgProp, 9-1-06-10 OE MT CurrProp.pdf
C. Action. School of Education program change proposals (attachments: ..\..\Agendas_Attachments\9-1-06-11 SOE SPED Grad Cert Prog.pdf, ..\..\Agendas_Attachments\9-1-06-12 SOE SPED M. Ed. Proposal.pdf
D. Committee needs, charges, and staffing (attachments: ..\..\Agendas_Attachments\9-1-06-15 Pre-Eng Cert prop.xls, ..\..\Agendas_Attachments\9-1-06-16 BOR CPE Courses.doc, ..\..\Agendas_Attachments\9-1-06-17 Pre-Eng prop for Senate.doc
Alice Tersteeg presented the pertinent information for the proposed B.A. in Fine Arts. The classes for the degree are already being offered by the department, but with the addition of new tenure-track faculty new opportunities have arisen for developing a standalone degree. The idea is to make the art graduates more marketable.
Virgil Fredeberg moved to approve the degree, Jill Dumesnil seconded the motion. Discussion ensued, including questions from Lynn Shepherd concerning the “breadth” requirement for the degree.
The motion carried by unanimous consent to approve the BA degree in Fine Arts.
Dale Miller presented the pertinent information for the five proposals related to the Marine Technology program in Ketchikan. The original AAS degree was focused on small boat building and repair, but little demand exists for this program. The proposed program is focused on preparing students for high-demand jobs in the Southeast region.
Virgil Fredeberg asked questions concerning the nature of the proposed program minor.
Tony Martin moved to approve the proposal in its entirety. Yuliya Ivanova seconded the motion. No discussion ensued and Virgil called for the question. The motion passed by unanimous consent.
Thomas Duke presented the pertinent information for the Education department proposals. The department would like to offer a Special Education M. Ed. degree as well as a Special Education graduate certificate. Questions were entertained by Mr. Duke.
Lynn Shepherd moved to approve the certificate and the degree programs. Jane Terzis seconded the motion. Further discussion ensued. Chuck Craig called for the question. The motion passed by unanimous consent.
Marquam George presented the pertinent information for a BOR certificate in Pre-Engineering. No new courses will be required for the certificate. Anchorage’s engineering programs have had much greater demand than was anticipated, and this certificate will work as a feeder to those programs. Dr. Karen Schmitt also spoke in support of the certificate proposal. Lynn Shepherd asked who would be teaching the engineering classes in the proposals, Marquam explained that this would be done by distance from UAA. Lisa Hoferkamp asked questions concerning chemisty content in the certificate program and who would be dictating the content in these courses.
Virgil moved to approve the certificate. Lisa Hoferkamp seconded the motion. No further discussion ensued, and Chuck called for the question. The motion passed by unanimous consent..
Tim Powers and Eve Dillingham presented the pertinent information concerning the CIOS proposals. Eve indicated that the proposals were focused on meeting new industry needs and simplifying the current programs. Current programs are being repackaged, no new programs are being proposed. However, certain certificates are being combined to limit the number of certificates available. No new courses are being proposed, however, some courses are being deleted as part of the proposal. Tim Powers explained further how the proposals would make it simpler for students and would meet current demands. Further explanation was provided by Chuck Greeson, a CIOS faculty member. Lynn Shepherd asked questions concerning student navigation through the program. Virgil asked questions concerning the impact the proposal will have on University resources and how GERs will be impacted. Jill Dumesnil asked how this proposal would impact the math department.
Virgil Fredenberg moved to approve the CIOS proposal. The motion was seconded by Jill Dumesnil. No discussion ensued. The proposal was passed by unanimous consent..
6. Assembly member’s comments.
Virgil commented on how a major change could be defined based on how the proposal impacts other programs. Discussion ensued on how proposals should be presented in the future.
Virgil commented that convocation was positive and upbeat this year. Jill D. commented that the Chancellor’s wine party was much appreciated.
7. Provosts comments.
Robbie entertained discussion on how the “Faculty Showcase” should be conducted in the future. Robbie also discussed preparations for the upcoming Northwest commission visit.
8. Old business.
A. Action. On online student ratings (attachments: 9-1-06-02 Fac Handbk Rev.doc , 9-1-06-03 Fac View Student Ratings Sample.doc, 9-1-06-04 Student View Student Ratings Sample )
Yuliya expressed concern about some of the questions on the faculty evaluation form. Virgil moved to adopt the proposed evaluation form. Lynn Shepherd seconded the motion.
Discussion ensued on how the evaluation will work from the student’s perspective.
Chuck Craig called for the question. The motion passed by unanimous consent.
The next point of discussion revolved around the wording in the faculty handbook. Several members offered revisions on the typos in the proposal as well as clarification of some of the wording. The revised document is available for viewing at the senate website under President’s Site.
Yulya Ivanova moved to eliminate “program head” from the wording. Jane Terzis seconded the motion.
Lynn proposed an amendment (wording) to the original motion. Jane Terzis seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous consent.
Virgil called for the question on the original motion. The motion passed by unanimous consent.
Further discussion revolved around the start and end date of the evaluation. Jane Terzis proposed new language for the document related to this issue. Jane Dumesnil transcribed this new wording.
The default start dates were discussed. A change on this was proposed by Lynn Shepherd.
Yuliya moved to approve the document as amended. Virgil seconded the motion. No further discussion ensued. The motion passed by unanimous consent. The amended documents will be available at the Faculty Senate website under President’s Site.
- Senate Chair entertains proposals for the next meeting’s agenda.
Faculty Senate chair entertained proposals for agenda items for the next meeting.