Document ID: E3-I

Smoke-free Housing Survey


California's Clean Air Project (CCAP) is seeking input on smoke-free housing from TCS-funded programs. The information you provide will assist CCAP in identifying technical assistance training opportunities and avoid duplication of services and improve coordination and communication. We appreciate your participation. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes.

1. Is smoke-free housing an issue that is addressed in your current Scope of Work?

 Yes No

a. If yes, how is it addressed?

2. Is smoke-free housing an issue that you are planning to address in next year’s Scope of Work?

 Yes No  Don’t know yet

a. If yes, how will it be addressed?

3. What policies already exist in your county promoting smoke-free housing mandates?

(please list below)

4. How supportive are your policy-makers’ of adopting smoke-free multi-unit housing mandates?

 Most are supportive

 Many are supportive

 A few are supportive

 None are supportive

 Don’t Know

5a. Approximately what percentage of multi-unit housing complexes in your county are designated as smoke-free ?

None (0%) have units designated as smoke-free

1%-25% have units designated as smoke-free

26%-50% have units designated as smoke-free

51%-75%have units designated as smoke-free

76%-99%have units designated as smoke-free

All (100%) have units designated as smoke-free

Don’t know

5b. Approximately what percentage of multi-unit housing complexes in your county have at least 50% of the units designated as smoke-free ?

None (0%) have at least 50% of the units designated as smoke-free

1%-25% have at least 50% of the units designated as smoke-free

26%-50% have at least 50% of the units designated as smoke-free

51%-75% have at least 50% of the units designated as smoke-free

76%-99% have at least 50% of the units designated as smoke-free

All (100%) have at least 50% of the units designated as smoke-free

Don’t know

6. Have any of the following factors helped your county adopt policies on smoke-free multi-unit housing mandates?

Helpful Factor / Yes, currently / Yes, in the past / No, never
a. Board of Supervisor support /  /  / 
b. City Council support /  /  / 
c. Tobacco coalition support /  /  / 
d. smoke-free business owner support /  /  / 
e. Multi-unit housing owner support /  /  / 
f. Multi-unit housing manager support /  /  / 
g. Tenant support /  /  / 
h. Developer support /  /  / 
i. The California Apartment Association support /  /  / 
j. Management company support /  /  / 
k. Other (please describe) /  /  / 

7. Have any of the following factors provided a barrier in your county to adopting policies on smoke-free housing mandates?

Barrier / Yes, currently / Yes, in the past / No, never
a. Lack of Board of Supervisor support /  /  / 
b. Lack of City Council support /  /  / 
c. Lack of tobacco coalition support /  /  / 
d. lack of smoke-free business owner support /  /  / 
e. Lack of community awareness/knowledge /  /  / 
f. Lack of multi-unit housing owner support /  /  / 
g. Lack of multi-unit housing manager support /  /  / 
h. Lack of tenant support /  /  / 
i. Lack of developer support /  /  / 
j. Lack of support from the California Apartment Association /  /  / 
k. Lack of management company support /  /  / 
l. Other (please describe) /  /  / 

8. What information or support would you like from CCAP around working with tribal casinos on second-hand smoke issues?

9. Please list any other comments you would like to add:

Thank you for your completing this survey!

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