DLMS Enhancement File
DLMS Supplement: 869A
X12 Version/Release: 4010
Change Log:
Update Date Change on that date
Jan. 16, 2013 Reformatted file based on recommendations from update project team
Feb. 15, 2015 Added ADC 1068 DLMS Enhancements
Feb. 23, 2015 Added ADC 1009A DLMS Enhancements
Feb. 24, 2015 Added ADC 1110 DMLS Enhancements
Introductory Notes:
DLMS Enhancements are capabilities (such as the exchange of Item Unique Identification (IUID) data) that are implemented in the DLMS transactions but cannot be implemented or exchanged in non-DLMS (i.e., Legacy, DLSS, or MILS) format transactions.
As the components within the logistics domain need new enhanced capabilities, they are added to the DLMS supplements using the Proposed/Approved DLMS Change (ADC/PDC) process. The following ADCs have added DLMS Enhancement capabilities to this DLMS Supplement:
· 3. ADC 326, DLMS Supplement (DS) 869A, Requisition Inquiry/Supply Assistance Request, Correction and Clarification of Data Mapping, Administrative Updates, and Coordination of Procedures for Transaction-Based Supply Assistance Requests.
· ADC 381, Procedures and Additional Content Supporting Requisitions, Requisition Alerts, and Unit of Use Requirements under Navy BRAC SS&D/IMSP.
· ADC 388, Automated Method of Detecting System Downtime or Excessive Processing Times in Air Force BRAC SS&D/IMSP Expedited Requisition Process and Associated Dual Function Materiel Release Order (MRO) Process
· ADC 1009A, DLMS Enhancements for Requisitioning to Improve Use of Mark-for Addressing, Expand Authorized Priority Designator Validation, Correct EMALL Purchase/Credit Card Format Rules, and Require Distribution of Status for Requisitions associated with Purchase/Credit Card Payment
· ADC 1068, Enhanced Procedures for Requisitioning via DOD EMALL and GSA Internet Ordering: Component Verification of Funds Availability and Materiel Identification using the Supplier-Assigned Part Number and/or Supplier Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code
· ADC 1110, Administrative Update to Identify Code DPC Delivery Priority Code as an Approved X12 Migration Code and Associated DLMS Documentation; Identifies Additional Data Elements Authorized for Modification in the Requisition Modification Process
· Identifies DLMS Changes included in the DLMS Supplement.
The table below documents the DLMS Enhancements in this supplement, specifying the location in the SUPPLEMENT where the enhancement is located, what data in the SUPPLEMENT is a DLMS Enhancement, the DLMS notes (if any) that apply to that data, and useful comments about the enhanced data. Text in red has been changed since the last time this file was updated; deletions are indicated by strikethroughs.
DS # / Location / Enhancement Entry / DLMS Note / Comment /4010 869A / 1/BSI/03/20 / PI Selected Orders Shipped Orders / 1. Use to indicate that the transaction set contains transactions that apply to requisitions for which shipment status has been received.
2. Use for requests for shipment tracing.
3. Used during DLMSS/DLMS transition period when transaction contains a request for identification of the initial transportation shipping activity. / Clarification of purpose and use for beginning segment codes. Provides more logical logicial mapping to existing codes to meet X12 syntax requirements by switching swithching the followup for shipping depot DODAAC (MILSTRIP AFY) to the PI-Shipped Orders category. Staffing note: This may require a change to DoD Component CLMS mapping/ planned migration for AGFY. See ADC 326.
PO Selected Orders – Unshipped Orders / 1. Use to indicate that the transaction set contains transactions that apply to open requisitions for which shipment status has not been received.
2. Use for requisition follow-ups including requests for improved ESD.
3. Use for supply fupply assistance requests. DLMS enhancement; see introductory DLMS note 2a. / Clarification of purpose and use for beginning segment codes. Provides more logical mapping to existing codes to meet X12 syntax requirements by switching the followup for shipping depot DoDAAC (MILSTRIP AFY) to the PI-Shipped Orders category. See ADC 326.
1/BSI07/20 /
42 Temporary Record
/ Use as a Downtime Detection Indicator to alert processing systems that this requisition query is used for system testing to determine elapsed response time between the query and the responding supply status. This transaction contains a pseudo document number. Authorized DLMS enhancement by agreement with DLA only. Refer to ADC 388.ZZ Mutually Defined
/ 1. Use to identify the Unit of Use Indicator. When included, the quantity and unit of measure values associated with this transaction are applicable to the unit of use.2. Authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381. / Code to distinguish the unit of use requirements. Navy BRAC sites will requisition using the NSN; however the unit of measure and quantity are applicable to the unit of use. See ADC 381.
