Equipment failure is defined as: freezer not working and /or if ingredient temperatures above 28°F (-2°C).
At any time it is not allowed to transfer any of the refrigerated or frozen ingredients to any other restaurants unless the transportation vehicle is properly equipped with refrigeration or freezer units.
Immediate Actions / CompletedYES/NO/ DATE
1. Post “Do Not Use” signs on the affected equipment. Keep the freezer door closed and refrain from repeated opening.
2. Call for service or repair.
3. Call hotline.
4. Place bags of ice on ingredients in the freezer if the repair is taking more than 2 hours.
5. Transfer "frozen → thaw → prep" products with temperatures between 25°F (-4°C) and 41°F (-5°C) to the walk-in for thaw.
6. Report the incident and actions taken to Above Restaurant Leader immediately.
Follow up Actions / Completed
1. Inspect frozen products:
i) Visually inspect and take temperatures of product in the freezer.
ii) If products are solidly frozen between 0 and 10°F (-18 and -12°C) with no evidence of ice crystals or fused together, these products can be used as per applicable procedure.
iii) If products are between 10 and 28°F (-12 and -2°C) with no evidence of ice crystals or fused together, these must immediately be scheduled for use as per applicable procedure.
iv) If any of the products show evidence of ice crystals or fusion or soft to the touch, regardless of temperature, these products must be discarded.
2. Verify that freezer operates and reaches/maintains operating temperature for one hour.
3. After repair is completed, the MOD needs to close the call in hotline and add a brief summary of actions taken.
Update: July 2013 Page 1