End reference examples
Note: There is No COMMA between the author's surname name and first initial. There are no periods or full stops between the initials. Capitalize the title of a book or journal article as it appears in the publication.JOURNAL ARTICLES
one author
ProvvidentiR. 1997. New American summer squash cultivars possessing a high level of resistance to a strain of zucchini yellow mosaic virus from China. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 20:57-58.
two authors
Tripathi S, Varma A. 2002. Identification of sources of resistance in Lycopersicon species to Tomato leaf curl geminivirus (ToLVC) by agroinoculation. Euphytica 129:43-52.
three or more authors
Tsai WS, Shih SL, Green SK. 2007. Occurrence and Molecular Characterization of Squash leaf curl Philippines begomovirus in Taiwan. Plant Disease 91:907.
Fereres A,Lister RM, Araya JE, et al. 1989. Development and reproduction of the English grain aphid(Homoptera: Aphididae) on wheat cultivars infected with Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. Environ Entomol 18(3):388-393.
Note: List all authors if six or less, otherwise list first three followed by et al.
[AVRDC] Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center. 2005.Medium-Term Plan: 2005-2007. Shanhua (Taiwan): AVRDC.Publication No. 05-617.28 p.
[AVRDC] AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center. 2010.Medium-Term Plan: 2010-2012. Shanhua (Taiwan): AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center.Publication No. 10-739.97 p.
no author
Handbook of integrated pest management. 2004. Philadelphia (USA): Springhouse Books. 234 p.
no date
Salazar K. [date unknown]. Nutrition and diet. 3rd ed. Brussels (Belgium): Nauwelaerts. 456 p.
one author
Shepard TH. 1992. Catalog of teratogenic agents. 7th ed. London: Thames Press. 534 p.
more than one author
Caselt RC, Zravey RH. 1999. Disposition of toxic chemicals in man. 4th ed. Foster City (CA): Chemical Toxicology Institute. 802 p.
book with editors
Harmitage JO, Yong KH, Mtumba PC, eds. 2001. Pesticide use in small-scale agriculture. Nairobi: Williams & Walker. 929 p.
book chapter
Gegner LF, McWilliams ME. 2004. Challenges in conducting cross-national nutrition research. In: Fitzpatrick JJ, Stevenson JS, Polis NS, eds. Nursing Research and its Utilization: International State of the Science. New York (NY): Springer. p. 211-215.
monograph series
Encartama RA. 2005. IPM: techniques and methods. Madrid: Doros. 375 p. (Contemporary agriculture series; 42).
[FAO] Food and Agriculture Organization. 2003. FAOSTAT. [Internet]. [cited 2008 Mar 18]. Availablefrom:http://faostat/fao.org/site/567/