Using the provided youtube videos as a reference, complete the Expert Word Practice Test.

Main Source:

Creating Macros:

Using Macros:

1.  Create a link between these two text boxes

2.  Break the link between these two text boxes

3.  Combine the two documents (Lab 2 document 2 Sales- Digital Camera & Lab 2 document 3 Sales Report(Changed)- Digital Camera) located on the Shared drive and save new document.

4.  Add new website source:

Author = Thacker, Brian URL =

5.  Add Text Box (ActiveX Controls) next to the below fields

Name: Date:

6.  Apply the “Expert Word 2” (on the shared drive) from a document that automatically updates the styles

7.  Add a Tag that says COLORS to the below Combo Box & Lock Content Control so it can’t be deleted

Choose an item.

8.  Add the Document Property Title to footer

9.  Add Help Key text to Check Box “Check this box for other options.”

10. Change compatibility options to be created in 2000 version.

11. Save the below graphic as a building block in the Headers gallery and name it Birthday.

12. Add Alt Text of “table” to the below table & change the “Preferred Width” to 1.5”.

Name / Age / Education Level / Subject
Brian Thacker / 40 / Masters / Business

13. Create a macro that inserts the below image:

  1. Place the macro on the Quick Access Toolbar and as a grouping in a new tab called Macro.