Faber, Richard L. , Differential Geometry and Relativity Theory: an Introduction
Faber, Rodney B. , Introduction to Electronic Amplifiers
Faber, Rodney , Introduction to Electron Devices
Faber, T. E. , An Introduction to the Theory of Liquid Metals
Faber, T. E. , Fluid Dynamics For Physicists
Fadala, Sam , The Complete Blackpowder Handbook, 3rd ed.
Fadiman, Clifton (ed.) , Fantasia Mathematica
FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schafer KGaA , Rolling Bearings and Their Contribution to the Progress of Technology
Fagan, Brian , Time Detectives: How Archeologists Use Technology to Recapture the Past
Fagan, Brian M. , Archaeology, 6th ed.
Fagen, M. D. (ed.) , A History of Engineering and Science in the Bell System: the Early Years (1875-1925)
Fagg, Lawrence W. , Two Faces of Time
Fahy, Frank , Sound and Structural Vibration: Radiation, Transmission, and Response
Faidley, Warren , Storm Chasers: in Pursuit of Untamed Skies
Failor, Catherine , Transparent Soapmaking: a Complet Guide to Making Natural See-through Soap
Fain, V. M. , Quantum Electronics, Vol.1: Basic Theory
Fain,V.M. , Quantum Electronics, Vol.2: Maser Amplifiers and Oscillators
Fair, Gordon Maskew , Water and Wastewater Engineering, Vol. 1: Water Supply and Wastewater Removal
Fair, Gordon Maskew , Water and Wastewater Engineering, Vol. 2: Water Purification and Wastewater Treatment and Disposal
Fairbank, J. D. , Near Zero: New Frontiers of Physics
Fairbridge, Rhodes W. (ed.) , The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry and Environmental Sciences
Fairchild, Mark D. , Color Appearance Models
Faires, Virgil Moring , Thermodynamics, 3rd ed
Faires, Virgil Moring , Applied Thermodynamics
Fairhurst, Charles , Failure and Breakage of Rock
Faktor, Marc M. , Growth of Crystals From the Vapour
Fakultat fur Brauwesen Lebensmitteltechnologie Milchwissenschaft an der Technischend Universitat Munchen in Weihenstephan , 125 Jahre: Fakultat Fur Brauwesen Lebensmitteltechnologie Milchwissenschaft 1865-1990
Falconer, K. J. , The Geometry of Fractal Sets
Falconer, Kenneth , Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications
Falicov, L. M. , Group Theory and Its Physical Applications
Falk, David , Seeing the Light: Optics in Nature, Photography, Color, Vision, and Holography
Fall, Christopher P. , Computational Cell Biology
Falnes, Johannes , Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: Linear Interactions Including Wave-energy Extraction
Faltinesen, O. M. , Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures
Fan, H. Y. , Elements of Solid State Physics
Fan, Hung Y. , Viruses That Affect the Immune System
Fancey, N. E. , The Determination of Geophysical Parameters From Space
Fanchon, Eric , Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules: Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation For Condensed Matter Studies
Fang, J. H. , X-Ray Diffraction Tables
Fanning, Janis , Handcrafted Ceramic Tiles
Fano, Guido , Mathematical Methods of Quantum Mechanics
Fano, U. , Basic Physics of Atoms and Molecules
Fara, Patricia , An Entertainment For Angels: Electricity in the Enlightenment
Faraday Society , The Structure and Properties of Liquids
Faraday Society , Radiation Effects in Inorganic Solids
Faraday, Michael , The Chemical History of a Candle
Faraday, Michael , Experimental Researches in Electricity, Vol. I and II
Faraday, Michael , Experimental Researches in Electricity, Vol. III
Faraday, Michael , Experimental Researches in Chemistry and Physics
Farag, Mahmoud M. , Materials Selection For Engineering Design
Farago, Francis T. , Abrasive Methods Engineering, Vol. 1
Farago, Francis T. , Handbook of Dimensional Measurement, 2nd ed.
Farago, P. S. , Free Electron Physics
Farber, Paul Lawrence , Finding Order in Nature: the Naturalist Tradition From Linnaeus to E. O. Wilson
Fardo, Stephen W. , Electrical Power Systems Technology, 2nd ed.
