Tuesday, October 3, 2006, 10:00-11:30 AM
Room 4012, EastWestCenter
Meeting Notes
Attendees: Ramona Chinn, Jean Kiyabu, Ranilo Laygo, Dawn Pang, Bruce Chorpita, Jean Johnson, Liz Jacobs, Jason Schiffman, Nicole Starace, Cameo Borntrager
- Announcement – Jean provided statistics from a Honolulu Advertiser article that Hawaii is among the worst in adolescent suicide attempts (12.9 percent) and being treated following a suicide attempt (3.7 percent). The article and data from the CDC Hawaii Youth Behavior Survey were provided.
- Coding of Articles – Participants had coded the Huey, et al. (2004) article. Coding sheets were reviewed in the group to look for necessary changes to the Practicewise coding sheets and to build reliability in the group’s coding practices.
- Selection and Description– Population. The group reported some difficulty determining inclusion and exclusion criteria in Setting Treatment (clinical) section. Group decided that all participants were seeking hospital treatment for suicide attempts but some received outpatient treatment in the study. Therefore, Outpatientwas marked in the observed column, and Inpatient is marked in the I and observed columns.
- Selection and Description – Problem. Autism is an exclusion criteria in the study, and there was some difficulty in the group deciding where to report this. It was decided that Bruce would add Autistic Behavior in the Other column.
- Group Coding Sheets. Some difficulty determining Therapist and Setting for MST. Group discussed importance of only using information provided in the article even when you are familiar with a certain intervention. Important to include Hospital in setting, since many of the youth were hospitalized during the study. At Ramona’s suggestion, Bruce to add Nurse to Therapist column in place of Self.
- Results Coding Sheets. The group discussed that this section was somewhat difficult, as there were many Target Symptom measures reported, and only one line for these measures. Bruce suggested reporting all of the Target Symptom measures, one of the Nontarget measures, and one measure for each of the other domains (if provided). The measures listed first in the Methods section would be used. He also suggested that the measures could be pre-printed on the coding sheet and e-mailed to the group to reduce workload. Jean suggested that the group try this method for the next meeting. Liz agreed to pre-print the measures.
- Bruce commented that the group was becoming more reliable in coding .
- Jean passed out Rowland et al. (2005) article A Randomized trial of multisystemic therapy with Hawaii’s Felix class youths which was mentioned in the article. Members discussed their familiarity with the study and outcomes. The study was terminated prior to completion.
- Handouts – Members were provided with the following handouts:
- Department of Education SBBH Performance Report (April – June 2006)
- Halifors, et al. (2006). Feasibility of screening adolescents for suicide risk in “real world” high school settings. American Journal of Public Health, 96, 282-287. with response from Rotheram-Borus 1339-1340.
- Halifors et al. (2006). Efficacy vs effectiveness trial results of an indicated “model” substance abuse program: implications for public health. Research and Practice, 96, 1-6.
- Assignment – For the next meeting, the group will review the results for the Hyeu (2004) article, and code. Randomized Trial of Group Therapy for Repeated Deliberate Self-Harm in Adolescents by Wood, et al. (2001). Liz will send out Results Coding Sheets with the measures pre-printed. As time permits, be prepared to discuss the two Halifors articles.
- Due to the election holiday, the next meeting will be held on November 14, 2006.