Name: ______Do Now

May 10, 2006 History -

Do Now #12


6. I will be able to explain why manufacturing and computer jobs are vanishing in the United States.

Essential Question: “Is it always true that ‘what goes up must come down’?”


Earn your class the points they deserve!

1. “Human rights” include things like the right to e______your ideas, the right to t______what you believe is correct, the right to l______, and the right to be treated ______by the law.

2. In order for a country to respect the rights of its citizens, those rights must be written down in a c______.

3. In addition, the police force of the country must r______that c______.

4. Give an example of a country (other than the US) that protects the rights of its citizens: ______

5. Give an example of a country that does not protect the rights of its citizens: ______

6. To improve the rights of people in other nations, the US could use s______.

7. It could also use its powerful m______to invade other countries.

8. Finally, it could make it easier for people in these countries to ______to the United States.

Vocabulary Review:

Human Rights Sanctions Immigration

Above and Beyond: What rights do you believe are the most important in this country? Will those rights also be the most important in other countries? Explain your answer.
Name: ______Classwork

May 10, 2006 History -

Classwork #12

Off-Shoring and Out Sourcing:

American Jobs That Are Vanishing

Step Into The Shoes Of A Business Owner:

Many of you will hopefully own and operate your own businesses one day. Business owners make hundreds of important decisions every day. They decide what to produce, what kinds of advertising to use, where to sell products, and what the price of these products will be. One of the most important decisions business owners make is who to hire. As a rule, business owners hire whoever can do the job well for the least amount of money. Business owners want to make as much money as possible. They want to pay their employees as little as possible. If a business makes CD’s, it needs to hire someone to put the CD cases together. If two people apply for the job, and one wants $10 an hour, and if the other wants $9 an hour, the business own will hire the second.

Low Skilled Labor in China (Off-Shoring):

China’s population is HUGE. It is so huge that (as we saw last week) the government has imposed the one child policy to try and shrink it. There are millions of low-skilled workers in China, people without college degrees who work in factories making things like clothes, cars, and furniture. These workers will work for much less money than American unskilled workers. American business owners are quickly realizing this. They are realizing that they can pay someone in China $2 an hour to do the same job that an American would charge $6 an hour. Business owners want to make money, so they are closing factories in the U.S. and opening factories in China. All over North Carolina, furniture factories are closing and re-opening in China. We call this “off-shoring” because factories are moving “off the American shore,” across the ocean, to China.

Educated Labor in India (Out-Sourcing):

The opposite is happening in India. India has fantastic public universities. Anyone who does well in school in India can go to college for free. Millions and millions of Indians are graduating with degrees in computers. Like the factory worker in China, these Indian workers are willing to work for much less than Americans. A college graduate in India might charge $7 an hour while an American college graduate would charge $15 an hour.

People often call a 1-800 number to order something, for help fixing a computer, or for help fixing something like the TV. US businesses realized that they could hire Indian college graduates to answer these calls for less money than it would take to hire American workers. Americans who used to have these jobs have lost them. When you call a 1-800 number now, there is a huge chance that someone in India is answering the phone. We call this phenomenon “out-sourcing” because this task has been sourced out over seas.

Challenges Facing the United States:

Off-shoring and out-sourcing are causing big changes in this country. Fifty years ago someone could finish high school without a college degree and get a job in a factory. Those jobs are moving to China. Twenty years ago, someone could graduate with a college degree and get a simple computer programming or phone answering job. Those jobs are now moving to China.

Millions of Americans are now finding themselves unemployed. What should we do?

Above and Beyond: Create illustrations in the margin to go along with this reading.

Part II: Complete the missing parts of today’s skeleton with your partner.

Part III: Get ready to step into the shoes of the people effected by off-shoring and out-sourcing. Get ready for our role playing activity by completing the chart below.

US business owners … / are excited about off-shoring and out-source because ______
Low-skilled US workers … / are extremely upset because ______
______, and they do not have the skills or degree they need to ______.
US computer programmers … / are upset because they ______, but not as upset as ______because the computer programmers at least have a college ______, and this will help them ______.
Indian computer programmers … / are ______because their college degree was ______, and now they have ______

Part IV: Now get ready to move into your think tanks. Each person will have a role to play:

Person #1 - US business owner Person #2 - Low-skilled US worker

Person #3 - US computer programmers Person #4 - Indian computer programmer

Person #1 will begin by explaining how she/he is feeling about out-sourcing and off-shoring. Then, each person will have a chance to ask person #1 any questions, and person #1 must answer in character. We will rotate until each person has a chance to role play her/his part.

On the back of today’s exit slip, you will be grading how well the people in your think tank do during the role play. You will be graded on 4 things:





Name: ______Classwork

May 8, 2006 History -

Exit Slip - Human Rights

Answer each of the following questions in a few words or phrases

1. How do employers decide whom they should hire for a particular job? ______



2. What types of jobs are leaving the United States and going to China? ______


3. What types of jobs are leaving the United States and going to India? ______


4. Why are this first types of jobs going to China? ______


5. Why are the second types of jobs going to India? ______


Name: ______Classwork

May 8, 2006 History -

Exit Slip - Human Rights

Answer each of the following questions in a few words or phrases

1. How do employers decide whom they should hire for a particular job? ______



2. What types of jobs are leaving the United States and going to China? ______


3. What types of jobs are leaving the United States and going to India? ______


4. Why are this first types of jobs going to China? ______


5. Why are the second types of jobs going to India? ______


Quality of Questions / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Explanations / 1 / 2 / 3
Focus / 1 / 2 / 3
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Questions / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Explanations / 1 / 2 / 3
Focus / 1 / 2 / 3
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Questions / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Explanations / 1 / 2 / 3
Focus / 1 / 2 / 3
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3
Grade Yourself:
Quality of Questions / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Explanations / 1 / 2 / 3
Focus / 1 / 2 / 3
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Questions / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Explanations / 1 / 2 / 3
Focus / 1 / 2 / 3
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Questions / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Explanations / 1 / 2 / 3
Focus / 1 / 2 / 3
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Questions / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Explanations / 1 / 2 / 3
Focus / 1 / 2 / 3
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3
Grade Yourself:
Quality of Questions / 1 / 2 / 3
Quality of Explanations / 1 / 2 / 3
Focus / 1 / 2 / 3
Creativity / 1 / 2 / 3

Name: ______Homework

May 10, 2006 History -

Homework #12:

Historians Can Hack EOG’s to Bits

Directions: Write a short paragraph in which you answer the following questions.