Farin, Gerald , Curves and Surfaces For Computer Aided Geometric Design: a Practical Guide
Farkas, Miklos , Periodic Motions
Farrell, Judy , Bioenergy'94: Proceedings of the 6th National Bioenergy Conference
Farrett, Felix A. , Integration of Alternative Sources of Energy
Farrington, Benjamin , Francis Bacon: Pioneer of Planned Science
Fast, J. D. , Entropy, 2nd ed.
Fastovsky, David E. , The Evolution and Extinction of the Dinosaurs
Fathy, Hassan , Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture: Principles and Examples With Reference to Hot and Arid Climates
Fatikow, Sergej , Microsystem Technology and Microrobotics
Fatunla, Simeon Ola , Numerical Methods For Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations
Faud-Luke, Alastair , Eco Design: the Sourcebook
Faulkenberry, Luces M. , An Introduction to Operational Amplifiers
Faure, Gunter , Principles of Isotope Geology
Fauvel, John , Let Newton Be! A New Perspective on His Life and Works
Fava, R. A. (ed.) , Polymers, Part A: Molecular Structure and Dynamics
Fava, R. A. (ed.) , Polymers, Part B: Crystal Structure and Morphology
Favre, Alexandre , Chaos and Determinism: Turbulence As a Paradigm For Complex Systems Converging Toward Final States
Favus, Murray J. (ed.) , Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diesases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism, 2nd ed.
Fay, James A. , Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
Feather, Norman , An Introduction to the Physics of Mass, Length, and Time
Feather, Norman , An Introduction to the Physics of Vibrations and Waves
Feather, Norman , Electricity and Matter
Feder, Jens , Fractals
Feenberg, Eugene , Theory of Quantum Fluids
Feenberg, Eugene , Notes on the Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum
Feher, G. , Electron Paramagnetic Resonance With Applications to Selected Problems in Biology
Fehner, Terrence R. , Department of Energy 1977-1994: a Summary History
Feifer, Nathan , Let's Explore Chemistry: The Hows and Whys of Chemistry; 200 Safe Experiments
Feigelson, E. M. , Calculation of the Brightness of Light in the Case of Anisotropic Scattering (part 1)
Feinberg, Gerald , Solid Clues: Quantum Physics, Molecular Biology, and the Future of Science
Feinberg, Gerald , What is the World Made Of? Atoms, Eptons, Quarks, and Other Tantalizing Particles
Feininger, Andreas , Nature in Miniature
Feininger, Andreas , The Anatomy of Nature: How Function Shapes the Form and Design of Animate and Inanimate Structures Throughout the Universe
Feirer, John L. , Bench Woodwork: a Comprehensive Guide to Basic Woodworking Skills
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Feirer, John L. , Machine Tool Metalworking
Feirer, John L. , General Metals, 4th ed.
Feirer, John L. , Woodworking For Industry
Feirer, John L. , SI Metric Handbook
Feirer, John , Carpentry and Building Construction, revised
Feitelson, Dror G. , Optical Computing: a Survey For Computer Scientists
Feldman, Ari , Designing Arcade Computer Graphics
Feldman, David , Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise? and Other Imponderables
Feldman, David , When Did Wild Poodles Roam the Earth?
Feldman, David , How Do Astronauts Scratch an Itch?
Feldman, James M. , The Physics and Circuit Properties of Transistors
Feller, William , An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol.1, 3rd ed.
Feller,W. , An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol.2
Fellers, William O. , Materials Science, Testing, and Properties For Technicians
Felsen, Leopold B. , Radiation and Scattering of Waves
Feng, Zhe Chuan (ed.) , Semiconducator Interfaces, Microstructures, and Devices: Properties and Applications
Fenichell, Stephen , Plastic: the Making of a Synthetic Century
Fenn, John B. , Engines, Energy, and Entropy
Fennelly, Lawrence J. , Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention, 2nd ed.
Fenton, David E. , Biocoordination Chemistry
Fenyves, E. , The Physical Principles of Nuclear Radiation Measurements
Ferbel, Thomas (ed.) , Experimental Techniques in High-energy Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2nd ed.
Ferber, Peggy (ed.) , Mountaineering: the Freedom of the Hills, 3rd Ed.
Fereence, Michael, Jr. , Analytical Experimental Physics, 3rd ed.
