MHS ~ TI Nspire Calculator Contract
1. I ________________________ have been issued calculator number _________ and I will only use this calculator during my math class.
2. I will pick up my ASSIGNED calculator before the tardy bell and replace my calculator on my way out of class.
3. If there is a problem with my calculator, I will advise the teacher immediately. If I do not report problems, I will be responsible for the problem and could be charged the replacement price of approximately $135.00.
4. I will only use the calculator for assisting with math problems. Misuse of the calculator will result in discipline actions and I could lose the privilege of using the school’s calculator.
Student Signature______________________ Date___________
Parent Signature_______________________ Date___________
Class ______________ Period _______Teacher______________
MHS ~ TI Nspire Calculator Contract
1. I ________________________ have been issued calculator number _________ and I will only use this calculator during my math class.
2. I will pick up my ASSIGNED calculator before the tardy bell and replace my calculator on my way out of class.
3. If there is a problem with my calculator, I will advise the teacher immediately. If I do not report problems, I will be responsible for the problem and could be charged the replacement price of approximately $135.00.
4. I will only use the calculator for assisting with math problems. Misuse of the calculator will result in discipline actions and I could lose the privilege of using the school’s calculator.
Student Signature______________________ Date___________
Parent Signature_______________________ Date___________
Class ______________ Period _______Teacher______________