1.  What types of jobs are moving to China? Why are they moving there?.

2.  What types of jobs are moving to India? Why are they moving there?

Make sure your paragraph uses THREE English vocab words. CIRCLE EACH ONE.. They are listed on the back of this page if you need help. CURRENT RECORD = __









Name: ______Homework

May 10, 2006 History -

Homework #12:

Historians Can Hack EOG’s to Bits

Directions: Write a short paragraph in which you answer the following questions.

1.  What types of jobs are moving to China? Why are they moving there?.

2.  What types of jobs are moving to India? Why are they moving there?

Make sure your paragraph uses THREE English vocab words. CIRCLE EACH ONE.. They are listed on the back of this page if you need help. CURRENT RECORD = __










1. revolution 2. adroitly 3. vanquish 4. exceptional 5. eloquence 6. compromise 7. elusive 8. subtle 9. egregious 10. narrative11. vernacular 12. speculate 13. chutzpah 14. advocate 15. malicious 16. avert 17. plight 18. benign 19. brew 20. sustain 21. admonish 22. tidbit 23. amiable 24. reverberate

25. monotonous 26. indignant 27. emit 28. dismal 29. listless 30. feign 31. subdued 32. embers 33.interminable 34. shrill 35.affirm 36.sullen 37. schlep 38. gaze

39. resent 40. bitter 41. rile 42. jovial 43. placid 44.reproach 45. testily 46. grudge 47. raucous 48. throngs 49. haggard 50. 51. 52. formidable 53. inherit 54. limb

55. lopsided 56. jut 57. kibbitz 58. evoke 59. revoke 60. scarcely 61. threshold 62. content 63. bazaar 64. will 65. maven 66. shmutz 67. implly 68. voracious

69. intrepid 70. obliterate 71. feeble 72. ornery 73. contemplate 74. excruciating 75. nuisance 76. explicit 77. repercussions 78. contemplate 79. exemplify

80. expound 81. collaborate 82. enumerate 83. dilapidated 84. obdurate 85. contend 86. concede 87. petulant 88. obdurate 89. antiquated 90. muffled 91. haughty

92. writhing 93. melancholy 94. precedent 95. litany 96. prominent 97. shrewd 98. copius 99. valiant 101. congenial 102.dispute 103. relinquish 104. eminent 105. onerous 106. simultaneous 107. ubiquitous 108. chastise 109. 110. convoluted 111. forge 112. kvetch 113. irate 114. deftly 115. ample 116. desolation 117. plaintive 118. oblige 119. assure

120. thrive 121. agitated 122. strive 123. wary 124. curt 125. retort 126. frantic 127 . envy 128. recuperate 129. forfeit 130. righteous 131.browse 132. verbalize 133.traumatic

134. bout 135. punitive 136 .tuft 137. assimilate 138. detrimental 139. reprehensible


1. revolution 2. adroitly 3. vanquish 4. exceptional 5. eloquence 6. compromise 7. elusive 8. subtle 9. egregious 10. narrative11. vernacular 12. speculate 13. chutzpah 14. advocate 15. malicious 16. avert 17. plight 18. benign 19. brew 20. sustain 21. admonish 22. tidbit 23. amiable 24. reverberate

25. monotonous 26. indignant 27. emit 28. dismal 29. listless 30. feign 31. subdued 32. embers 33.interminable 34. shrill 35.affirm 36.sullen 37. schlep 38. gaze

39. resent 40. bitter 41. rile 42. jovial 43. placid 44.reproach 45. testily 46. grudge 47. raucous 48. throngs 49. haggard 50. 51. 52. formidable 53. inherit 54. limb

55. lopsided 56. jut 57. kibbitz 58. evoke 59. revoke 60. scarcely 61. threshold 62. content 63. bazaar 64. will 65. maven 66. shmutz 67. implly 68. voracious

69. intrepid 70. obliterate 71. feeble 72. ornery 73. contemplate 74. excruciating 75. nuisance 76. explicit 77. repercussions 78. contemplate 79. exemplify

80. expound 81. collaborate 82. enumerate 83. dilapidated 84. obdurate 85. contend 86. concede 87. petulant 88. obdurate 89. antiquated 90. muffled 91. haughty

92. writhing 93. melancholy 94. precedent 95. litany 96. prominent 97. shrewd 98. copius 99. valiant 101. congenial 102.dispute 103. relinquish 104. eminent 105. onerous 106. simultaneous 107. ubiquitous 108. chastise 109. 110. convoluted 111. forge 112. kvetch 113. irate 114. deftly 115. ample 116. desolation 117. plaintive 118. oblige 119. assure

120. thrive 121. agitated 122. strive 123. wary 124. curt 125. retort 126. frantic 127 . envy 128. recuperate 129. forfeit 130. righteous 131.browse 132. verbalize 133.traumatic

134. bout 135. punitive 136 .tuft 137. assimilate 138. detrimental 139. reprehensible