FEMA’s Higher Education Program Bits and Pieces
National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD
20 April 2012
Hi Ed Website (submitted today to webmaster for posting next week):
v Higher Education Conference - http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/educonference12.asp
· Conference Draft Agenda
· Participant Profiles
o GORDON, PAULA, Ph.D., - Educator, Writer, Analyst and Consultant
v EM Hi Ed Reports – http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/activityRA2012.asp
· April 13
v College List – Proposed/Investigating - http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/edu/collegelist/proposedprogram/
· Portland State University – Certificate in Emergency Management and Homeland Security Leadership
All comments concerning website materials should be emailed to .
14th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference Update
v 15th Annual Emergency Management Higher Education Conference is scheduled June 4-7, 2012.
Conference theme: Preparing for the Future of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
We currently have 194 accepted conference applications.
v Workshops:
Conference attendees planning to attend any of the workshops on June 6, 2011, should email their choices to Barbara at . A few of the classrooms have limited capacity so those on the rosters will be seated first. Others will be seated on first come basis. List of workshops can be found on the Hi Ed website at http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/edu/educonference12.asp, draft agenda and workshop schedule. Let us know if you have any questions.
v Conference Moderators/Facilitators:
We are currently filling moderator slots on the agenda for conference breakout sessions. If you are interested in serving as a breakout session moderator please contact Shannon Cool at . Ideally the moderators would serve for the entire time slot rather than individual sessions but we can make some adjustments. Most time slots have from 1 – 3 topics. More information on being a conference moderator can be requested from Shannon via email.
College and University News:
v Hi Ed Statistical Update for April 1, 2012:
· Emergency Management Higher Education Programs – 257
o 68 - Certificate, Diploma, Focus-Area, Minor in EM Collegiate Programs
o 47 - Schools Offer Associate Degree Programs
o 45 - Schools Offer Bachelor Degree Programs
o 87 - Schools with Master-Level/Concentrations/Tracks/Specializations/Emphasis
o 10 - Schools Offer Doctoral-Level Programs
· 131 - U.S. Homeland Security/Defense and Terrorism Hi Ed Programs
· 16 - U.S. International Disaster Relief/Humanitarian Assistance Programs
· 31 - Public Health, Medical and Related Program
· 28 - Listing of Related Programs
v 2012 DHS/FEMA Grant Guidance for Colleges and Universities
All current grants information can be accessed at the following link: http://www.fema.gov/government/grant/index.shtm. Moreover, you may contact them directly with questions or comments using the contact information below:
DHS/FEMA Grants Directorate Customer Service:
Telephone: 1-800-368-6498
v Integrated Public Health and Medical Preparedness Summit
The Illinois Department of Public Health, in partnership with the Illinois Public Health Association, is hosting its annual statewide Integrated Public Health and Medical Preparedness Summit to be held June 19-21, 2012, at The Westin in Lombard, Illinois. This year’s theme is Partnering with a Shared Vision and will take a look at critical public health and medical service capabilities to support a collaborative approach to improving our preparedness and response efforts.
Target Audience
This summit targets nearly 1,000 multidisciplinary professionals that coordinate and collaborate to prepare and respond during emergencies of public health and medical significance, including personnel at the federal, state and local levels from the following: public health, hospital, emergency medical services, emergency management, healthcare organizations, community-based organizations, public health and hospital associations, academic institutions, public health learning centers, law enforcement, human services, mental/behavioral health, transportation, faith-based, private business sector, mutual aid organizations and others.
Registration fee: $90
Hotel group rate: $129/night + tax
Continuing Education: There is no additional fee this year to apply for Continuing Education Credits; it is covered by your registration fee. However, you must still stop by the CE table at the summit to obtain an application and sign-in each day.
The summit offers prime exposure to vendors through exhibit space and sponsorship opportunities.
The 4th Annual Director's Awards is your opportunity to recognize co-workers and individuals in your community for their contributions in the field of emergency preparedness and response. Award categories include: Local Leadership Award, Volunteer of the Year Award, Creative Drill/Exercise Award, and Director's Recognition Award. The deadline to submit nominations is May 14th.
Location Information:
The Westin Lombard Yorktown Center
70 Yorktown Center
Lombard IL
Contact Information:
Krissy Roseberry
v 2013 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM)
This White House award (through the Office of Science and Technology Policy) is an outstanding opportunity to recognize those who enhance the participation of individuals in STEM fields.
This link, http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2011/nsf11563/nsf11563.htm, provides all the details for the announcement and how to apply for the award.
