MODULE 1: Keyboarding

-  Definition of the computer

Label and identify the computer system

The function of the various hardware devices

Benefits and use of various input devices

Differences between communication devices and communication media

Differences between operating software and application software

Identify the icons on the desktop or the Windows Operating System

Demonstrate awareness of keyboarding techniques (practical)

Save and retrieve simple documents (practical)

Caring for computer peripherals and the working environment

MODULE 2: Selection and use of stationery

-  Types, sizes and layout of paper

-  Stationery for specific assignments

-  Types and sizes of envelopes

-  Appropriate size envelopes for given assignments

MODULE 3: File Management (Practical and Theory)

Creating folders and subfolders (practical)

Finding and replacing files (practical)

-  File extension

Moving and deleting files and folders (practical

Move around with a document using special keys (practical)

MODULE 4: Production Principles (practical)

Guidelines for formatting documents (fonts, styles, sizes, colour and effect for business documents

Appropriate justification formats for various documents (line spacing -single, 1.5, double); (alignments – left, centre, right, fully justified); bullets and numbers, symbols, borders and shading, background

-  Correct spacing after punctuation

Interpret and apply manuscript signs

Use different types of headings (main head, sub-head, shoulder) paragraph, margin

Prepare typescript from manuscript or typed notes using accepted rules

-  Edit various types of documents

MODULE 5: Business correspondence

-  Produce letters in various

ü  Blocked style letters

ü  Indented style letters

ü  Semi-blocked style letters

ü  Two page letters

ü  Circular letters/mail merge

Produce memorandum in various styles using appropriate stationery

ü  Blocked style memorandum

ü  Indented style memorandum

-  Documents for meetings

ü  Notice and agenda of meeting

ü  Minutes of meeting

ü  Chairman’s agenda

-  Transmit information electronically

ü  Internet and email

ü  Facsimile

-  Composition from notes

-  Resume

Fold different types of document to fit various envelopes

Module 6: Planning and organization

The concept of intellectual property

The rights that are protected by intellectual property laws

ü  Copyright

ü  Plagiarism

-  Guidelines to avoid plagiarism

Plan and order priorities to ensure acceptable standards of work

Demonstrate awareness of desirable habits and wok attitudes






-  Reference manual

-  Research paper

MODULE 2: Production –tabulations and presentations

-  Simple tabulations

-  Advanced tabulations

Integrate information to produce complete documents

Create documents using appropriate software

Module 3: Production Forms

-  Type forms from draft

Complete forms on the computer according to specific instructions

-  Design and type forms from given information

Module 6: Planning and organization

-  The concept of intellectual property

-  The rights that are protected by intellectual property laws

ü  Copyright

ü  Plagiarism

-  Guidelines to avoid plagiarism

-  Plan and order priorities to ensure acceptable standards of work

-  Demonstrate awareness of desirable habits and wok attitudes




GRADE 81 - 86

MODULE 1 - Data Storage

MODULE 2 – Computer Software

ü  Define software

v  Definition of the term software

v  The general function s of software

ü  Identify categories of software

v  Statement of the different categories of software (system and application

v  Definition of the term system software

v  Definition of the term application software

v  Statement of the purpose of the word processor

v  Identification of examples of word processing software – Microsoft Word, Corel, Open Office

v  Use of word processor to carry out listed functions e.g. editing, entering text, cut/paste/copy; Formatting: underline, alter line spacing, font size

v  Identification of the different parts of the word processor windows (the commonly used toolbar, task pane, scroll bar)

ü  Define, describe and list operating systems

v  Definition of operating systems

v  Function of the operating system

v  Examples of operating systems (DOS, UNIX, Windows, MACINTOSH, LINUX)

MODULE 3: Data Communication

ü  Define communication

ü  The components required for successful communication

v  The sending device that initiates an instruction to transmit data, instructions or information

v  The communication device that connects the sending device to a communication channel

ü  The components required for successful communications

v  The communication channel, or transmission media on which the data, instructions or information travel

v  The communication device that connects the communications channel to a receiving device

v  The receiving device that accepts the transmission of data instructions, or information

ü  Identify different communication devices and their uses

ü  Identify different transmission media

ü  Understand the application of communication technology in every day life

v  Internet, World Wide Web, E-mail, Instant Messaging, Chat Rooms, Newsgroups, Video Conferencing, Internet Telephony also known as VoIP, Internet Printing, Collaboration, Groupware, GPS, Voice Mail, SMS or (Short Message Service), Multimedia Messaging Service.

ü  Explain concepts associated with networks

v  List different types of Networks

v  Explain the advantages of using a network

MODULE 4 – Ethics

ü  Define computer Ethics

v  Copyright

v  Intellectual Property

v  Hacking

v  Piracy

v  Privacy

ü  Define computer crime

ü  Types of computer crimes

v  Computer as the target

v  Computer as the instrument

v  Crimes associated with the prevalence of computers

ü  Identify consequences resulting from copyright infringement on intellectual property, invasion of privacy, hacking

ü  Security Threats

v  Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, hackers

ü  Security safeguards

ü  Paraphrasing and citing sources

ü  Understanding the social responsibility of using electronic devices

v  Computer room/lab rules

v  Making, viewing and distribution of inappropriate videos and pictures, e.g. pictures of violence, pornography etc.

v  Distribution of inappropriate text

MODULE 5 – Introduction to Word Processing

ü  State the purpose of the word processor

ü  Identify examples of word processor

ü  Identify the different parts of the word processor window

ü  Use a word processor to carry out listed functions

ü  Use tab settings to create lists of data

ü  Change font attributes

ü  Create simple tables

ü  Insert graphics into a word document

ü  Create a document with two or more columns

ü  Describe the uses of mail merging

ü  Create documents using mail merge facilities




Grade 11 option 1 & CAP Students

Description/Particulars Date Due

LETTERS October 19, 2010

  • With enumeration
  • With a table
  • Circular letter
  • Short letter with an Envelope

MEMORANDUM October 19, 2010

TABULAR WORK October 29, 2010

  • Ruled Tabulation with main heading and

Multiple columnar headings

  • Ruled Tabulation with oblique headings

FORMS October 29, 2010

  • Completion of an Invoice and Statement
  • Forms of Application


  • Agenda for a meeting
  • Notice of a Meeting
  • Minutes of a Meeting
  • Chairman’s Agenda

v  MANUSCRIPT November 30, 2010

  • With shoulder and paragraph headings and footnotes

v  DISPLAY November 30, 2010

  • An invitation with a menu
  • A Programme for an event
  • A flow Chart or Organizational Chart

v  LITERARY WORK December 12, 2010

  • An excerpt of a play

v  LEGAL DOCUMENT December 12, 2010

  • Will
  • Lease

v  Bibliography/Reference December 12, 2010

Section 2

v  Research January 31, 2011