Extra Credit Assignment for US History First Term:

You can watch two of the following movies. Write a one page paper double spaced summary of what the movie was about and how it applies to the units we covered in the first term.

Amazing Grace (2006) – Highly recommended

Roots (episodes 1, 2,3, 4, 5) – Highly recommended

The Crossing (2000) - Recommended

1776 (1972)

The Alamo (2004)

Geronimo: An American Legend (1993)

The Man Who Wouldn’t Be King (Documentary)

John Adams (HBO Mini-Series)

Colonial House (PBS Mini-Series)

Johnny Tremain (1957)

The Last of the Mohicans (1992) – Highly Recommended

The Mission

Ken Burns Baseball (Inning 1)

Amistad – Highly Recommended

Sally Hemings: An American Scandal (2000)

Revolution (1985)

Lewis and Clark – Great Journey West National Geographic (Netflix) - Recommended

Nightmare in Jamestown- National Geographic (Netflix)

George Washington American Revolutionary (Netflix)

Paul Revere - The Midnight Rider (Netflix)

The Quest for the Fountain of Youth (Netflix)

The Donner Party (PBS) (Netflix)