Experiential Exercise – “Foundations of Government” Glue onto Page: ______
Section 1
List four reasons why people need government.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________.
Section 2
List ways in which government comes in contact with you in each of the following areas of your life.
1. Home: ____________________________________________________________________________.
2. School: ____________________________________________________________________________.
3. Shopping: __________________________________________________________________________.
4. Travel: ____________________________________________________________________________.
Section 3
The Constitution was created to keep the federal government strong. As a result, your life is greatly affected by the government’s policies and actions. Within the Constitution are embedded the following 7 principles that form its foundation, all of which provide the basis for the central government’s power. Write the letter of the principle that best matches the statement.
a. checks and balances
b. federalism
c. individual rights
d. popular sovereignty
e. republicanism
f. separation of powers
g. limited government
______ 1. In this form of government, citizens elect representatives to make laws.
______ 2. This system gives each branch of government some ability to limit the actions of the other two branches.
______ 3. This idea keeps the government from becoming abusing power.
______ 4. This idea supports government by the people.
______ 5. This idea was the basis for dividing the government into three branches.
______ 6. This system assigns some powers to the national government and other powers to the state governments.
______ 7. These are protected by the Bill of Rights.