English 9H Name:
Vocabulary Strategy Block:
Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
First Semester
Lesson 1- Note cards due Aug. 22/23 Test Sept. 1/2
The prefix ir means not
The prefix non means not
The prefixes dis, and dif mean apart, not, do the opposite
The prefixes im, in mean not, in, or into
The prefix re means not, back, again
The prefixes en, em mean to provide with, to surround with
The prefix mis means wrong; bad
The prefixes mit, miss mean send
The prefix over means excessive, above
The prefix un means apart, not, do the opposite
Lesson 2- Note cards due Sept. 6/7 Test Sept. 15/16
The prefix sub means under, below.
The root urb means city.
The suffix ize means to make.
Lesson 3- Note cards due Sept. 19/20 Test Sept. 29/30
The root chroma means color.
The prefix mono means one.
The prefix poly means many.
Lesson 4- Note cards due Oct. 3/4 Test Oct. 13/14
The prefix biblio means book.
The root voc, vox means call.
The root mort means death.
Lesson 5- Note cards due Oct. 17/18 Test Oct. 27/28
The root term means end.
The root ver means true.
The prefix anti means against.
Lesson 6- Note cards due Oct. 31/Nov. 1 Test Nov. 10/11
The root corp means body.
The prefix inter means between, among.
The root rupt means break.
Lesson 7- Note cards due Nov.14/15 Test Dec. 1/2
The root poten means power.
The prefix psych means mind.
The prefix liber means free.
Lesson 8- Note cards due Dec. 5/6 Test Dec. 15/16
The root phon means sound.
The prefix tele means distance.
The root soph means wisdom
Second Semester
Lesson 9- Note cards Jan. 11/12 Test Jan. 19/20 Lesson 17- NC. May 8/9 Test May 18/19
The root nov means new. The root mater means mother.
The root nau refers to ships, sailors, or the sea. The root micro means small.
The root pater, patri refers to father. The root bio means life.
The root meter means measure.
Lesson 10- Note cards Jan. 23/24 Test Feb. 2/3 The prefix auto refers to self.
The root ped, pod refers to foot.
The root scop means watch.
The root phob means fear.
The root port means to carry, bring.
Lesson 11- Note cards Feb. 6/7 Test Feb. 16/17
The root scrib, script means to write.
The root tempor means time.
The root stru, struct means to build.
The root therm means heat.
Lesson 12- Note cards Feb. 21/22 Test Mar. 2/3
The root tract means to draw.
The root anthro means man.
The suffix ology means the study of.
Lesson 13- Note cards Mar. 6/7 Test Mar. 16/17
The root am means friend, love.
The root brev means short.
The root aqu means water.
Lesson 14-Note cards Mar. 20/21 Test April 6/7
The suffix ism means belief in or practice of.
The root dec refers to ten.
The root cent refers to one hundred.
The root duc, duct means to lead,
Lesson 15- Note cards April 10/11 Test April 20/21
The root fort means strong.
The root graph means to write.
The root gen means race, kind, birth.
Lesson 16- Note cards April 24/25 Test May 3/4
The prefix ambi, amphi means both.
The root luc, lum means light.
The prefix super means above, beyond.
The root magn means great.