Explorers of North America Study Guide SS4H2a,b

Christopher Columbus / Henry Hudson / Jacques Cartier / John Cabot / Vasco Nunez de Balboa / Juan Ponce de Leon
Sponsor Country / Grew up in Italy, but funded by Spain / England / France / England / Spain / Spain
Obstacles / No maps
Fought with Native peoples for their riches, etc. / Crew mutinied in the cold climate / Sailors caught many diseases; Native Americans helped and made medicines for them. / No maps / Fought with Native Americans / Native Americans resisted his takeover in Florida
Purpose / Sail west to reach Asia, spices and gold / Discover the Northwest Passage to Asia / Find a water route to Asia, claim lands and riches for France / Wanted to reach Asia / Find new land for Spanish settlers to own. Find a quick overland route to the Pacific Ocean, riches, / Find gold and a legendary “fountain of youth”
Achievements / Made 3 voyages with several ships; settled in Central and S. America / Sailed up the Hudson River in present day New York / Sailed over 1000 miles along the St. Lawrence River in Canada / Landed on the eastern coast of Canada, where fish were plentiful. Other Europeans went there to set up fishing companies / Sailed to present day Panama in C. America. Crossed the mountains and jungles of Panama and became the first European to reach the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean / First European to reach Florida
Other Facts / Columbus had to ask the King and Queen of Spain several times over several years to fund his trip before they finally agreed / His crew kicked him off the boat, set him & others adrift and he was never heard from again / Named the area “Kanata”, the Iroquois word for village. He tried to created a settlement but it didn’t last the winter / One of his 3 sons, Sebastian, also went on the trip and later became an explorer / Once he settled in S. American, he married the daughter of the local Native American chief to help his relations. He was later beheaded. / Named Florida after the Spanish word for flower
Relationship with Native Americans / Fought with Native peoples for their riches, etc. / Native Americans helped and made medicines for them and their sicknesses. / Was very brutal with the Native Americans. Captured some to use as slaves / Fought with them to put down their rebellion against Spanish rule