
LOCATION: Postal Match. Targets are to be sent to Ronnie L White, 702 Ina’s Trail, Ozark, Missouri 65721

DATE: Fired prior to, February 28th, 2009.

SPONSOR: American Legion Department of Missouri, JSSP

EVENTS: Individual 3 X 20 Team 3 X 20. Twenty shots prone, twenty shots standing, and twenty shots kneeling.


SCHEDULE: To be fired prior to February 28, 2009. Request that target sets be sent First Class.


CLASSES: Sporter


OPEN TO: This is an invitational match. This competition is open to the top three individual competitors and top three teams of each monthly (September, October, November, December and January) postal match.

RULES: The National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules will apply. Spotting scopes may be used.

AWARDS: Trophies will be awarded for first, second, and third place in the individual competition. The first place trophy will be designated as the Individual State Champion. Plaques will be awarded to the top three teams. The first place plaque will be designated as the Team State Champion

I will mail the winner trophies and plaques. I will ask the Sponsor/Coach to take a digital picture of the presentation of the trophy to the individual by the Commander/Representative of the sponsoring American Legion Post. That picture will then be forwarded through me to the Department Historian and the Department newspaper. I will attach a news release.

LOCATION: Individual/Team Range at home stations.


HOW TO ENTER: Invitation Only.

TARGET SETS: Target sets will be provided by JSSP. A target set is two prone, two standing and two kneeling targets (3X20). Each target has a JSSP seal placed behind the Number 1 bull and there is a label center bottom of each target with the competitors name, school/team and position to be fired. Please ensure the targets are placed on the target traps in the correct order.

Complete all of the information requested on the Match Entry Form. Missing or inaccurate data will result in disqualification.

Only one shot is to be fired on each record bull. Competitors must fire all his/her targets at one sitting without pulling equipment off the line unless an allowance has been made for a disabled rifle.

Target sets will be assembled in the same order fired: First targets prone, second standing, third kneeling. Place team target sets together.

Ensure there is a cardboard backing behind each target. This will result in clean, easily scorable holes. Free hanging targets often tear making them difficult to score accurately. Official scoring will not be generous with torn pellet holes.

OTHER: Postal matches can only be competitive when all rules are followed. Integrity is a must! Coaches do not allow competitors to fire target sets unsupervised. All targets must be fired within a 120-minute time frame. Train your competitors to use all of their time.

Preparation Period 10 minutes

20 shots prone 30 minutes

Changeover period 5 minutes

20 shots standing 40 minutes

Changeover period 5 minutes

20 shots kneeling 30 minutes

COMPETITORS: The following competitors are invited to participate in this years State Championship Match.

Postal Winners School


September 2008

Karr, Kyrstin Ozark H.S.

Berry, Kelsey Forsyth H.S.

Curtiss, Lauren Ozark H.S.

October 2008

Matlock, Evan Ozark H.S.

Ferguson, Tyler Ozark H.S.

Norris, Lacie Ozark H.S.

November 2008

Norris, Sammie Ozark H.S.

Hawkins, Lucia Ozark H.S.

Middleton, Tessa Ozark H.S.

December 2008

Thompson, Cody Ozark, MO

Choi, Jeong Young MMA

Spencer, Andrew Ozark H.S

January 2009

Lee, Kyuwon MMA.

Kisenger, Aaron Webb City

Hicks, William Mountain Grove


September 2008

First Place Ozark H.S.

Second Place Forsyth H.S.

Third Place Lafayette H.S.

October 2008

First Place Ozark H.S.

Second Place Forsyth H.S.

Third Place Mountain Grove H.S.

November 2008

First Place Ozark H.S.

Second Place Forsyth H.S.

Third Place Fredericktown H.S.

December 2008

First Place Ozark H.S.

Second Place Forsyth H.S.

Third Place MMA

January 2009

First Place Ozark H.S.

Second Place Mountain Grove H.S.

Third Place MMA

If any of the individuals listed in this invitation are no longer participating as a member of your program please advise me ASAP. I do not want to provide target sets that will not be used.

State Championship Match Entry Form

American Legion Department of Missouri Junior Shooting Sports Program

Please Print!

Competitor: ______

(First Name) (MI) (Last Name)

Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ Team Member: YES NO

(Month/Day/Year) (Circle One)

Which Post do you represent? ______

Post Address: ______

Which school do you represent? ______

School Address: ______

Army JROTC _____ Marine JROTC _____ Navy JROTC _____ 4-H _____ Other Youth Group ______

Rifle Manufactured by ______Model ______

Sponsor Scoring. Targets are to be scored by the Adult Sponsor Only! Score each shot as you see it.

·  Do not plug or tamper with any shot hole.

·  Do not write scores on the target.

·  Score each shot in the numerical sequence of the bulls on the targets.

·  Write the value of each shot in the appropriate block.

Bull No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

Prone 1

Prone 2

Standing 1

Standing 2

Kneeling 1

Kneeling 2


Competitor Certification

I certify that the information on this entry form is true. I have fired the attached postal targets according to the requirements listed in the Official Match Program and the National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules. I have taken no action, which would give me unfair advantage over my competitors. I have fired only one set of targets for this match.

Signature of Competitor: ______

Adult Sponsor Certification

I certify that I witnessed these targets being fired and that I personally scored each target. All the requirements set forth in the Official Match Program and the National Standard Three Position Air Rifle Rules were followed.

Signature of Adult Sponsor: ______

Print Name: ______

(First) (MI) (Last)

Telephone Number: (______)______

Target Set Fired: ______/______/______

(Month) (Day) (Year)

NOTE: After this form is complete and Sponsor Scoring has been accomplished:

1.  Organize the targets in the order shown in the sponsor scoring section.

2.  Place this Match Entry Form in the front of the target set and staple them in the upper left corner.

3.  Ensure the American Legion Department of Missouri Release and Consent Form is properly filled out and attached as well.


Mail Target Sets to:

Ronnie L White

702 Ina’s Trail

Ozark, MO 65721



P.O. BOX 179



I, hereby expressly grant to The American Legion, Department of Missouri, and it's employees, agents and assigns, the right to film, videotape or photograph me and use my picture, silhouette and other reproductions of my physical likeness (as the same may appear in any still camera photograph and/or motion picture film and/or interactive media/internet), in and in connection with the exhibition theatrically on television, or otherwise. I further understand there will be no monetary compensation paid to me for said filming and any promotional materials, which may be derived from the same. I have read this document and discussed it with my parents or guardian and I freely enter into this contract:

Minors Full Name and Home Address (address, city, state, zip). Please Print


(Minors Signature)

Parent/Guardian Affirmation

I, the undersigned, hereby warrant that I am the parent or guardian of


a minor and have full authority to authorize the above Release which I have read and approved.

I hereby release The American Legion, Department of Missouri and its and their respective licensees, successors and assigns, from and against any and all liability arising out of exhibition of the releaser's picture, silhouette and other reproductions of his/her physical likeness in connection with any print, film, interactive media/internet or videotape advertisement or other promotional media.

Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print): ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Date: ______