Ferendeci, Altan M. , Physical Foundations of Solid State and Electron Devices
Ferguson, Eugene S. , Engineering and the Mind;s Eye
Ferguson, Ian F. , Auger Microprobe Analysis
Ferguson, John , Mathematics in Geology
Ferguson, Kitty , Prisons of Light: Black Holes
Ferguson, Kitty , Measuring the Universe: Our Historic Quest to Chart the Horizons of Space and Time
Ferguson, Phil M. , Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals: With Emphasis on Ultimate Strength
Ferguson, R. J. , K Solver For Windows Student Manual
Ferguson, R. Stuart , Practical Algorithms For 3D Computer Graphics
Fermi, Enrico , Thermodynamics
Fermi, Enrico , Nuclear Physics, revised ed.
Fermi, Enrico , Nuclear Physics, revised ed.
Fermi, Laura , Atoms in the Family: My Life With Enrico Fermi
Fermi, Laura , Galileo and the Scientific Revolution
Fernandez, Jack E. , Modern Chemical Science
Fernando, Antonio , Textbook of Nuclear Medicine: Basic Science
Fernow, Richard , Introduction to Experimental Particle Physics
Ferracane, Jack L. , Materials in Dentistry: Principles and Applications
Ferrari, Domenico , Measurement and Tuning of Computer Systems
Ferrari, Mario , Building Robots With Lego Mindstorms
Ferrari, Mauro , Nanobiotechnology of Biomimetic Membranes
Ferrari, R. L., ed. , Problems in Physical Electronics
Ferraro, V. C. A. , An Introduction to Magneto-Fluid Mechanics
Ferri, Antonio , Elements of Aerodynamics of Supersonic Flows
Ferris, Clifford D. , Linear Network Theory
Ferris, Clifford D. , Introduction to Bioelectrodes
Ferris, Timothy , The Whole Shebang: a State-of-the-universe(s) Report
Ferris, Timothy (ed.) , The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics
Ferris, Tomothy , The Universe and Eye: Making Sense of the New Science
Ferry, David K. (ed.) , Gallium Arsenide Technoloogy
Ferry, David K. , Physical Electronics
Ferry, Ted , Home Safety Desk Reference: How to Safeguard Your Home and Everything in It
Fertis, Demeter G. , Nonlinear Mechanics
Ferziger, Joel H. , Computational Methods For Fluid Dynamics
Ferziger, Joel H. , The Theory of Neutron Slowing Down in Nuclear Reactors
Fetter, Alexander L. , Quantum Theory of Many Particle Systems
Fetter, Alexander L. , Nonlinear Mechanics: a Supplement to Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua
Fetter, Alexander L. , Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua
Fetter, C. W. , Applied Hydrogeology, 2nd ed.
Fetzer, James H. , Computers and Cognition: Why Minds Are Not Machines
Feyeraband, Paul , Agaqinst Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge
Feynman, R. P. , The Theory of Fundamental Processes
Feynman, R. P. , Statistical Mechanics: a Set of Lectures
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Feynman, R. P. , Lectures on Physics: Exercises, Vol.3
Feynman, R. P. , The Character of Physical Law
Feynman, R. P. , Quantum Electrodynamics
Feynman, Richard P. , The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
Feynman, Richard P. , QED: the Strange Theory of Light and Matter
Feynman, Richard P. , QED: the Strange Theory of Light and Matter
Feynman, Richard P. , Feynman's Tips on Physics: a Problem-solving Supplement to the Feynman Lectures on Physics
Feynman, Richard P. , Feynman Lectures on Computation
Feynman, Richard P. , Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals
Feynman, Richard P. , Lectures on Physics, Vol. 2: Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter
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Feynman, Richard P. , Lectures on Physics, Vol.2: Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter
Feynman, Richard P. , Lectures on Physics, Vol. 3: Quantum Mechanics
Feynman, Richard P. , Lectures on Physics, Vol. 1
Feynman, Richard P. , Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained By Its Most Brilliant Teacher
Fialovsky, Lajos (ed.) , Surveying Instruments and Their Operational Principles
Fiedler, Jannine , Bauhaus
Field, Michael , Symmetry in Chaos: a Search For Pattern in Mathematics, Art and Nature
Field, Nancy , Discovering Volcanoes: a Nature Activity Book, revised ed.
