Minutes of the School of Engineering Faculty Meeting

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wilbur Cross North Reading Room

Present: See attached attendance sheet.

The meeting was called to order at 11:08a.m., by Interim Dean Kazem Kazerounian. The minutes for the March 14, 2013 meeting were approved.

Dean’s Report – Dean Kazem Kazerounian.

Dean Kazerounian introduced the 2013 PTR promotions as follows:

Promotions to Full Professor

Ramamurthy Ramprasad Materials Science & Engineering

Guiling Wang Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jun-Hong Cui Computer Science & Engineering

Shengli Zhou Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jiong Tang Mechanical Engineering

Promotions to Associate Professor with Tenure

William Mustain Chemical, & Biomolecular Engineering

Maria Chrysochoou Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nicholas Lownes Civil & Environmental Engineering

Yufeng Wu Computer Science & Engineering

Ali Gokirmak Electrical & Computer Engineering

Helena Silva Electrical & Computer Engineering

Promotions to Associate Professor-in-Residence

Krystyna Gielo-Percza Biomedical Engineering

Promotion to Associate Research Professor

Eric Jackson Civil and Environmental Engineering

The Dean provided an update of the status of the “Faculty Cluster Hire”

- 11 faculty for Advanced Manufacturing and Materials

- 2 faculty for Sustainability: Energy and Environment

- 4 faculty for Security and Infrastucture

- 5 faculty for Biomedical Engineering and Genomics

With these hirings in place, the SOE faculty is expected to grow in size to 150 – 160

Upcoming Events – Dean Kazem Kazerounian.

April 29, 2013 - Announcement of “Connecticut Transport Safety Research Center (CTSRC)

May 3, 2013 – Senior Design Day,

May 3, 2013 - Academy of Distinguished Engineers Panel

May 4, 2013 – Ct Invention Convention

May 10, 2013 – Reception for Betty Shananan, President of SWE and

2013 Commencement Speaker

May 11, 2013 – Undergraduate (11 a.m.) and Graduate (1 p.m.) Commencements

Faculty & Staff Recognition - Senior Associate Dean Michael Accorsi

Associate Dean Accorsi introduced the 2012/2013 recipients of the following recognition awards:

Outstanding faculty Advisor Award:

Pamir Alpay Professor, MSE

Reda Ammar Professor, CSE

Wei Sun Associate Professor, ME

Shengli Zhou Professor, ECE

ECE Outstanding Faculty Mentoring Awards:

Jun-Hong Cui Associate Professor, CSE

Ranjan Srivastava Associate Professor, CBE

Employee Recognition for 10, 15, 20, and 25 years of employment:

Ross Bagtzoglou, Department Head & Professor, CEE (10yrs)

Tom Barber, Professor-in-Residence, ME (10yrs)

John Chandy, Associate Professor & Associate Head, ECE t (10yrs)

R. Brent Garber, Technical Assistant I, ECE Department (10yrs)

Swapna Gokhale, Associate Professor, CSE Department (10yrs)

Sharon McDermott, Program Coordinator, Undergraduate Education & Diversity (10yrs)

Kevin McLaughlin, Program Director, Undergraduate Education & Diversity (10yrs)

Laurent Michel, Associate Professor, CSE Department (10yrs)

Peter Menard, Design Technician III, C2E2 (10yrs)

Deb Mielczarek, Business Manager I, CSE (10yrs)

Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, UTC Professor & Director, BECAT (10yrs)

Michael Renfro, Associate Department Head & Associate Professor, ME (10yrs)

Ranjan Srivastava, Associate Professor, CMBE & Director, Biomolecular Engineering (10yrs)

Jiong Tang, Associate Professor, ME Department (10yrs)

Jacki Veronese, Administrative Coordinator, ME Department (10yrs)

Mei Wei, Professor, CMBE & Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Education (10yrs)

Kevin Murphy, Associate Professor, ME Department (15yrs)

Alexander Shvartsman, Professor, CSE Department (15yrs)

Bob Weiner, Computer Technical Support Consultant IV, ETS (15yrs)

Joy Erickson, Academic Assistant, ODE; LSAMP Coordinator (20yrs)

Susan Soucy, Administrative Coordinator, CMBE Department (20yrs)

Bi Zhang, Professor, ME Department (20yrs)

Steve Demurjian, Professor, CSE (25yrs)

Baki Cetegen, UTC Chair Professor & Department Head, ME Department (25yrs)

Norman Garrick, Associate Professor, CEE Department (25yrs)

Robert McCartney, Associate Professor, CSE Department (25yrs)

Stephanie Merrall , Program Coordinator, CTI (25yrs)

Marty Wood, Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Education & Diversity (25yrs)

Undergraduate Affairs – Associate Dean Dan Burkey

Associate Dean Burkey presented the recommendations of Courses and Curriculum Committee (Appendix A).

