Tier 3: RtI


Tier II Intervention will be given by classroom teacher. Movement into and out of Tier III, will be determined by classroom teacher/ Interventionist observation and data.

·  During RtI times, Tier III students will receive specific strategies and/or instruction based on deficient skills exhibited by the student.

·  These activities should not teach new concepts

·  Progress monitoring will be continuous throughout the intervention duration; however, standardized assessments will be administered at least once every two weeks to document individual student progress.

·  Ideas for activities include, but are not limited to:

Reading Components / Resources
§  Phonemic Awareness
o  Discriminate between sounds and words
o  Match words that rhyme
o  Recognize word families
o  Segment words into syllables
o  Sequence sounds into words
o  Spell multi-syllabic words
o  Clap/tap/snap syllables out of words
o  Beg/end sounds in words / ·  Journey’s Reading Toolkit
·  SRA – ALL STAR Phonics
§  Phonics
o  Recognize/name letters
o  Letter/sound correspondence
o  Recognize high frequency words
o  Build sight word vocabulary
o  Teach word chunking
o  Teach word endings (_s, -ed, ing, -er, -est)practice speed reading techniques
o  Suffixes, prefixes, and base words
o  Contractions & compound words
o  / o 
·  Journey’s Reading Toolkit
·  SRA – ALL STAR Phonics
·  Flashcard/Sight word tiles
§  Fluency
o  Recognize words quickly and accurately
o  Practice w/common phrase cards
o  Re-read previously read text (repeated text reading)
o  Partner read, choral read for practice
o  Timed reading practice
o  / ·  Journey’s
Reading Toolkit
·  SRA – ALL STAR Phonics
·  Flashcard/
Sight word tiles
·  Leveled book boxes
·  Guided reading groups
·  Houghton Mifflin Reading
§  Vocabulary
o  Ability to know what words mean
o  Create vocabulary words walls
o  Point out words with multiple meanings
o  Use context clues to learns meanings of new words
o  Antonyms, synonyms relationships to words
o  Create concept circles w/related words and terms
o  “Word-of-the-day” to build vocab skills
o  Dictionary skills
o  Memorize words w/flashcards & flashcard drills
o  Create category/associated words to unknown word
o  Semantic mapping of words, concepts and connections / ·  Journey’s Reading Toolkit
·  SRA – Horizons
·  Houghton Mifflin Reading
·  SRA Building Vocabulary skills
·  Vocabulary links
·  Reading/thinking skills
§  Comprehension
o  Recognize sequence of events
o  Identify cause and effect relationships
o  Comparing & contrasting information
o  Identify main idea and supporting details
o  Identify fact and opinion
o  Make inferences and predictions
o  Draw conclusions
o  Retell, summarize what is read
o  Develop questions from text read
o  Identify story elements-plot, characters, setting, problem, events, etc
o  Story mapping graphic organizers / ·  Journey’s Reading Toolkit
·  SRA – Horizons
·  Houghton Mifflin Reading
·  SRA Building Vocabulary skills
·  Reading/thinking skills

Teacher Materials and Resources:

Russo, Concetta, Ellenmorris Tiegerman & Christina Radziewicz. (2009). RTI Guide: Making it Work Strategies = Solutions . Port Chester, NY: Dude Publishing

On-line resources or Resource Center materials to use with teaching strategies.