Fiell, Charlotte , Industrial Design A-Z
Fiell, Charlotte , Design Handbook: Concepts, Materials, Styles
Fiero, Bill , Geology of the Great Basin
Figliola, Richard S. , Theory and Design For Mechanical Measurements
Fike, John L. , Understanding Telephone Electronics
Filonenko-Borodich, M. , Theory of Elasticity
Finch, James Kip , The Story of Engineering
Finch, Richard , Welder's Handbook
Fincham, W. H. A. , Optics, 6th ed.
Findlay, Alexander , The Phase Rule and Its Applications
Findley, WIlliam N. , Creep and Relaxation of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials: With an Introduction to Linear Viscoelasticity
Fine, Arthur , The Shaky Game: Einstein Realism and the Quantum Theory
Fine, Morris E. , Introduction to Phase Transformations in Condensed Systems
Finean, J. B. , Chemical Ultrastructure of Living Tissues
Finegold, Rupert , Silversmithing
Finescale Modeler Magazine , The Scale Modeling Buyer's Guide
Fingas, Mervin F. , The Basics of Oil Spill Cleanup: With Particular Reference to Southern Canada
Fink, Donald G. , Standard Handbook For Electrical Engineers, 13th ed.
Fink, Donald G. , Electronics Engineers' Handbook, 3rd ed.
Fink, Donald G. , The Physics of Television
Finkelnburg, Wolfgang , Atomic Physics
Finkelstein, Robert J. , Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics: A Short Introduction
Finlay, Mark , Real-World Fractals
Finlayson, Bruce A. , The Method of Weighted Residuals and Variational Principles
Finlayson-Pitts, Barbara J. , Atmospheric Chemistry: Fundamentals and Experimental Techniques
Finn, Robert , Equilibrium Capillary Surfaces
Finnie, Iain , Creep of Engineering Materials
Finnis, Bill , The Passage Maker's Manual
Finniston, Sir Monty , Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology
Firor, John , The Changing Atmosphere: a Global Challenge
Fischbach, Frances , A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
Fischbeck, H. J. , Formulas, Facts, and Constants: For Students and Professionals in Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics, 2nd Rev. Enlarged ed.
Fischer, Ernst peter , Thinking About Science: Max Delbruck and the Origings of Molecular Biology
Fischer, Hugo B. , Mixing in Inland and Coastal Waters
Fischer, J. Cree , Piano Tuning: Regulating and Repairing
Fischer, J. Cree , Piano Tuning: A Simple and Accurate Method For Amateurs
Fischer, K. H. , Spin Glasses
Fischer, L. , An Introduction to Gel Chromatography
Fischer, Robert B. , Science, Man & Society, 2nd ed.
Fischer, Robert E. , Optical System Design
Fischer, Roger A. , Successful Air Conditioning & Refrigerator Repair
Fischer-Williams, Mariella , A Textbook of Biological Feedback
Fischler, Martin A. (ed) , Readings in Computer Vision: Issues, Problems, Principles, and Paradigms
Fisher, Barry , Forensics Demystified: a Self-teaching Guide
Fisher, David A. , Rules of Thumb For Scientists and Engineers
Fisher, David E. , The Scariest Place on Earth: Eye to Eye With Hurricanes
Fisher, David E. , Tube: the Invention of Television
Fisher, David , What's What: a Visual Glossary of the Physical World, revised ed.
Fisher, Derek , Cell Separation: a Practical Approach
Fisher, Douglas Alan , Steel: From the Iron Age to the Space Age
Fisher, John W. , Guide to Design Criteria For Bolted and Riveted Joints
Fisher, Len , How to Dunk a Doughnut: the Science of Everyday Life
Fisher, Marvin J. , Power Eelectronics
Fisher, P. J. , The Science of Gems
Fisher, Richard V. , Volcanoes: Crucibles of Change
Fisher, Rick , The Food and Heat Producing Solar Greenhouse
Fisher, Robert A. (ed.) , Optical Phase Conjugation
Fishman, Alfred P. , Fishman's Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, Vol. 1, 3rd ed.
Fishman, Alfred P. , Fishman's Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, Vol. 2, 3rd ed.
Fishman, George S. , Monte Carlo: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications
Fisk, Marian Jacobs' Anderson, H. C. William , Introduction to Solar Technology
Fitch, A. A. , Seismic Reflection Interpretation
Fitch, James Marston , American Building 2: the Environmental Forces That Shape It
Fitch, Val L. , Critical Problems in Physics
Fitchen, Franklin C. , Transistor Circuit Analysis and Design