Expectation: I care for school property and environment
Explain to students that you are going to go for a walk around the school. They need to take paper and pen (2/3/4 and 5/6) and record descriptions about their favourite part of the playground/school.
Once back inside, as a class list favourite areas and why.
Reasons may include play fun games there, pretty, clean, sheltered, certain memory etc.
Highlight that many of the favourite areas are common to many students. What would happen if one student decided to break some branches of the shady tree? Or if one student deliberately kicked holes in the soccer field after wet weather?
Discuss (Individuals actions may affect many others experiences).
In previous PBL lessons we have discussed respecting others, how can we relate that to property, how do we respect property?
Teacher Model / Peer Demonstration:
What does it look like to respect property around our school/community? (And what would disrespect for property look like?
Role Play Scenarios:
Separate students into groups of 4 or 5. Give them a set of cards each. Ask them to put them into 3 piles- Situations where property seemed respected, situations where property does NOT seem respected and Not Sure.
Discuss- highlight how the actions of a few can alter experiences for many.
Congratulate class on a fantastic start to the year, especially with our sport resources. They have been looked after well, we just need to ensure we pack them away at the end of the day so they remain in good condition.
Practice throughout the week:
Remind students about looking after icy cups, pencils, sports resources, hats, jumpers, plants etc.
Resources: Cards, lesson.
Expectation: I Care for School Property and Environment