Associate Dean Burkey made the following motion to award degrees:

That the faculty recommend to the Board of Trustees that they grant the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering to the following students who have majored in Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Environmental Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering or Mechanical Engineering and that they grant the degree of Bachelor of Science to the following students who have majored in Computer Science or Management & Engineering for Manufacturing, effective May 11, 2013 and August 2013, providing that a committee consisting of the Associate Dean, Director of Advising and Degree Auditor be authorized to withhold any degree for which the requirements have not been met on Commencement Day or to add the name of any person to the list who has met the requirement for a degree on Commencement Day. (Appendix B for list of students)

The motion passed without objection

Associate Dean Burkey presented updates on admission trends for the period 2010-2013 and indicated an increase of over 20% for 2013 freshman admission over the previous year.

Open Forum – Donna Thibault

Topics presented and discussed at the Open Forum include:

a)  Online advising ( lead, Brian Schwarz)

b)  Science of Acupuncture (lead, Bi Zhang)

c)  Permanent TA lines

Special Presentation : Faculty Research – Peter Luh, ECE

Prof. Peter Luh gave a presentation on the research work being conducted by his group on “Smart Building and Smart Grid”.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:19p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Eric Donkor

Secretary to the Faculty


Recommendations of SoE Courses & Curriculum Committee

SOE C&C Committee Meeting – April 17, 2013

A.  Introductions

B.  Old Business

a.  ECE - new course in Nanophotonics

b.  ECE – removed Non- ECE Professional Requirements

c.  ECE – removed cross-listing with BME 3101

C.  New Business

a.  CBE – New Capstone Design sequence

b.  CSE – new course - Introduction to Modern Cryptography

c.  ECE – change pre-requisites to ECE 4242 and Senior Design to align with new junior year curriculum

ECE – Require to be in School of Engineering to take any ECE 3000 or above classes

d.  MSE – Updated Nanomaterials minor

MSE – Updated Biomaterials, nanomaterials, and metallurgy concentrations

B. Old Business:

ECE Curricula and Courses Committee

The following changes were approved by the ECE Curricula and Courses Committee on March 22, 2012 and ECE Faculty on April 5, 2012

1.  New nanophotonics courses

4223 Nanophotonics

Three credits. One 3-hour lecture. Prerequisite: ECE3223.

Principles and applications of nanophotonics with focus on optical metamaterials, plasmonics, and photonic bandgap crystals. Topics covered include electric plasma, magnetic plasma, optical magnetism, negative index metamaterials, localized and non-localized surface plasmon polaritons, photonic bandgap structures, superlens, optical cloaking.

5223 Nanophotonics

Three credits. One 3-hour lecture. Recommended preparation: ECE3223.

This course and ECE4223 may not both be taken for credit.

Fundamental principles and applications of nanophotonics with focus on optical metamaterials, plasmonics, and photonic bandgap crystals. Topics covered include electric plasma, magnetic plasma, optical magnetism, negative index metamaterials, localized and non-localized surface plasmon polaritons, photonic bandgap structures, superlens, optical cloaking, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, transformation optics, plasmonic sensors, plasmonic waveguides.

2.  Remove the non-ECE PR requirement. Thus, students will be required to take 4 PRs, of which at least two must be ECE courses.

3.  Change to ECE6122

ECE6122 (3 credits) Digital signal Processing

This course and ECE4131 may not both be taken for credit.

Discrete-time signals and systems. the z-transform. The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Convolution and sectioned convolution of sequences. IIR and FIR digital filter design and realization. Computation of the DFT: the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), algorithms. Decimation and interpolation. Parametric and nonparametric spectral estimation. Adaptive filtering. finite word length effects. Components: Lecture

4.  Remove the cross-listing of ECE3301 with BME3101 (Intro to Biomedical Engineering) and eventually remove ECE3301 completely from the catalog.

To: The C & C Committee, ECE Department

From: Eric Donkor

Re: Request for Catalog number for a new undergraduate course.


Current Course Number: ECE 4095

Course Title: Nanophotonics

Instructor: Eric Donkor,

Previous semester offering: Spring 2012

Required Text:

1)  Optical Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications

Wenshan Cai, Vladimir Shalaev, Springer

2)  Plasmonics: Fundamentals and Applications

Stefan A. Maier, Springer


1)  Instructor lecture notes

2)  Reference text: Photonic Crystals

John D. Jaonnopoulis, Robert D. Meade, Joshua N. Winn, Princeton Univ. Press


The new nanophotonics course (currently assigned course number ECE 4095) is designed for senior level undergraduates the purpose of which is to expose students to the field of nanophotonics. The course may be positioned in the ECE undergraduate course sequence as a follow-up to ECE 3223 -Optical Engineering - and may serve as an Elective and/or “Professional Requirement” for a student “Plan of Study”. Its initial offering is for the current Spring 2012 semester, and has eight undergraduate students enrolled.

Catalog Description and Course Syllabus.

Catalog course number: To be assigned

Catalog course title: Nanophotonics

Semester Offering: Spring semester

Number of Credits: 3

Contact hours: One 3-hrs lecture per week

Prerequisite: ECE 3223, or consent of instructor

Catalog Description: Principles and applications of nanophotonics with focus on optical metamaterials, plasmonics, and photonic bandgap crystals. Topics covered include electric plasma, magnetic plasma, optical magnetism, negative index matematerials, localized and non-localized surface plasmon polaritons, photonic bandgap structures, superlens, optical cloaking.


