League Procedure & Little League Rules

Umpires at all levels of play in Little League have the power and authority to eject players, managers, coaches and spectators from both the game and Little League Complex.

Rule 4.07 states: “When the manager, coach or player is ejected from a game, they shall leave the field immediately and take no further part in the game. They MAY NOT sit in the stands and may not be recalled. A

Manager or coach ejected from a game MUST NOT be present at the game site for the remainder of that game”. Any manager, coach or player
ejected from a game is automatically suspended for his/her teams next physically played game and MAY NOT be in attendance at the game site from which they were suspended.

Any manager, coach or player ejected from a game MUST also appear before the Leagues Disciplinary Committee, who may recommend no further action, or make recommendations to the full board for further disciplinary action.

Any umpire ejecting a manager, coach or player must immediately notify the Division Commissioner and Chief Umpire. Then provide a written report within 48 hours. The Division Commissioner must report the incident to the League President so that a disciplinary Committee can set a time and place to review the ejection. The responsibility falls on the Division Commissioner to see that the ejected manager, coach or player completes the process as stated above.

Managers are responsible for controlling the behavior of the team’s parents. In the event that a spectator is ejected, they will be ordered to leave the complex immediately, if they refuse to go and continue to cause a problem the umpire will halt the game and ask the manager of the team to handle the problem. If that does not work, the umpire will find a board member to enforce his ruling.