MODULE 1: Keyboarding
- Definition of the computer
- Label and identify the computer system
- The function of the various hardware devices
- Benefits and use of various input devices
- Differences between communication devices and communication media
- Differences between operating software and application software
- Identify the icons on the desktop or the Windows Operating System
- Demonstrate awareness of keyboarding techniques (practical)
- Save and retrieve simple documents (practical)
- Caring for computer peripherals and the working environment
MODULE 2: Selection and use of stationery
- Types, sizes and layout of paper
- Stationery for specific assignments
- Types and sizes of envelopes
- Appropriate size envelopes for given assignments
MODULE 3: File Management (Practical and Theory)
- Creating folders and subfolders (practical)
- Finding and replacing files (practical)
- File extension
- Moving and deleting files and folders (practical
- Move around with a document using special keys (practical)
MODULE 4: Production Principles (practical)
- Guidelines for formatting documents (fonts, styles, sizes, colour and effect for business documents
- Appropriate justification formats for various documents (line spacing -single, 1.5, double); (alignments – left, centre, right, fully justified); bullets and numbers, symbols, borders and shading, background
- Correct spacing after punctuation
- Interpret and apply manuscript signs
- Use different types of headings (main head, sub-head, shoulder) paragraph, margin
- Prepare typescript from manuscript or typed notes using accepted rules
- Edit various types of documents
MODULE 5: Business correspondence
- Produce letters in various
ü Blocked style letters
ü Indented style letters
ü Semi-blocked style letters
ü Two page letters
ü Circular letters/mail merge
- Produce memorandum in various styles using appropriate stationery
ü Blocked style memorandum
ü Indented style memorandum
- Documents for meetings
ü Notice and agenda of meeting
ü Minutes of meeting
ü Chairman’s agenda
- Transmit information electronically
ü Internet and email
ü Facsimile
- Composition from notes
- Resume
- Fold different types of document to fit various envelopes
Module 6: Planning and organization
- The concept of intellectual property
- The rights that are protected by intellectual property laws
ü Copyright
ü Plagiarism
- Guidelines to avoid plagiarism
- Plan and order priorities to ensure acceptable standards of work
- Demonstrate awareness of desirable habits and wok attitudes
- Reference manual
- Research paper
MODULE 2: Production –tabulations and presentations
- Simple tabulations
- Advanced tabulations
- Integrate information to produce complete documents
- Create documents using appropriate software
Module 3: Production Forms
- Type forms from draft
- Complete forms on the computer according to specific instructions
- Design and type forms from given information
Module 6: Planning and organization
- The concept of intellectual property
- The rights that are protected by intellectual property laws
ü Copyright
ü Plagiarism
- Guidelines to avoid plagiarism
- Plan and order priorities to ensure acceptable standards of work
- Demonstrate awareness of desirable habits and wok attitudes
GRADE 81 - 86
MODULE 1 - Data Storage
MODULE 2 – Computer Software
ü Define software
v Definition of the term software
v The general function s of software
ü Identify categories of software
v Statement of the different categories of software (system and application
v Definition of the term system software
v Definition of the term application software
v Statement of the purpose of the word processor
v Identification of examples of word processing software – Microsoft Word, Corel, Open Office
v Use of word processor to carry out listed functions e.g. editing, entering text, cut/paste/copy; Formatting: underline, alter line spacing, font size
v Identification of the different parts of the word processor windows (the commonly used toolbar, task pane, scroll bar)
ü Define, describe and list operating systems
v Definition of operating systems
v Function of the operating system
v Examples of operating systems (DOS, UNIX, Windows, MACINTOSH, LINUX)
MODULE 3: Data Communication
ü Define communication
ü The components required for successful communication
v The sending device that initiates an instruction to transmit data, instructions or information
v The communication device that connects the sending device to a communication channel
ü The components required for successful communications
v The communication channel, or transmission media on which the data, instructions or information travel
v The communication device that connects the communications channel to a receiving device
v The receiving device that accepts the transmission of data instructions, or information
ü Identify different communication devices and their uses
ü Identify different transmission media
ü Understand the application of communication technology in every day life
v Internet, World Wide Web, E-mail, Instant Messaging, Chat Rooms, Newsgroups, Video Conferencing, Internet Telephony also known as VoIP, Internet Printing, Collaboration, Groupware, GPS, Voice Mail, SMS or (Short Message Service), Multimedia Messaging Service.
ü Explain concepts associated with networks
v List different types of Networks
v Explain the advantages of using a network
MODULE 4 – Ethics
ü Define computer Ethics
v Copyright
v Intellectual Property
v Hacking
v Piracy
v Privacy
ü Define computer crime
ü Types of computer crimes
v Computer as the target
v Computer as the instrument
v Crimes associated with the prevalence of computers
ü Identify consequences resulting from copyright infringement on intellectual property, invasion of privacy, hacking
ü Security Threats
v Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, hackers
ü Security safeguards
ü Paraphrasing and citing sources
ü Understanding the social responsibility of using electronic devices
v Computer room/lab rules
v Making, viewing and distribution of inappropriate videos and pictures, e.g. pictures of violence, pornography etc.
v Distribution of inappropriate text
MODULE 5 – Introduction to Word Processing
ü State the purpose of the word processor
ü Identify examples of word processor
ü Identify the different parts of the word processor window
ü Use a word processor to carry out listed functions
ü Use tab settings to create lists of data
ü Change font attributes
ü Create simple tables
ü Insert graphics into a word document
ü Create a document with two or more columns
ü Describe the uses of mail merging
ü Create documents using mail merge facilities
Grade 11 option 1 & CAP Students
Description/Particulars Date Due
v LETTERS October 19, 2010
- With enumeration
- With a table
- Circular letter
- Short letter with an Envelope
v MEMORANDUM October 19, 2010
v TABULAR WORK October 29, 2010
- Ruled Tabulation with main heading and
Multiple columnar headings
- Ruled Tabulation with oblique headings
v FORMS October 29, 2010
- Completion of an Invoice and Statement
- Forms of Application
v COMMITTEE DOCUMENTS November 19, 2010
- Agenda for a meeting
- Notice of a Meeting
- Minutes of a Meeting
- Chairman’s Agenda
v MANUSCRIPT November 30, 2010
- With shoulder and paragraph headings and footnotes
v DISPLAY November 30, 2010
- An invitation with a menu
- A Programme for an event
- A flow Chart or Organizational Chart
v LITERARY WORK December 12, 2010
- An excerpt of a play
v LEGAL DOCUMENT December 12, 2010
- Will
- Lease
v Bibliography/Reference December 12, 2010
Section 2
v Research January 31, 2011