SCRPA Board Meeting, 10:00 am

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

SCRPA Office- 563 South Lake Drive, LexingtonSC


In Attendance:

Joe Ross, Don Shuman, Mark Sexton, Jan Cox,Eric Stewart, Jessica Campbell, David Linder, Justin Mills, John Luton, Matt Gibbons, Will Rishovd, Tom O’Rourke, Paul McCulloch, Julie Edmond, Jim Headley, Chanell Moore.

  1. Welcome:

Joe Ross, President called the meeting to order and welcomed the board members. Each member introduced his/her self to the group and shared some good news about themselves or their agencies.

  1. Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the December 1&2, 2011 Board Retreat at JamesIslandCountyPark were approved as written by motion of Justin Mills and second by Jan Cox.

  1. Branch Updates:
  2. Parks Branch- Justin Mullis reported the Parks branch is sending thank you emails to last year’s members. He is currently planning a yearly calendar with meeting dates. He needs a name from Joe Ross in order to appoint a member from that area.
  3. SCAP Branch – Paul McCulloch reported the rule book is updated and is available as an electronic file. The branch has 17 members and has a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. A meeting is scheduled for February 22nd in Lexington. At that time they will finalize all basketball tournaments. Paul reported that 50 were in attendance at the Sports Management Institute that was held in December. There is representation from all 4 districts on the SCAP Branch.
  4. RAP Branch- Julie Edmond reported they would like to schedule their meeting for January 25th, and would like to hold workshops in March and December. The branch has plans to be more visual at conference and offer new things. A lot of members are involved and they are still setting up a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. The branch is proposing a workshop at Saluda Shoals that focuses on the aspects of programming, with hopes to become a Southeastern Conference that meets every 2 years in Greenville, in attempt to re-create former Rock Eagle Edith Upchurch. Jan Cox has old programs that she will pass along to Julie for reference. Jim Headley has made contact with former Rock Eagle board members (David Bennett and Anne Cunningham from SC, and Kay McCreary from Alabama) for assistance in planning.
  5. ELM Branch- Tom O’Rourke reported the budget is complete. The branch will bring together all top management from special purpose districts, municipal, and county governments for an overnight joint meeting. The proposed date is Thursday & Friday, October 25 – 26 to be held in Charleston and will be called the “Executive Level Management Branch Forum”. Tom proposed to offer another workshop that provides professional development for front line people in the field. He would like to see a survey to get ideas on topics. Proposed date is Administrative Professionals Day, Wednesday, April 25th. Location would be Columbia.
  6. EMB–Jim reported that Shaniqua Simmons from the City of North Charleston is serving on the EMB and they are meeting January 19th in Sumter. She will become the official chair at that time if no one else decodes to run.
  7. Student Branch- no report.
  8. Wellness Branch - no report.
  9. Joe Ross reviewed a layout for organizing the branch members, which consisted of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, a district rep from each district, and an at large rep. He stated that the format does not have to be used or strictly followed, but to just get people and try to equally distribute it and to have a succession plan. The minimum number of members is 8 according to the association’s constitution and bi-laws. Tom questioned the layout of the ELM Branch and how to determine who is a member. Jim stated it is based on the hierarchy of each agency and should focus on Directors, Assistant Directors, and Superintendents as determined by the agency. The branch does not have to following the layout for organizing its members.
  1. District Updates:
  2. Western- John Luton has calls out for appointments. Would like to hold first meeting in late March. No date confirmed.
  3. Central- David Linder reported they would like to meet in February, with plans to join with the Western district to provide an educational opportunity for CEU Credits.
  4. Eastern- Matt Gibbons reported they will meet February 15th in Georgetown (per date approval). His goal is to increase attendance and activity and would like to survey members and small departments to get them involved and see what they are looking for. Matt is still trying to find a successor to replace him after this year.
  5. Southern- Will Rishovd reported they would like to meet in late January or early February. He is focusing on memberships and would also like to offer CEU sessions at a couple of meetings. He plans to appoint a successor in the spring.
