The “Boyfriend-girlfriend” pshyco test

What is courtship?

Teenagers inlove

Counselling for parents

Counselling for couples




The archetype of romantic love changes continuously during the sequence of years, since world is world.

Ulyses and Penélope, Romeo and Juliet, Tristán e Isolda, are some of the

examples that deserve to be considered as a model of love. The most significant couples symbolize the paradigm of man and woman relationship. They contain, under a scientific eye, a scale of values that are related to many conditions involved in the possibility of profound feelings, clearly different in reference to a particular culture in a particular era.

Today we are witnesses of a dissolution of the concept of profound love

between sexes.

Individualistic theories have disorganized the high ideals around love meanings. Today, every individual follows the golden rainbow of happiness intending to reach it on his own solitude. To be engaged or at courtship signifies only an intranscendent circumstance that is not necessarily connected with joyfulness.

During these outrageous times, the times of war and destruction of the environment, while governments are fighting one against the other trying to

gain economical prevalence, love is going through the worst crisis it ever knew.

What place is left for love in the middle of hate?

What kind of symbolic couple will represent our postmodern landscape?

Ideal romance in this age is drawn under an ambiguous feature of male and female archetypes. Their characteristics are mixed in a chaotic universe

of similarities where differences are not distinguished.

The lack of masculinity and femininity is one of the particularities of nowadays situation, worldwide.

Media programmes, TV publicity and magazines offer a variety of models to be copied by teens. Most of them are androgynous and their type of love is as confuse as possible.

Where is gone true love, sincere feeling, promises that endure all life, depth of the heart affections and beautiful first meetings full of suspense and mystery? Must we approach to the awareness of the end of love?

Must we stay on a “fallen arms” position and cry in front of the tomb of higher human feeling?

No, certainly not. We must fight against the monsters of robotica, as Quixote de la Mancha did against the windmills. We must generate a brainstorming discussion where a new concept of love and courtship could emerge to give youngsters an answer in the middle of this confusion.

Today, to be at courtship has lost significance and the word itself has any sense related to profound love. Everyone is a boyfriend or a girlfriend of someone else, during a short period of time. These occasional couples are cut at any moment without a tear, or at least a felt message of goodbye.

Humanity has lost the route to the interior universe, where ancients save romance.

Process can be reverted in the opposite direction, and this essay is a first step towards the recover of a pearl. The pearl of eternal love.

We will start studying the mysterious face of the moon, the obscure and

awesome spiral of love. It is like the travel to the Centre of the earth. It is a fearful voyage into the depth of human soul. But nothing is more fulfilling than the investigation of human´s internal world.

Man has been gifted with intelligence and willpower, but also with emotions and feelings. True love is not reduced to affective aspects. It is

connected to intelligence and willpower in a perfect harmony where love grows, being fed by its own energy, enriched by the internal universe of one side and the other.

Love implicates a compromise and also a sacrifice because love is the climax of self renunciation.

Love, from a general perspective is the conscient intention to reach Goodness, hand in hand with somebody who finds joyfulness at the same time as oneself, because happiness is the travel and not the arrival.

Love is a motor and a motivation. It generates energy that flows in one direction and the other direction, constructing a spiral of enduring love.