Facilities Communication Team

Minutes from 9/5/13 meeting

Present: Tom Fennessey, Dusty Johnson, Frank Andrews, Gail Archambault, Alison Gerland, Gary Gulbrandson, Jordan Appicelli, Tom Janicki, Mike Kapalin, Wendy Little-recorder

Meeting called to order at 10:05 a.m.


Dusty Johnson

o Ross/Hawkes-No one (residents) appears to be too incredibly annoyed at unfinished status, a lot will be completed by today, still some grading to be done and lock issues with exterior doors. Ross upper floors and link progressing well, anticipating completion by mid to late October.

o Barstow ventilation project went out for bid this week-work should start in about a month with commissioning over winter break.

o Masonry on Old Main and Barstow should be repaired before winter.

o Holden south wall/foundation project has not moved forward.

o Greenhouse is fully functional, looking for funding for rock garden request for south side of building.

o Steam line/pits project going well.

o Walkway across from CMO to YU is in, contractor is aware that repair needed of area by `rock` garden.

o Wessman door/window project should be done by end of October.

o Project to repair Heating plant chimney will be done this fall.

o Renovation of blue NERR building will start next week.

Frank Andrews

o Lift training for staff will be 9/18 or 19th.

o Fire sytem drop curtains inspection, some issues being dealt with.

o Lots being painted, painter will be doing ten blue handicap spots in lot south of church.

o Lots of work and sprinkler issues with soccer field.

o Power plant position interviews this week and interviews for Facilities maintenance specialist will be the week of the 9/16.

Round Table Discussions:

· Gail

° Sidewalks looking good but want to call attention to a couple of washout areas. (DJ) FM is aware of them and they will be taken care of.

° Weeds! Lawn areas are full of them, how are we dealing with them? (TF) With our new green initiative we cannot use the chemical applications we have in past, we are exploring other means of managing turf.

° Beer and wine are now available at Jacket Java from 4:30 – 10:30 pm.


· Alison

° Jacketfest next Tuesday, forgot to put in work order, will do right after meeting. Will need 85 tables and about 100 chairs which will have to be in place before the 10:30 am set-up on Tuesday.

° Announcing another new large campus event; Jacket Racket will debut Nov 7-9, will be both inside and outside event and will require barricades for closing off areas.

° New student organization Green Thumb will be looking for staff, offices to care for plants over the winter. Foster plant program?

· Gary

° Not too much, patching will be done this fall, have been unable to locate a company to do the lot sweeping.

° Question about signage, will signs be put back up as projects are done for the year? (DJ) Yes, but they are not back up as yet.

° Residents are given plenty of notice to move vehicles when work (plowing, sweeping, painting, etc.) are to be done but many are failing to remove their vehicles. Solutions? Flyers under wipers? Have them towed as is stated in parking regulations.

· Tom J.

° IT dedicating lots of time to Ross/Hawkes project, cable is up and running, wireless is about 75% there. Network not up to Ross yet. Brian working there pretty much full time.

° Lots of new wireless on campus, several providers besides CAN installing equipment here, CCI, Avantis, Packerland; there will be a meeting to discuss the future of Wisconsin network..

° Mike Kapalin inquired about a computer/s for custodians in R/H, advised to ask Ryan K/Jay R about providing that.

· Jordan

° Admissions Overview - There will be three preview days this fall, Oct 4th and Oct 17th and 18th.

° A new thing this year, Admissions will be hosting a College Education Fair in the YU on Sept 16th..

° Only doing three admit days this year and two more (winter-spring) previews.

10:55 - Adjourn