FCCLA Fall Leadership Training

When: Tuesday Nov. 5 , 2013

Time: 8:00 am to 2:30 pm

Where: Ashland University

Who: All FCCLA members in Region 2

What: Attend workshops on topics dealing with FCCLA opportunities,Texting and Driving, Share Our Strengthen, College Planning/Tour.

You can also enter competition, watch competitions and also participate in Leadership Training.

You will meet other FCCLA members, lunch is provided, and you will ride a bus with the chapter to Ashland University

Cost for this event is $12.00

Please turn in attached permission slip and the $12.00 to Mrs. Baumberger if you are planning to attend no later than October 16th.

If you want to compete in Illustrated Talk STAR event, Creed Speaking contest (Freshman only) or Impromptu Speaking please check those on the permission slips.