Summer Season 2015

Knaresborough King James’s Tennis Club was formed in 2011 as a joint collaboration between Knaresborough Tennis Club (established 1985) and King James’s School. The Club is based at King James’s School, King James Road, Knaresborough, HG5 8EB.

The Club’s policies, procedures and tennis programmes have been recognised by the Lawn Tennis Association by the presentation of the Tennis CLUBMARK award.


The Opening Day of the Knaresborough King James’s Tennis Club 2015 Summer Season will be on Sunday 29 March.Free trial coaching lessons available up to 2.00pm, then all are welcome to play social tennis from 2.00pm onwards. Refreshments will be available from about 12.00 noon.

As in previous years, reduced rate membership fees will be available to all those who pay on or before Sunday 29 March, so come down to the Club any time after about 11.00am to sign up and pay up!. Discounts of £5 for full membership, £2.50 for juniors, £12.50 for family on the annual membership fees will be offered for those who join on or before March 29.


Annual Membership fees, valid from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016, are unchanged at £55 for adults, £27.50 for students, £25 for juniors attending secondary school, £15 for juniors attending primary school, and £125 family membership for two adults and up to three juniors at the same address.

Note that these membership fees include access to the courts next winter for floodlit play.

Match fees are £5 for adults and £2 for students and juniors playing in senior teams.

Please return your completed membership application form (attached) NOW!

Please tell Ian Hargreaves of any later change in contact details (especially email address)!

You can pay membership fees and match fees into the Club account by bank transfer to Yorkshire Bank, sort code 050545, account 33802163. Please include your name on any such transaction as a reference.


The Club’s coaching and junior activities are organised by No Limits School of Coaching. See the No Limits Newsletter (to come), website or talk to the Club’s Head Coach Amanda Kayes for more information. Group junior coaching takes place on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays. Group adult coaching is available on Mondays and Thursdays from 7.30-9.00pm. Individual coaching is available by arrangement.Attendees must be members of the Club.

If you want to join a coaching class, you may use the Coaching application form (attached) to pay both coaching fee and membership fee together.


The LTA goal is to increase participation in the game. To, help, KKJTC is planning to offer free access to its activities for two different weeks to give people a try without any commitment. During these weeks newcomers will be welcome to join in club play and coaching free-of-charge. Just turn up! The planned weeks are March 23 to March 29 (Opening Day) and then June 29 to July 5 (first week of Wimbledon). Tell your friends!


Turn up and play on Saturdays 2.00 to 5.00pm and Tuesdaysand Wednesdays from 6.30pm. Please note that there will be no Club play on Wednesdays 8, 15 and 22 April – mixed team practices, or on Saturday 6 June (Schools Tournament) or on Saturday 18 July – Fun Day (see the No Limits newsletter).


The bottom courts have been resurfaced, with the help of a loan from the Yorkshire LTA. They are marked out with four netball courts and four tennis courts. Final surface painting will take place in May when the courts will be unavailable for 2 weeks. We shall then have seven top quality courts available.


Recent school inspections have indicated that the school’s attitude to unauthorized visitors on site during the school day is too lax. If you would like to play at these times, please talk to John Forster.


To help keep the Clubhouse in good order, a rota of volunteers exists to give it a weekly clean. If you would like to help, please give your name to Natasha Quigley.

Access to the clubhouse will be disrupted on Saturday 9 May during preparations for the Fun Run.


The top courts and clubhouse are kept locked outside school hours. Keys for the padlocks are available to members over 16 years of age on payment of a £5 deposit to Ian Hargreaves.


The restrictions on use of the floodlights have been relaxed. Use of the floodlights is not permittedafter 9.30pm, or after 8.00pm on Sundays and on Bank Holidays. Lighting is provided free of charge for Club play, and is payable by meter in the Clubhouse for self-organised play.


The Summer programme is attached for your information.


Players are needed for our teams! Matches are an enjoyable way of playing competitive tennis.

Anyone interested in playing for a team is urged to attend one or more of the following Team Practices, or talk to one of the organisers:

Ladies Doubles

Fulford Ladies League2 teams (Divisions 34)Mostly Saturdays

Team Practices:Saturdays 28 March, 11,18 April 10.00am

Organisers: Paddy Macjannette Carol Rees.

Mens Doubles

Tyke Petroleum League2 teams (Levels14)Sunday mornings

Team Practices:Sundays 12, 19April 10.00am

Organisers: Jonathan Oxley, Trevor Cook.

Mixed Doubles

Harrogate & District League3 teams (Divisions 2, 56)Weekday evenings

Team Practices:Wednesdays8, 15, 22April 6.30pm

(home: 1st & A teams: Thursdays; B team Fridays)

Organisers: Dave Hewson, Paddy Macjannette, Alain Le Bourdon & Ros Murdoch.


The Club encourages all members to become British Tennis members. This is essential to play in LTA events or buy Wimbledon tickets. Membership is free to members of Knaresborough King James’s Tennis Club, and if you are not already a member you will be signed up as a BT member by the Club on receipt of your Club membership application form. Date of birth and email address are required for BT membership application. For more information, see


Any member wishing to apply for Wimbledon tickets in the Club ballot MUST be a British Tennis member, and MUST have opted in to the ballot on the LTA website. The ballot will be held during the afternoon of the Opening Day on Sunday 29 March.


Sunday 29 MarchSeason Opening Day

Sunday 10 MayKnaresborough Fun Run

Sunday 7 to Saturday 13 JuneHarrogate League Tournament

Saturday 13 JuneKnaresborough Bed Race

Monday 29 June to Sunday 12 JulyWimbledon Championships

Saturday 18 JulyFun Day & Junior Tournament

Friday 2 OctoberHarrogate League Dinner Dance – White Hart


Updates on Club activities will be sent by email as and when necessary. Please advise Ian Hargreaves of any change to your email address.


Phil Attwell01423 86461107711 .

Trevor Cook01423 86953807722

John Forster 01423 86332407732

Ian Hargreaves 01423 88796407928

Dave Hewson01423 79766007980

Amanda Kayes07703

Alain Le Bourdon01133 87375007934

Paddy Macjannette01423 86249307989

Ros Murdoch07966

Jonathan Oxley01423 86738507801

Natasha Quigley01765 67793607787

Carol Rees07843

Pat Stevenson01423

Chris Worwood01765 60251807708


PresidentPat StevensonSheree AshmanLisa Holdsworth

ChairmanJohn ForsterJudy CookPaddy Macjannette

Deputy ChairmanMichael ForsterTrevor CookJonathan Oxley

SecretaryNatasha QuigleyDave Hewson

TreasurerIan Hargreaves

Head CoachAmanda Kayes

Welfare OfficerSimon Lewis