Medium/Short term planning and assessment sheet

/ Subject: History – Victorians / Year:5/6
Autumn 2006 (A)



/ Learning objective(s) / Modelling
(teacher input) / Differentiated group activities / Learning outcomes (key questions) / Materials /
1 / Key skill: To look closely at visual evidence
Knowledge: To know when Queen Victoria ruled and some events during the Victorian period / Show painting on IWB – children to uncover parts gradually
Discuss what the painting shows – Who could these people be? Etc.
Challenge the children to remember detail when painting is covered, e.g. How many children are there? Children write answers on whiteboards.
Fill in sheet on IWB with things we know from the picture, what we think and things we would like to find out.
Demonstrate how to draw family tree for Victoria’s family / Partner discussions (during whole class activity) about what the painting shows (could also look at other photos / paintings – see websites)
Fill in worksheet with things you know, think and would like to find out for a different portrait of Victoria after Albert’s death.
Draw own family tree (could add to this for homework)
Draw own family portrait, thinking carefully about clothes, background, etc. – what do you want the picture to tell people about yourself and your family? (could be done as homework) / Can the children describe details in a painting?
Can the children use these to draw conclusions about the subject of a portrait? / Painting of Queen Victoria (Smart Notebook file)
Individual whiteboards
(BBC Children in Victorian Britain p.9)
(Sense of History Teachers Book p.81)
Maths / Key skill: To use a timeline to order dates
Knowledge: To know when the Victorian era was / Use website to order periods of history:
Demonstrate how to order numbers in 1000s
Discuss vocabulary – year, decade, century
Begin class timetable display, which can be added to throughout term / Place events on timeline of Victorian period
Homework: create timeline of your life / Can the children place events in the correct order? / Worksheet with events to stick on timeline
2 / Key skill: To use visual and written evidence
Knowledge: To know what Victorian schools were like /
Use website to look at evidence and find out what schools were like
Look at Bishopsworth log book
How could someone in 100 years find out what our classroom was like? / Watch DVD
Fill in table to describe what each piece of evidence tells us could be used for Literacy – recount (diary entries) / Can the children use the available sources to find out about school life? / BBC Children at school
(BBC Children in Victorian Britain p.29-30)
School log book
3 / Key skill: To compare and contrast experiences
Knowledge: To know how Victorian schools were different from today / Recap on evidence looked at last session
Look at photos of typewriting class and compare to photo taken of children in ICT suite; fill in table to compare and contrast / Fill in chart to compare and contrast Victorian and modern school
How would we need to change our classroom/timetable if we wanted to go back to Victorian system? – record ideas for activity day at end of topic
Link to literacy – write diary entry as Victorian school child (recount) / Can the children state how a Victorian school would be different from their own experience? / Digital photo of class doing ICT
Photo of typewriting class
+ Literacy / Key skill: To present work in different ways
Knowledge: To know about the experiences of children who had to work / Look at pictures of children working in mines & discuss / Watch DVD.
Research into child labour in the mines, in groups. Assign one child from each group the role of interviewer & get them to as the rest of the group (in role as mine workers) about conditions, food, work & pay. Tape interviews.
Link to literacy – write job description / application (persuasion) / Can the children respond appropriately in role to questions about their work in a mine? / BBC Children at work
(BBC Children in Victorian Britain p. 24-26)
BBC Radio Drama – The Story of Mary Cannon or Climbing in the Dark (over 3 sessions)
+ Citizenship / Key skill: To consider different opinions
Knowledge: To discuss different views about child labour / Find out about what Dr Barnado and Lord Shaftesbury did to help children
Consider why children needed to work or were more useful in some jobs than an adult / Hold class debate (in role as factory owner, mine owner, school teacher, Dr Barnado, children, etc.) about child labour
Link to literacy – write discussion text about child labour / Can the children recognise different views about child labour?
+ Geography / Key skill: To ask and answer questions
Knowledge: To find out about the Great Exhibition / Teacher in role as visitor who has just returned from the Great Exhibition. Children ask questions to find out where you have been and discover some of the things you saw.
Look at posters for railway & exhibition. / Write letter to friend describing journey to Great Exhibition and things you saw.
Find out about the countries that made up the British Empire and how they contributed to the exhibition. Colour in map to show extent of Empire. / Can the children ask sensible questions about an event in the past?
Can the children write in role about an event in the past? / Junior Focus – Victorian Inventions
+ Literacy
+ DT Challenge / Key skill: To recognise the effects of an event
Knowledge: To know about some Victorian inventions / Use fiction (eg Professor Branestawm stories or Uncle Andrew in CS Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew) to explore the stereotype of the ‘Victorian Inventor’. / In groups, draw life-size figure of ‘The Victorian Inventor’
Find out about the lives of real inventors (see Junior Focus). Literacy - design advert for one of the inventions.
Give each group a large sheet of sugar paper with a title on it (such as printing, steam power, rubber, electricity, anaesthetics, the telephone). Ask them to brainstorm what changes in lifestyle came from these discoveries.
Challenge: make a robot that talks (you can cheat!) / Can the children recognise how lifestyles changed because of certain inventions? / (Copy & Cut Past Times p.19)
Junior Focus – Victorian Inventions
ICT / Key skill: To use a variety of sources
Knowledge: To discuss different types of evidence / Demonstrate how to navigate the web page & record their findings.
Discuss which types of evidence were most useful in finding out about the person. / Work through the website to find out about the person from what is in the suitcase/trunk. Record findings on worksheet. / Can the children use different types of evidence to learn about a person? /
Maths / Key skill: To use data
Knowledge: To use census data to find out about the Victorians / Homework: fill in worksheet with census data for their household / Can the children use data to find out about what an area was like? /
9 / Key skill: To
Knowledge: To describe life in an upper class house / Find out about jobs different servants did / (Creative Teaching History p.2)
10 / Key skill: To
Knowledge: To describe the lifestyle of rich children / Watch DVD / BBC Children at play
(Copy & Cut Past Times p.5)
(BBC Children in Victorian Britain p.22,31)
11 / Key skill: To
Knowledge: To know about life in the slums / (Copy & Cut Past Times p.7)
(BBC Children in Victorian Britain p.9 + photo)
12 / Key skill: To
Knowledge: To know about a famous Victorian
13 / Key skill: To
Knowledge: To know how Christmas traditions started / DT – make Victorian Christmas card
14 / Children dress as far as possible & give themselves Victorian name
During morning, conduct lessons as Victorian school – prayers, reading, arithmetic, dictation, recitation, drill, object lesson
During afternoon, hold Christmas party with parlour games / (History Through Role Play p.10)
Evaluation: Themes Gallery is very useful for pictures and information about artefacts (e.g. toys, factory machines, school equipment)

General activities to use with pictures

·  Memory games – briefly show picture then hide it and ask children to list every person and object they can remember. After about five minutes discuss what they have remembered and compare to the original picture.

·  Completing the scene – cut up postcard reproductions of paintings. Give each child a piece of a postcard and ask them to draw what they think the rest of that picture will show. Compare with the complete version.

·  Eye spy – children think of object in picture beginning with certain letter.