Street address

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Postal Code



Name of Hiring Person

Title of Hiring Person


RE: Position applying for/Job #

Dear Name of Hiring Person:

Please accept the attached resume at my application for the Name of Job Title here as advertised on Source of Advertisement here.

(Why you are a good candidate) My ability to communicate effectively, clearly and correctly as well as establish and maintain professional relationships within a team environment are skills I bring to any position. I possess strong organizational skills and my need to prioritize tasks, handle work environment pressures and meet deadlines would allow me to complete the duties of this position with excellence.

(Why you are qualified based on education) I have completes courses in ???? as well as received specialized training in ????

(Why you are qualified for the position through experience) I have worked in the ??? industry for ??? years and am well aware of the skills and knowledge required. I have also worked at ????, which contributes to my understanding. My years of experience in the industry make me familiar with the requirements of the position.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to further review my qualifications with you. I can be reach at 555-555-5555 at any time. Thank you for your consideration of this application.


Job Seeker