  6. Joe Ross addressed Matt and Will about making sure they have someone to follow underneath them this year and to show them the ropes so that they will become the district reps for next year and have knowledge on what to do.
  1. Committee Updates:
  2. Conference and Program Committee – Jim Headley reported that the committee had met and is a good group that is off and running with a theme and logo already developed. Conference will include downtown socials on Sunday and Tuesday nights, and that the banquet will be held during Tuesday lunch due to the positive response from last year. The housing block and skeleton schedule will be released next week. Rooms will be available beginning Friday and will allow for additional activity opportunities on Friday or Saturday prior to the conference, such as football or rafting. Mark asked about the recommended attire for the banquet and Jim responded it was business casual. There was a special request submitted to Jim for afterschool programming, therefore plans are to have the After School National Association do a block of training. The education proposal sessions due date is February 24 and acceptance will be sent March 16. Julie reported that there would be 2 off site institutes during conference to 2 separate days. One to Pleasant Ridge and the other to TigerRiver. Jim noted that the conference committee is still in need of finding a keynote speaker and they are taking recommendations. They would like someone that speaks on a broad topic and is motivational.
  3. Professional Development – no change since report at retreat. Jim stated that Jay Downs is working on defining the education delivery system by marketing the educational opportunities the association offers whichcan be presented to the members as a PowerPoint presentation at the district meetings. Tom proposed the association do an in-house business model to meet its member’s educational needs and lower cost, as we move towards the future.
  4. Marketing- Eric reported he hadspoken to Chris Pounder and there are no updates. Jim stated information is the same since the retreat. The magazine article submission requests were sent in December and again today. The magazine will be published 4 times per year (instead of 2) and will spot light different agencies. It is not costing any more to increase the publication. There will be a directory insert published as a buyer’s guide/member directory. A lot expressed interest in wanting it back. Mark stated that the magazine is a sub-committee of the Marketing group. Jim noted that a new member satisfaction survey will be due January 1, 2013.
  5. Ways and Means- Don reported the date of October 3 for the golf tournament. Goal is to increase revenue. Will be meeting with district VP’s to get the word out. Jim stated that the district VP’s will contact agencies to get sponsor money from their suppliers. Don said to look at construction companies, builders, and vendors that you work with. Want to meet or exceed 90 hole sponsors.
  6. Don reported that “Play Safe Carolina” will be showcasing at TRENDS. It is offered by MUSCO NC/SC and is facility driven. The purpose is to educate people with safety and park maintenance and offer hands-on and webinar training. Jim noted that MUSCO is no longer at conference to provide give aways but instead is focusing on training and education and safety. They plan to have a model and market across the country. Kickoff of “Play Safe Carolina” will be at the NC Directors workshop (3 days before TRENDS).
  1. President’s Report:
  2. 2012 SCRPA Goals Update
  3. Education and training aspect–
  4. Assisting branches/committees with training; RAP Programming Forum.
  5. Legislative –
  6. Jim reported that Legislative starts next Wednesday and 2 or 3 things will come up budget wise: DHEC, Spray pads; Pool & Lifeguards (Aquatics Manual) - will be fighting to get it passed in June. Summer Camp & Afterschool Programming and Athletics Camps: Attention to regulations needed. Hot topic in legislation.
  7. Mark inquired about the “requirements to report”. Jim stated that public parks and recreation is not deemed a mandatory reporter but is questionable with camps that can be looked at as day care providers. Mark stated we would want to support it. Jim agreed and stated we will get pro-active to come on board as it is right morally and provides further protection. We would need trainings and further education. Don asked if regulations already exist and Jim replied yes. Mark feels the agency should not sit on it and Tim feels it should be sold that we asked for this and are using forward thinking actions. David requested to share any internal policies that your agencies may have in place. Jim gave references on where to go for policy guidelines and training, such as the SC Children’s LawCenter, and the Director of Mount Pleasant. Chanell asked it to be a possible topic at conference, and Jan and Jim both stated that they have had meetings and the districts can offer awareness at their meetings.
