14 July 2015
IFEES 2015 President Elect & Executive Committee Ballot

Election Submission Procedures

Up until the CLOSE OF BUSINESS DAY of August 21st, 2015, representatives of the member societies in the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies may submit votes to . Please be assured that your response is confidential and will not be published in any electronic or print form. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Hans J. Hoyer, +1 202-299-4942, or Uriel Cukierman, .

Please note that IFEES members who plan to attend the annual IFEES summit may also submit their votes during the IFEES General Assembly, where each nominee will speak briefly about their candidacy. All electronic and paper ballots submitted will be counted at this time.

Please vote by placing an X next to the name of one candidate you support for President Elect, and place an X next to the names of up to five candidates you support to become IFEES Executive Committee members.

Voting procedures:

1.  List the candidate(s) you would like to nominate for the vacancies from the list on page two, or you may attach this ballot in your e-mail with your selections noted.

2.  Select up to five candidates you would like to elect for the IFEES Executive Committee and one candidate for the IFEES President Elect.

There are three methods for submitting votes:

3.  E-Mail

a.  Start a new e-mail to Uriel Cukierman () and Dr. Hans J. Hoyer ()

b.  Write in the Subject Line: 2015 IFEES Election

c.  List up to five names you would like to elect to the Executive Committee.

i.  If more than five names are listed, the ballot will be voided.

d.  List up one name you would like to elect to the President Elect

i.  If more than one name is listed, the ballot will be voided.

e.  Submit your vote no later than August 21st, 2015.

4.  In person

a.  Members attending IFEES General Assembly at the WEEF 2015 Florence event will have an opportunity to vote in person

5.  Delegate

a.  Start a new e-mail to Uriel Cukierman () Dr. Hans J. Hoyer ()

b.  Write in the Subject Line: 2015 IFEES Election – Delegate

c.  List the name of the representative who you give authorization to vote on your behalf if you cannot come to Florence

Thank you for taking the time to vote in the 2015 IFEES President Elect and Executive Committee election

**Please note: Observer members are not eligible to vote**
**Only votes of members who have paid the annual membership fee for Fiscal Year 2015 will be counted**

Candidates for the IFEES President Elect

Alaa Ashmawy, Society of Engineers UAE, Dubai / Michael Auer, IGIP & IAOE, Austria
Ivan E. Esparragoza, LACCEI, United States

Candidates for Executive Committee Membership

Françoise Côme, SEFI, Belgium / Rohit Kandakatla, SPEED, India
David Delaine, ISTEC-GINET, USA / Kwang Sun Kim, KSEE, South Korea
Pratapsinh K Desai, ISTE, India / Mitar Pitzek, GE4, Austria
Tuncay Döğeroğlu, TEDC, Turkey / Miguel Angel Sosa, CONFEDI, Argentina
Gudrun Kammasch, IPW, Germany