·  Optical properties of metal-dielectric mixtures

·  Electric metamaterials

·  Magnetic metamaterials

·  Negative index metamaterials

·  Surface plasmon at metal-dielectric interface

·  Excitation of surface plasmons polaritons at planar interfaces

·  Localized surface plasmons

·  1D, 2D and 3D photonic crystals

·  Super resolution with meta-lenses

·  Surface plasmon sensors

·  Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

To: The C & C Committee, ECE Department

From: Eric Donkor

Re: Request for catalog number for a new graduate course.


Current Course Number: ECE 6095

Course Title: Nanophotonics

Instructor: Eric Donkor,

Previous semester offering: Spring 2012

Required Text:

3)  Optical Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications

Wenshan Cai, Vladimir Shalaev, Springer

4)  Plasmonics: Fundamentals and Applications

Stefan A. Maier, Springer

5)  Photonic Crystals

John D. Jaonnopoulis, Robert D. Meade, Joshua N. Winn, Princeton Univ. Press

Catalog Description and Course Syllabus.

Catalog course number: To be assigned

Catalog course title: Nanophotonics

Semester Offering: Spring semester

Number of Credits: 3

Contact hours: One 3-hrs lecture per week

Prerequisite: ECE 3223, or consent of instructor

Course Description

Fundamental principles and applications of nanophotonics with focus on optical metamaterials, plasmonics, and photonic bandgap crystals. Topics covered include electric plasma, magnetic plasma, optical magnetism, negative index matematerials, localized and non-localized surface plasmon polaritons, photonic bandgap structures, superlens, optical cloaking, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, transformation optics, plasmonic sensors, plasmonic waveguides.


·  Optical properties of metal-dielectric mixtures

·  Electric metamaterials

·  Magnetic metamaterials

·  Negative index metamaterials

·  Surface plasmon at metal-dielectric interface

·  Excitation of surface plasmons polaritons at planar interfaces

·  Localized surface plasmons

·  1D, 2D and 3D photonic crystals

·  Super resolution with meta-lenses

·  Transformation optics and optical cloaking

·  Surface plasmon sensors

·  Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

New Business:

a.  CBE – New Capstone Design Sequence

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering:

Existing Senior Design Sequence:

4140. Unit Operations and Introduction to Design
Two credits. Prerequisite:CHEG 3112,3123,3124, and3151. Corequisite:CHEG 4142.
Theoretical treatment and design of large-scale chemical engineering unit operations. Chemical engineering process synthesis and design; comparison of alternative processing steps; instrumentation; cost estimation; economic analysis; process optimization; emphasis on conceptual design in application of chemical engineering principles; design of process equipment, computer-aided design of equipment and flow sheets; design and analysis of complete process plants.
4142. Process Simulation Laboratory
Two credits. Corequisite:CHEG 4140.
Computer-based simulation of chemical engineering processes and integration of multiple processes into a holistic plant design using modern chemical engineering process design tools.
4143. Process Design and Economics

(243) Three credits. Prerequisite:CHEG 4140and4142.

Continuation of CHEG 4142. Students will continue work on chemical process and simulation projects assigned during the fall semester. Spring semester will focus on group work, written and oral communication, and presentation of the final project, which analyzes a chemical process from a technical, economic, safety, and environmental perspective.

Proposed Revised Design Sequence:

4140. Chemical Engineering Capstone Design 1
One credit. Prerequisite:CHEG 3112,3123,3124, and3151. Corequisite:CHEG 4142.
Theoretical treatment and design chemical engineering processes and/or products. Comparison of alternative processing steps; instrumentation; cost estimation; economic analysis; process optimization; Safety and environmental concerns in design; ethical considerations in chemical engineering design; emphasis on conceptual design in application of chemical engineering principles.

4142. Unit Operations and Process Simulation
Three credits. Corequisite:CHEG 4140.
Design and analysis of chemical engineering unit operations and process equipment, computer-aided design of equipment and flow sheets; design and analysis of complete process plants. Computer-based simulation of chemical engineering processes and integration of multiple processes into a holistic plant design using modern chemical engineering process design tools.
4143. Chemical Engineering Capstone Design 2

Three credits. Prerequisite:CHEG 4140and4142.

Continuation of CHEG 4140. Students will continue work on chemical process and simulation projects assigned during the fall semester. Spring semester will focus on group work, written and oral communication, and presentation of the final project, which analyzes a chemical process from a technical, economic, safety, and environmental perspective.

CSE department: new course (for SOE C&C, April 17, 2013)

The CSE department proposes a new undergraduate course, Introduction to Modern Cryptography. We have not had this course at the undergraduate level, but it should fit well with CSE 4707, Computer Security.

Catalog copy:

CSE 4702. Introduction to Modern Cryptography