  8. Expand/New Building for SCRPA Office-
  9. Joe reported that property was being looked at in Columbia for purchase of SCRPA office to become a home for the association. Jim is working with Steve Gantt, City of Columbia City Manager, Elizabeth Taylor and Jack Terrell from Irmo Chapin knows a Real Estate Attorney. Randy and Jim are meeting next week with a building/property owner. Tom stated now’s the time to look. Mark asked about the planning processes and if Jim is finding both a place and partners at the same time. Jim says they go hand in hand. All is ongoing, active, and moving forward.
  10. Restructure Awards & Citations-
  11. Joe reported that the Awards and Citations Committee has 12 members and Beth is the Chair. Jim stated they are very close to decision making and will be eliminating the agency of the year awards. Instead they will focus on programs and facility awards.
  12. Student Wellness Branch – get it up and running
  1. Executive Director’s Report:
  2. Budget Update: Jim gave the 2011 projected budget as of 12/30/11 to be $20,474.07 of which $14,500 will be transferred to investments. With over $5,000 remaining he stated that was a good year compared to others that are in the red.
  3. Jan noted that little recognition is given to the senior beach retreat that brings in a lot of revenue. Joe and Mark agree they need to be recognized.
  4. Tom stated that many agencies include memberships in their budget line items and would like to see a tier to show how many seminars, etc. are included with membership. Jim stated something is in place but it is not detailed and recommends the marketing committee take a look at it. Tom stated it may be a discussion topic at the ELMB forum. Joe agreed it would be easier for county and municipalities if it is in line budget.
  5. Executive Office Budget: 2011 spent $160,290.33 of proposed $172,475. 2012 proposal is $169,000.
  6. Jim notes there is cost savings with contractual services (copier contract). Jim is asking for each branch to contribute back to the association. He is projecting a lower # for conference since its single versus joint.
  7. Mark questioned the revenue and expense from SC LEAD. Jim stated since it’s every 2 years it equals out. Don questioned the line item for Playground Safety. Jim stated the NRPA bill came in January, and it equals out based on the number of people that register.
  8. Jim noted that there are 5 line items that are rollover accounts: each district (4) and the scholarship funds.
  9. Jim feels we should cut the number put in investments for this year, however if the revenue is greater than expected then it will go. Proposed to wait on timing of investment since the budget is lean. Eric, Don, and Jim make up the investment committee and there is strict policy. They will work with Francis Simon, investor, to implement. They will meet with auditor in June.
  10. Joe stated there are reports to help educate in advance on investments and Jim agrees it is important to know and understand.
  11. After Jim presented the 2013 association budget, revenue and expenditures total $310,875. Upon a motion by Mark Sexton and second by Don Shuman, the budget was adopted unanimously.
  12. Legislative State/National Update - (refer to Goals Update, above)
  13. Web Site – Any issues for Districts/Branches… how to list an event – (not discussed)
  1. Old Business:
  2. Mark inquired about SCPRT Representation and if there was a replacement for Marshall. Jim hoped to explore this at TRENDS but not possible as Dwayne will not be attending as planned. Tom suggested a change is bi-laws as it currently states to mandate a seat on the board. He feels Dwayne is a good person if needed, but questioned if there is a need. He also suggested Phil. Jim does not want to force on anyone and feels Phil has a lot on his plate. Jim will be able to keep them involved and updated without requesting that they sit on the board. Mark sees a logical tie in on why we need SCPRT representation and feels we have good relationships that we don’t want to lose. Will asked if the position has to be approved and Jim stated no. Mark agrees to let it be vacant right now and Jim suggested we relook at it later and to not let it go in the long run.
  3. Jim mentioned Certifications through NRPA and that you can search CEU records online. Board members receive professional service credits and can gain .5 CEU’s. Those lacking CEU’s can get credit by serving.
  1. New Business:
  2. SCRPA Budget – (refer to Executive Directors Report, above)
  1. Adjournment:Joe adjourned the meeting.

The next meeting is April 18, 2012, 10:00 AM for Executive Board and at 11:00 AM for Full Board; SCRPA Office- 563 South Lake Drive, Lexington SC.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jessica Campbell, Secretary