Candidates for President Elect

Alaa Ashmawy
Society of Engineers – UAE
United Arab Emirates
Dr. Alaa K. Ashmawy is Professor of Civil Engineering and Dean of the School of Engineering at the American University in Dubai (AUD) and Chair of the UAE Engineering Deans Council. He earned his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from Purdue University in West Lafayette (Indiana, USA), and his Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with Distinction from Alexandria University (Egypt). Prior to joining AUD, he was a tenured faculty member at the University of South Florida. He also held interim appointments with the geosystems group at Georgia Tech in Atlanta (USA), the National Research Centre in Cairo (Egypt), and Universidád de las Americas in Puebla (Mexico). Alaa has been active with both IFEES and GEDC since 2007, and served on both executive boards. He is currently representing the UAE Society of Engineers on the IFEES Executive Board. He is a member of the UAE Society of Engineers, the UAE Engineering Deans Council, ASEE, ASCE, Sigma Xi, and is a Program Evaluator for ABET’s Engineering Accreditation Commission. He is the recipient of numerous research, teaching, and service awards at the institutional and national levels, including the Jerome Krivanek Distinguished Teacher Award at USF, the President’s Institutional Effectiveness Award at AUD, and the International Engineering Educator title (ING.PAED.IGIP) Honoris Causa by IGIP. Ashmawy’s technical expertise is in civil and geotechnical engineering, with interests in environmental geotechnics, micromechanics of granular media, and foundation design. He authored and co-authored two book chapters and more than 100 papers in his field. His research has been funded by the US National Science Foundation, the US Department of State, and the Florida Department of Transportation. He consults regularly on a broad range of projects in the USA and the UAE, and is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Florida, USA.
Rationale Statement
It is a privilege to be nominated as Chair Elect of IFEES, on behalf of the UAE Society of Engineers. Through its role as a global “society of societies”, IFEES made it possible for us to connect with colleagues across geographic and cultural boundaries and forge long lasting partnerships. In addition, it allowed many of us to reflect upon our roles in supporting global-minded engineering education activities in our societies, and our views on issues such as accreditation and curriculum development in a global sense. While it is important for IFEES to continue to serve as a forum for its member societies to communicate and exchange ideas, our organization is also now well-positioned to have stronger input on regional and global policies affecting engineering education. As an active member of the UAE Society of Engineers and a founding member of the UAE Engineering Deans Council, I appreciated the role IFEES played in supporting engineering education activities at the regional level, including the membership activities of the UAE Society of Engineers. This experience can be used as a model to strengthen the role of engineering education societies in other parts of the world, and spur the formation of such societies where they do not exist. Through IFEES, we can also collectively play a key role and serve as credible voices on matters such as accreditation standards for engineering programs and education policy. If elected, I plan to strengthen the ongoing partnerships with global organizations such as the World Bank, and initiate dialogues with new ones. In parallel, and as our organization continues to grow, it is imperative that we expand our network of corporate partners in order to provide stronger links between academia and industry, and to gain better understanding of the needs of employers in terms of skills and diversity of graduates. As I stressed out at WEEF 2014 in Dubai, education does not only happen at Colleges and Universities and must involve all stakeholders. It is through such partnerships that we can prepare a new generation of globally minded engineers equipped with the competencies needed to address current and future engineering challenges.
Michael Auer
International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP)
International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
Michael E. Auer received his Ing. Degree (1971) and his Ph.D. degree (1975) from the Dresden University of Technology, Germany and in 1978 a Dr.sc.techn. Degree (Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification - Habilitation). After his academic career, he worked in the industry.
In 1995 Michael Auer was appointed Professor of Electrical Engineering of the Dept. of Electronics at Carinthia Tech Institute, Villach, Austria.
Based on his experience in teaching engineering subjects at Technical University of Dresden and in the further education in corporations he built up the teaching domain “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Circuit Design”.
Michael Auer has also a teaching position for “Microelectronics” at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria and works as a visiting professor at some universities worldwide.
He gave guest lectures at University of Patras, Greece, Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Princess Sumaya University for Technology Amman, Jordan, MIT Boston, USA, Columbia University New York, USA, Technical Universities of Moscow, Athens and others. He was invited as keynote speaker to numerous conferences worldwide.
Michael Auer is a Senior Member of IEEE and member of ASEE, VDE, IGIP, etc., author or co-author of more than 180 publications and leading member of numerous national and international organizations in the field of Online Technologies. His current research is directed to technology enhanced learning and remote working environments.
Besides being a co-chair or member of the Program Committees of several international conferences and workshops, he is especially involved in the following international conferences:
- Founder and general chair of the annual International Conference “Interactive Collaborative Learning” (ICL, www.icl-conference.org) since 1998.
- Chair of the steering committee of the annual International Conference “Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation” (REV, www.rev-conference.org) since 2004.
- Chair of the steering committee and conference co-chair of the annual International Conference “IEEE Engineering Education” (EDUCON, www.educon-conference.org) since 2010.
In 2009 Michael Auer was appointed as member of the Advisory Board of the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG, http://www.elig.org ). Furthermore, he is chair of the Advisory Board of the International E-Learning Association (IELA, www.ielassoc.org ) and member of the Board of Consultants of the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE, http://www.icieparis.net).
He works as an evaluator and coordinator of European Union funded research projects and is member in expert groups of the European Commission.
Michael Auer has experience in leading of several national and international projects in the fields of remote engineering and technology supported learning.
Under his guidance, international teams developed a Joint European Master Study Program “Remote Engineering” (EU project MARE) and a Joint European Bachelor Study Program “Information Technology” (EU project BIT2010).
Michael Auer is editor-in-chief of the International Journals of “Online Engineering” (iJOE, www.i-joe.org ), “Emerging Technologies in Learning” (iJET, www.i-jet.org ) and “Interactive Mobile Technologies” (iJIM, www.i-jim.org ).
Michael Auer is Founding President and CEO of the “International Association of Online Engineering” (IAOE), a non-governmental organization that promotes the vision of new engineering working environments worldwide. In September 2010 he was elected as President of the “International Society for Engineering Education” (IGIP). His term of office as IGIP President was extended last year until 2017.
Furthermore, he is one of the founders and Secretary General of the “Global Online Laboratory Consortium” (GOLC, www.online-lab.org). GOLC is the result of an initiative started in 2009 at MIT to coordinate the work on educational online laboratories worldwide.
Since 2011 he is a member of the Advisory Board of the “International Institute for Developing Engineering Academics” – IIDEA.
In June 2011 Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania awarded Michael E. Auer with the title Dr.h.c. The laudation was held by Prof. Rob Reilly from MIT, Boston.
During the World Engineering Education Forum – WEEF2014 in Dubai Michael Auer was elected as member of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES).
Rationale Statement
To begin with, let me tell you that it is a great honor and privilege for me to be considered as a candidate for the 2015 IFEES President Elect election.
As you might know, I have frequently been involved in a number of IFEES activities over the years and have also acted in several functions for IFEES, for example as the co-chair of the Award Committee, as a member of the Nomination Committee, and as a member of the IIDEA Advisory Board. I have also been contributing to the preparation of WEEF2014 and have participated in many other Engineering Education activities.
During the World Engineering Education Forum – WEEF2014 in Dubai I was elected as member of the Executive Committee of IFEES.
We are currently witnessing a significant transformation in the development of Engineering Education. Two essential elements of this transformation process are definitely the challenges that have to be tackled in the fields of
·  the impact of globalisation on all areas of human life, and
·  the exponential acceleration of the developments in technology as well as of the global markets and the necessity of flexibilisation arising from it
within Engineering Education.
I can envisage IFEES as the great community that may play an active role in this transformation process. Who else, if not we as IFEES, could provide the direction and the content with which Engineering Education can help to master future challenges for society.
Over many years, I have been closely connected with many dear colleagues and friends in IFEES through our common work : Hans Hoyer, Uriel Cukierman, Lueny Morell, Krishna Vedula, Claudio Borri, Stephanie Farell, to name but a few.
Together with all IFEES members, I would like to focus my work on the following aspects:
·  As global player, IFEES has a special responsibility for the exchange of the needs, experiences, best practices, etc. in EE between the regions. In addition, due to the global dimension of engineering tasks we are challenged to increase the support of our colleagues in developing countries.
·  The requirements for EE coming from emerging technologies as for example online engineering, industry 4.0, additive technologies, etc. have to be broadly discussed.
·  The new and future developments in engineering and the resulting new needs for EE require a new quality in the cooperation between all stakeholders in EE (state and private universities/colleges, industry, governmental and international organizations).
·  Based on the crucial role of engineering in society IFEES should struggle to enhance the prestige of the engineers and the engineering profession.
I strongly believe that it is of the utmost importance that IFEES will, in the future, listen to and learn more from its members than ever before and that best-practice experiences and innovative methods shall become a more general and universal importance. In addition, IFEES shall organise more common activities, partnerships and co-operations for its members, which would put Engineering Education into a more cross-linked global context and would also create considerable synergies.
As Darwin said: "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most responsive to change." Let’s do this change together!