1/BSI08/020 / 71 Filing and Search Request / Use (in conjunction with BSI03=PI, Shipped Orders to identify requests for shipment tracing – registered, insured, and certified U.S. Postal Service. (This corresponds to MILSTRIP Document Identifier AFT.) / Clarification of purpose puorpose and use for the beginnings geginnning segment codes. Re-instates common terminology and provides more complete information. See ADC 326.
AF Requisition Follow-up / 1. Use (in conjunction with BSI03=PO, Unshipped Orders) to identify status inquiries requisition follow-ups for status on previously submitted requisitions. (This corresponds to MILSTRIP Document Identifier AF1-AF5.)
2. Use (in conjunction inconojunctino with BSI03=PO, Unshipped Orders to identify the requisition follow-up requests for improved estimated shipping date (ESD) (This corresponds to MILSTRIP Document Identifier AFC). When provided for this purpose, must be used in combination with PID05, Code 2.
3. Use (in conjunction with BSI03=PI, Shipped Orders) to identify requisition follow-up requests for DoDAAC of initial transportation shipping shiping activity (This corresponds to Document Identifier AFY). When provided for this purpose, must be used in combination with PID05, Code 1. The Request for DoDAAC of Initial Transportation Shipping Activity transaction is applicable apoplicable in a mixed DLMS/MILS environment where a separate transaction is needed to provide the requested information. Under DLMS, the distribution depot identifies the shipping activity in the shipment status transaction, eliminating the need for a follow-up. / Clarifies How to distinguish a follow-up for improved ESD. See ADC 326.
Clarifies how to distinguish a follow-up of shipping depot DoDAAC. Clarifies use of this follow-up during transition to DLMS. See ADC 326.
Clarification of purpose and use for supply assistance request. Clarification of status as a DLMS enhancement based upon a MILSTRIP process. See ADC 326.
AR Supply Assistance / 1. Use (in conjunction with BSI03=PO, Unshipped Orders) to identify requests for supply assistance (improved support) for requisition meeting specific criteria for priority (Priority Designator 01-08) and receipt anmdreqceipt of open supply status.) This establishes a transaction-based process comparable to the MILSTRIP procedures for Supply Assistance Request currently prepared as a message, e-mail, or telephone request. There is no comparable MILSTRIP transaction.
2. DLMS enhancement; see introductory DLMS note 2a. / Clarification of purpose and use for supply assistance request. Clarification of status as a DLMS enhancement based upon a MILSTRIP process. See ADC 326.
1/BSI09/20 / 83 Future / 1. Used by Navy industrial activities (IAs) to identify a Requisition Inquiry/Supply Assistance Request on a Requisition Alert allowing stock positioning or procurement action in response to the forecasted future funded requirement. The requisition alert is an unfunded requirement.
2. Authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381. / Code to distinguish the requisition alert follow-up from the standard requisition follow-up. See ADC 381.
2/Hl03/010 / V Address Information / Use in every 2/HL/010 address loop iteration.
DLMS Note:
Use to identify the organization originating and the organization to receive the transaction set. / Clarifies which address are provided in the V, Address loop. See ADC 326.
W Transaction Reference Number / Use in every 2/HL/010 transaction loop iteration.
Use to identify the original requisition and associated content. / Identifies Substitute loop as a DLMS enhancement.
SB Substitute / Use in every 2/HL/010 substitute item loop iteration for supply assistance transactions only.
DLMS enhancement; see introductory DLMS note 2a.
2/LIN01/050 / DLMS Note / Use only one of codes A1, A2, A4, FB, FS, MG, SW, YP, or ZZ to identify the material as indicated in the most recent status transaction. / Supports Navy BRAC Spiral II requirements. See ADC 381.
FS National Stock Number / 1. Use to identify the NSN.
2. When the Unit of Use Indicator is included (BSI07=ZZ), the NSN will be interpreted as a unit of use requirement. Unit of use is an authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. / Supports Navy BRAC Spiral II requirements. See ADC 381.
SW Stock Number / 1. Use to identify the local stock number (LSN).
2. Authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381. / Supports Navy BRAC Spiral II requirements. See ADC 381.
2/LIN02/050 / MG Manufacturer's Part Number / 1. Use to identify nonstandard materiel.
