Eric Schoenberger

English essay on Best Friends

A good friend is someone that can have common interest’s truthfulness and funny to you. Some people have very good best friends or they don’t have best friends at all, just good friends. When some people say that they have more than one best friend I think it is somewhat stupid but people can do what they want.

A best friend is the friend that is always there for you and can help you with mostly anything I find in my best friend is common interest and a funny person and a fun person to be with and talk to. With my best friend I can vent and tell them anything without them telling anyone. That is great quality of trustworthiness.

Common interests are a big thing because you can do a lot more stuff together and have a lot of fun. My best friend and I have a similarity which is playing ps3 and we do that a lot and have a bunch of fun. Other thins we do I have an air soft war or playing paintball on the weekends we also like to hack things and we just started to learn how to hack things and it is very bud I always have a good time with my best friend.

My best friend is a very funny person and is very weird at the same time. Sometimes I think he is mentally challenged. I still like to hangout and he says the most random things in the world. I always just have the best of times and I am always laughing so hard whenever I hangout with him.

In overall I have a very good best friend and I suggest that and one just tried to become good friends with someone and see if they are best friend material.