This link, http://www.nsf.gov/news/index.jsp?pims_id=5473&org=NSF, provides wonderful news items and photographs related to the last several award ceremonies.
You will note that the recognition is now open to all individuals who are U. S. citizens or permanent residents and U. S. organizations and companies and has become inclusive of academia, corporate, government and non –profits. Also note that this new announcement is an Award for Past Achievements.
The application deadline is June 6, 2012.
Awards Program Point of Contact:
Richard A. Alό, Ph. D
Program Officer
LEAD PO, Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM)
Division of Undergraduate Education
Directorate for Education Human Resources
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia
1-703-292-4634 voice,
Emergency Management and Homeland Security News:
v Spring Weather. Check the FEMA website when preparing your home, car and work place for seasonal weather emergencies. Important information can be found at http://www.ready.gov/
v Received from: Greta E. Marlatt; email: /:
· New or Updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports:
o National Science Foundation: Major Research Equipment and Facility Construction. RS21267
o Energy Tax Policy: Issues in the 112th Congress. R41769
o Defining Homeland Security: Analysis And Congressional Considerations. R42462
o Government Procurement in Times of Fiscal Uncertainty, R42469
o An Analysis of STEM Education Funding at the NSF: Trends and Policy Discussion. R42470
o The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA): A Summary. RL32683
o Rare Earth Elements in National Defense: Background, Oversight Issues, and Options for Congress. R41744
· Brookings Institution
o What States Can, and Can’t, Teach the Federal Government about Budgets http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/2012/03_states_budgets_gordon/03_states_budgets_gordon.pdf
o Improving the Federal Budgeting Process http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/2012/0411_budget_process_galston/0411_budget_process_galston.pdf
· Center for American Progress
o Is Big Oil Rigging Gasoline Prices? http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2012/04/pdf/big_oil_prices.pdf
o Renewable Energy Standards Deliver Affordable, Clean Power http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2012/04/pdf/res_rates.pdf
· Center for a New American Security (CNAS)
o How to Support the Nonprofits that Serve Veterans, Service Members and Their Families http://cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CNAS_InvestingInTheBest_Berglass.pdf
o Well After Service: Veteran Reintegration and American Communities http://cnas.org/files/documents/publications/CNAS_WellAfterService_BerglassHarrell.pdf
· Department of Homeland Security Inspector General
o OIG-12-62 FEMA's Efforts to Recoup Improper Payments in Accordance With the Disaster Assistance Recoupment Fairness Act of 2011 http://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/2012/OIG_12-62_Mar12.pdf
v National Emergency Management Agency Learning Resource Center (NETC LRC) Update
Current Awareness: Weekly News Roundups – Nothing this week.
v Roles for the Private Sector and Non-Profits Before, During and After Disasters
Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 2 pm ET (1 pm CT/Noon MT/11 am PT)
According to the Insurance Information Institute “40% of businesses affected by a natural or man-made disaster never reopen.” Join us next week to hear subject matter experts discuss how your organization can do business with FEMA to become more engaged in emergency management and help the communities you serve be better prepared to respond to and recover from any disaster or emergency event. Hear as experts from the U.S. Small Business Administration and FEMA highlight resources available through the FEMA Private Sector Office, Ready Business and Citizen Corps to ensure organizations and communities have the capabilities to withstand the initial economic impacts of natural or man-made disasters and recover in ways that sustain or improve the community’s well-being.
This FREE webinar focuses primarily on how organizations can work to increase organizations preparedness and address business related issues in times of disaster. Listeners will learn how they can foster this engagement regarding community planning and build stronger relationships with emergency management.
To view the webpage for this webinar click here.
To listen in and view this FREE webinar, please register here.
If you’ve already registered for this webinar or you already have an account on the HSIN system, please log-in here.
v EMForum.org –
ISO Technical Committee 223 on Societal Security Update
The text transcript of the April 11th EMForum.org Program, "ISO Technical Committee 223 on Societal Security Update," with Dean Larson, Orlando Hernandez, and Brian Zawada, is now available. Please take a moment to rate this program for relevance and share your comments.
Note: Our instructions have changed since we have moved to a WebEx Webinar service. Mac users are now able to join us and we hope to see improvements in access to computer audio. Please take time to review the new instructions in advance.
Women Building Disaster Resilience
New Resources and Strategies
April 25, 2012 -- 12:00 Noon Eastern
EMForum.org is pleased to host a one hour presentation and interactive discussion Wednesday, April 25, 2012, beginning at 12:00 Noon Eastern time (please convert to your local time). Our topic will be highlights of the new book, Women Confronting Natural Disaster: From Vulnerability to Resilience, together with some practical implications and ideas for extending the analysis to men/gender. Additional resources, including The Women of Katrina: How Gender, Race, and Class Matter in an American Disaster and other policy and practice guides will also be presented.