2. May be used to identify the supplier-assigned part number when applicable to a DoD EMALL or GSA Advantage/Global internet order from a vendor catalog. Refer to ADC 1068. / (ADC 1068 added to this list on 2/15/15)
2/LIN04/050 / Product/Service ID Qualifier
ZB Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code / 1. Use codes EM for weapon system application, F8 for next higher assembly, and W1 for the end item serial number, as needed, on a supply assistance request to indicate amplifying information associated with the requisitioned material.
DLMS enhancement; see introductory DLMS note 2a.
2. Use data element 235/234 pairs to identify data pertinent to the transaction. Present the information in any selected order. Unless otherwise specified, the multiple codes listed for a single qualifier data element identify the range of possible data requirements. When needed, use the next available combination of data element 235/234 pairs to provide the necessary data.
1. Use with LIN02 code MG to uniquely identify a manufacturer's (or supplier’s) part number.
2. May be used to identify the supplier CAGE when applicable to a DoD EMALL or GSA Advantage/Global internet order from a vendor catalog. / (ADC 1068 added to this list on 2/15/15)
2/QTY01/080 / 01 Discrete Quantity / Use to indicate the quantity requisitioned. Use to indicate the quantity shipped when requesting shipment tracing.
1. Use in requisition follow-ups, including requests for improved estimated delivery date, to indicate the quantity requisitioned.
2. Use in request for shipment tracing to indicate the quantity released to carrier.
3. Future streamlined data; see introductory DLMS note 2c. / Clarification of use in AFC and supply assistance request. See ADC 326.
AB Urgent Delivery Quantity / 1. Use in only supply assistance transactions to identify the quantity urgently required.
2. DLMS enhancement; see introductory DLMS note 2a. / See ADC 304. See ADC 326.
2/REF/105 / Reference Identification / 1. Use in all 2/HL/010 transaction loop iterations to identify the transaction number and suffix.
2. Use in all 2/HL/010 substitute item loop iterations to identify and describe acceptable substitute items. / See ADC 304.
DLMS Note / Substitute item identification is a DLMS enhancement; see introductory DLMS note 2a.
86 Operation Number / 1. Use to identify the Key Operation (KO) Number associated with the JO.
2. Authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381. / Supports Navy BRAC Spiral II requirements. See ADC 381.
9R Job Order Number / 1. Use to identify the Job Order (JO) Number.
2. Authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381. / Supports Navy BRAC Spiral II requirements. See ADC 381.
CO Customer Order Number
/ 1. Use to identify the Customer Order Acceptance Record (COAR) applicable to the Job Order Number.2. Authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381 (or as applicable). / Supports Navy BRAC Spiral II requirements. See ADC 381.
PWC Preliminary Work Candidate Number / 1. Use to identify a Requisition Alert Document Number.
2. Used by Navy Shipyards to associate the funded requisition Inquiry/Supply Assistance Request with a previously submitted requisition alert.
3. Authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381. / Supports Navy BRAC Spiral II requirements. See ADC 381.
TN Transaction Reference Number / 1. Must use in 2/HL/010 transaction loops to identify a transaction number assigned to the transaction. This is the document number.
2. When used with the requisition alert indicator (BSI09=83), this will be the requisition alert document number. The requisition alert is an authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381. / Supports Navy BRAC Spiral II requirements. See ADC 381.
WP Warehouse Pick Ticket Number / 1. Use to identify the picklist control number assigned to identify a specific job for which materials are being requisitioned and assembled together in support of planned maintenance.
2. Cite the picklist control number in REF03 due to field length.
3. Authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381. / Supports Navy BRAC Spiral II requirements. See ADC 381.
2/REF04-01/105 / W8 Suffix / 1. Use with REF01 code TN to identify a transaction number suffix when the original requisition has been split.
2. When used with the Requisition Alert Indicator (BSI09=83), or when used in association with the Requisition Alert Document Number (Qualifier PWC, above), this will be the requisition alert document suffix. The Requisition Alert Document Number Suffix is an authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381. / Supports Navy BRAC Spiral II requirements. See ADC 381.
2/N101/110 / Segment level DLMS note. / The substitute item loop is a DLMS enhancement for the supply assistance transaction; see introductory note 2a. / Clarification; identifies DLMS enhancement. See ADC 326.
XN Planning/Maintenance Org
Z7 Mark-for Party / 1. Use between Service industrial/maintenance sites and DLA to identify the Shop Service Center (SSC) or Shop Store.
2. Authorized DLMS enhancement under DLA industrial activity support agreement. Refer to ADC 381.
1. Use to identify an entity located within the ship-to address that is to actually receive the material.
2. The Mark-for Party may be identified by DoDAAC, RIC, clear text, or a combination of these. Only one of DoDAAC or RIC may be used.