Tripartite Education Framework Agreement (TEFA)

Reporting Requirements for First Nations Schools

TEFA Clause / Requirement / Description of How Communities / Schools Can Fulfill the Requirement
5.1 Funding Arrangements between Canada and individual First Nations will require individual First Nations to:
5.1(c) make an aggregate outcome report on school performance available to parents of students attending a First Nation school
This clause is further clarified in Schedule DIAND-3, x.2.7, which states: the Council shall make an aggregate outcome report on school performance available annually to parents of students attending a First Nation School.
NB: the funding amendment sent to individual First Nations further defines parent as: the guardian of the person of the student;the person legally entitled to custody of the student; orthe person who usually has the care and control of the student. / Schools can meet this requirement by annually sharing with parents a report including the performance indicators that must be submitted each year to FNESC, as required in clause 5.1(d) and described below.
5.1(d) provide specified education program reports to FNESC
This clause is further clarified in Schedule DIAND-3, x.2.8, which states: The Council shall provide specified education program reports, including performance indicator data, annually to FNESC, for the following:
(a) percentage of students who meet or exceed standards for reading, writing and numeracy;
(b) student attendance;
(c) teacher/student ratio;
(d) teacher certification;
(e) teacher years of experience;
(f) student/computer ratio;
(g) level of connectivity; and
(h) administration of standard learning assessments, where applicable.
Further, DIAND-3, x.2.9 states: The Council acknowledges and agrees that information contained in the specified education program reports provided by the Council to FNESC will be subsequently provided by FNESC to Canada in aggregate form. / First Nations schools can provide this information to FNESC:
  • through participation in DRUMS; or
  • for those schools not yet involved in DRUMS, through completion of a template form that will be distributed by FNESC
FNESC will then share this information with AANDC in aggregate.
Definitions of the eight variables are outlined below.
5.1(e) prepare an annual report on student enrollment, also known as the nominal roll, and provide it to Canada in accordance with the terms of the Funding Arrangement
This clause is reiterated in Schedule DIAND-4, 1, which states: The Council shall provide to Canada the following:
(a)Nominal Roll Student Census Report; and
(b)Annual Education Staff Information Form. / FNESC is monitoring the development of the AANDC nominal roll (with the Staff Information Form now integrated into the nominal roll) to ensure that it includes the same data fields as the 2011/2012 nominal roll and staff information forms.
Further information about this issue will be shared as soon as possible.
The Band Council shall …
5.2.6 ensure that standardized assessments are administered to assess the performance indicators of DIAND 4 for the purpose of improving education outcomes for First Nation students
This clause is reiterated exactly in Schedule DIAND-3, x.2.5 / FNESC and the FNSA are supporting schools in the purchase and use of Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills (DIBELS), and Canadian Achievement Test 4 (CAT 4).
Schools may also choose to use alternate student assessment tools if appropriate.
FNESC and the FNSA will facilitate collective reporting on the results of these assessments, as described above.

Variables Included in the TEFA Schedule of Reporting Requirements

With Accompanying Definitions

NB: FNESC and the FNSA will distribute a template to assist schools in providing these variables, which will be shared with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) in aggregate.

2.a. Percentage of students who meet or exceed standards for reading, writing, and numeracy

For schools that use recommended student assessments:

Students meeting expectations for reading according to Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELs)

Percentage of students measured to be at the 4thstanine for reading, writing, and numeracy according to the Canadian Achievement Test 4 (CAT4)

Provincial exam results for grades 10, 11 and 12

For schools that use other student assessment tools:

Percentage of students meeting grade level expectations for reading, writing, and numeracy according to ______assessment tool – reported per grade level

2b. Student attendance

Average number of days students in attendance reported annually per grade level

2c. Teacher / student ratio

Number of classroom teachers enrolling students / total student FTE

2d. Teacher certification

Percentage of classroom teachers who have Teacher Regulation Branch certification

2e. Teacher years of experience

Percentage of classroom teachers with: 1 – 2 years experience; 3 – 5 years of experience; 4 – 9 years of experience; 10 – 15 years of experience; more than 15 years of experience

2f. Student / computer ratio

Total student FTE / number of computer units designated for student use (defined as 1 keyboard, 1 mouse, and 1 CPU)

2g. Level of connectivity

Percentage of schools with varying upload speeds measured in MBPS and levels of download speed measured in MBPS

2h. Administration of standard learning assessments, where applicable

Percentage of relevant schools using Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), DIBELS, CAT4, provincial exams, and other student learning assessments (eg. number of schools offering K4/K that are using ASQ; number of schools offering grades K-6 that are using DIBELS; number of schools offering grades 11 and 12 that use provincial exams; etc.)