FINAL Poetry Analysis Assignment

Your final poetry analysis assignment is to:

· Using the library research databases find and read 2 poems by 1 poet (You must include a copy of each poem with your paper – bring money to print if you need to)

· Make sure you copy down the MLA citation for each poem

· Analyze one poem using the TPLIT strategy and one poem using the TP-CASTT(should be nice and neat)

· After you find your two poems, use the research databases to research the poet of your poem and write a biographical paragraph about your poet.

· After conducting thorough research over your poet and their poems, you will draft a thesis statement for your poet that will go on the biographical page above the biographical paragraph.

· Attach a Works Cited page in MLA format – this page should contain the citations of your poems and the citations from where you found your biographical information.

· You will attach your Personal Poetry Anthology of ten poems behind your poetry analysis.

· Works Cited Page and Biographical Page should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point font, one inch margins, etc.

· You will create a title page – the title page should contain an image of your poet, your name, class period, and poet’s name.

· You will turn in your final project in the following order: Title Page, Biographical Page with thesis statements, Poems with TPLIT and TP-CASTT strategies completed for each poem, a Works Cited Page, another title page to introduce your poetry anthology, and your 10 personal poems.

· You will have two days in class to work on this project. All other work will be outside of class. Absent students will not be given additional time to work in class.

You may choose any professional published poet. The poets are not limited to this list, but you must have prior approval from me.

Robert Burns Allen Tate

William Blake Robert Browning

William Wordsworth Ezra Pound

George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron Billy Collins

Thomas Hardy Rita Dove

Elizabeth Barrett Browning William Butler Yeats

Sylvia Plath Walt Whitman

Margaret Atwood Nikki Giovanni

T. S. Eliot Theodore Roethke

Edith Sitwell Emily Dickinson

D. H. Lawrence Langston Hughes

Robert Graves Edgar Lee Masters

W. H. Auden e.e. Cummings

Elizabeth Jennings Maya Angelou

Ted Hughes Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

William Butler Yeats Carl Sandburg

John Donne Ben Jonson

John Keats Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Perry Bysshe Shelley Alfred Lord Tennyson

Robert Browning Joseph Auslander

Louise Bogan Elizabeth Bishop

Conrad Aiken William Carlos Williams

Randall Jarrell John Milton

Charlotte Turner Smith Pablo Neruda

Frederico Garcia Lorea Robert Graves

Amy Lowell Edgar Allan Poe

Marianne Moore Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson)

Edna St. Vincent Millay Dorothy Parker
Jorge Luis Borges
Gertrude Stein

Octavio Paz
Sandra Cisneros

Research Database Instructions

Poetry Database Research

Select CHHS on drop down menu at the top

Select Library on left menu

Select Research Databases on left menu

Username: heritage

Password: panthers

When searching for poems, make sure you click on the PRIMARY SOURCES and LITERARY WORKS TAB. When searching for biographical information on your poet, make sure you click on the BIOGRAPHIES TAB.

** Gale Learning Database (The Best Database for this project)

Password: panthers

Enter your Poetry Topic in top search box

THEN select specific databases (scroll down to find) such as LitFinder, Literature Resource Center.

Facts on File Reference Database

Username: heritage

Password: panthers

Select Bloom’s Literary Reference

Enter Poetry Topic in search box

Britannica Online

Username: colley

Password: password

Select High School

Enter Poetry Topic

World Book Online

Username: heritage

Password: panthers

Select World Book Advanced

Enter Poetry Topic

Marshal Cavendish

Username: heritage

Password: panthers

Contains some biographies

Enter Poetry Topic