Our guest will be researcher and author Elaine Enarson, Ph.D. Dr. Enarson describes herself as "an accidental disaster sociologist" whose personal experience in Hurricane Andrew sparked extensive work on gender, vulnerability and community resilience. In addition to her work on these two new books, she previously co-edited The Gendered Terrain of Disaster: Through Women's Eyes (1998), as well as Women, Gender and Disaster: Global Issues and Initiatives (2009). Dr. Enarson is a founding member of the global Gender and Disaster Network and initiator of the US-based Gender and Disaster Resilience Alliance.
Please make plans to join us, and see the Background Page for links to related resources and the new Instructions. If this will be your first time to participate, you may set up WebEx in advance . On the day of the program you may use the Webinar Login link or login from our home page not more than 30 minutes before the scheduled time. The password is attend.
As always, please feel free to extend this invitation to your colleagues.
EIIP and Jacksonville State University are now partnering to offer CEUs for attending EMForum.org Webinars. See http://www.emforum.org/CEUs.htm for details.
Is your organization interested in becoming an EIIP Partner? Click here to review our Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles and access the Memorandum of Partnership.
v American Journal of Disaster Medicine
What exactly is disaster medicine?
Even to practitioners, the discipline's definition can be fuzzy and somewhat confusing. If it appeared in dictionaries (which it doesn't yet), it would look like this:
dis.as.ter med.i.cine (di zas' tor med'i sin) n 1. the study and collaborative application of the professional skills of diverse medical and public health specialties to provide "crisis management" (altered standards of care) in mass casualty incidents 2. not the same as conventional medical care 3. requires a fundamental change in the approach to the care of patients in order to achieve the objective of providing the "greatest good for the greatest number of patients 4. requires knowledge of the fundamentals of disaster management, specific injury patterns commonly encountered in disasters and the ability to work as part of a multi-organizational response team
Independent and strictly peer-reviewed, guided by a internationally recognized editorial review board and accepted for inclusion in the National Library of Medicine's prestigious PUBMED database, American Journal of Disaster Medicine is designed for those of us who will find ourselves on the frontlines of a major disaster. It offers practical, real time guidance as we seek to combine emergency medical and trauma skills with crisis management and new forms of triage in the effort to save lives.
To subscribe to the American Journal of Disaster Medicine at http://shop.pnpco.com/category.sc?categoryId=3
About the Publisher
At Weston Medical Publishing, our mission is simple: to provide the highest quality professional journals and we take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the journals we publish.
v CEMR Network Broadcast: http://cemr-network.org/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
Please feel free to invite other EM professionals, researchers, professors, or others that you think would be interested in participating in the CEMR Network. If you have any suggestions or comments regarding the CEMR Network, please feel free to post on the CEMR Network profile wall or send us an email.
If you would like to broadcast an announcement to the CEMR Network, please let us know at .
v New York City Citizen Corps Council News:
The NYC Citizen Corps Council News is an excellent source for emergency preparedness information. This robust weekly newsletter for organizations includes information about:
6th Annual Disaster Volunteer Conference, Volunteers Creating Change – May 1, 2012
Additional information and to register, visit www.NYC.gov/citizencorps
· NYC Citizen Corps Council Initiatives
o Volunteer Development Program – Upcoming Workshops
§ May 1 – Volunteer Conference
§ Con Edison 101
o Follow the NYC Citizen Corps Council on Tumblr
o NYC Citizen Corps Council News
· Webinars
o Don’t You Wish You Could Effectively Communicate To Everyone In An Emergency – April 25, 2012
o When Disaster Strikes, People Turn to the Internet for Information – April 26, 2012
o Protect Your Business this Hurricane Season – May 8, 2012
· Conferences/Workshops/Exercises/Events
o 2nd Annual NYC All Hazards/Stakeholders Summit – May 8, 2012
o Volunteer Disaster Chaplain Training Course – May 17-18, 2012
o 7th Annual Elder Abuse Conference – May 23, 2012
o National Conference on Volunteering and Service – June 18-20, 2012
· Resources
o DHS Risk Rescorla National Award for Resilience – Nominations are due by May 15. Additional info at www.dhs.gov/files/programs/rick-rescorla-national-award-for-resilience.shtm.
o Huffington Post – Combating Tornado Fatigue: A Proposal for “Tornado Alerts” and “Tornado Emergencies”