Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday 4th June 2014held in

Nether Currie Primary School

Present – Jack Cairns, Mark Hutchison and Mairi Mitchell

Mark opened the meeting at 7pm after waiting for any late arrivals. He commented

on the low turnout.

1. Apologies –Ann Ireland, IanIreland and Jo Walton

2. Minutes of Meeting on 12th March 2014 accepted as correct – Proposed by Jack

Cairns and seconded by Mark Hutchison.

3. Matters arising from12th MarchMeeting.

a)Ian had contacted Craig regarding our request to have the path tarmacced and he had established that it would cost in the region of £11,000.00 for this to be completed. He stated that it was unlikely that any funds for this would be available in the near future.

b)In the absence of Jo we were unable to report on the cost of a replacement for the

circular climbing frame.

c)The pupils of Nether Currie Primary School had provided us with a large number

of posters for our Easter Egg Hunt and these were all displayed in the park.

4. Secretary and Membership Secretary Reports.

Secretary’s Report

A successful Easter Egg Hunt took place on Sunday 20th April 2014 with about 70

children taking part. The weather was sunny and warm.

Thanks to the children of Nether Currie Primary School who designed a large number of posters which were displayed on the park railings during the week.

Thanks also to all the helpers who made the Event a success.

Jack and I put up nets for the goal posts during the month. The total cost for the nets was under £60.00 – a bargain for the satisfaction that those using the pitch will get from them!

A report and pictures of the above events appear in the June issue of the C and B News.

The Willow Arch appeared to have died and we bought 4 Russian Vine climbing plants and these were planted during the month. Since they were planted the willow has burst into life and the arch is looking quite healthy now ( so is the vine which we will leave at present).

Jack and I cut the ivy off a number of trees on the West side of the park.

Membership Secretary’s Report

First of all a big thank you to all our collectors without whom we would be

struggling to collect all the Membership money.

We now have a total of 104 members and collected the total sum of £520.00

which has now been paid into the Bank.

5. Nature Trail and Family Events Report

The wooden sculptures were installed in the park on Tuesday 27th May 2014.

They consisted of an owl ,squirrel ,family of hedgehogs, baby hedgehogs and four

plaques depicting the life cycle of the butterfly.

Many favourable comments have been received since they wereinstalled.

The Committee expressed their concern at the condition of the owl sculpture as it

had a crack running from top to bottom. Jo has agreed to take this up with

Craig Dunlop.

Jo has been awarded a grant from the Forestry Commission which will enable her

to run five family events in the park. Provisional dates for these events are –

3rd August 2014 – Commonwood Games

14th September – Mini-beasts/Welcome to your Woods

12th October - Bump in the Night (early evening session)

2nd November - Bushcraft Day (10-4pm)

7th December - Festive Natural Crafts


a)Mairi informed the meeting that she had been nominated for the Roley Walton

Eco Award from Currie High School. This is an award that is given to the person

who has contributed most towards the environment over the past year.It is

named after a former Currie High School teacher who was very involved with the


STOP PRESS - Mairi has in fact just been granted this award. – Many

congratulations from the Friends of Muir Wood Park

b)Mark said that we should contact the Council again and advise them that we are

still holding the money that was awarded towards the artificial surface for the

football pitch.

c)Jack suggested that we should use some of our funds and purchase a spare set of

nets for the goal posts.

d)Dates for our Meetings for the next year are :

3rd December 2014, 4th March 2015 and 3rd June 2015

Date of next Meeting - Wednesday 3rd September 2014

in Nether Currie Primary School