Activity Summary:

Ask students to write and turn in a bio-poem using the following format. You will be surprised at some of the responses. And, you will have their addresses again for your records.

Educators, you never know how important some of the smallest lessons can be!

I save these from year to year. One of our students was killed in a car accident. Her mother called me for a copy to put on her daughter’s bio information on the back of the funeral service program.

Line 1: Your first name only

Line 2: Four traits that describe you

Line 3: Sibling of _________________________________________

Line 4: Lover of _________________________ (3 people or ideas)

Line 5: Who feels ________________________ (3 responses)

Line 6: Who needs _______________________ (3 responses)

Line 7: Who gives ________________________ (3 responses)

Line 8: Who fears ________________________ (3 responses)

Line 9: Who would like to see ______________ (3 responses)

Line 10: Resident of __________________ (one street address, city, and/or state)

Line 11: Your last name only

Example of Bio-Poem


Honest, happy, content, and established,

Sister of Lawrence, James, and Elaine,

Lover of the freshness of spring, the laughter of a child, and the beauty of fresh, green growth

Who feels joy when traveling, loneliness in the dark, and happiness of a crowded beach!

Who needs sunshine, rain, and greenness,

Who gives friendship, encouragement, and smiles,

Who fears pain, hunger, and the end of a good book,

Who would like to see contentment for man and animal, laughter in people’s lives, and more appreciation of nature,

Resident of 123 Main street, Pleasanton, Texas,
