Biology I

Ecology Part II Vocabulary

*Ecology Part 2 flashcards are due by Wednesday, September 21st.

*Ecology Part 2 Quiz is Monday, September 26th.

*Ecology Part 2 Test is Thursday, September 29th.

Use the textbook to define the following terms and make flashcards. Some words may not be highlighted or in bold.

1. Habitat pg. 428

2. Ecological niche pg. 428

3. competitive exclusion pg. 429

4. immigration pg. 440

5. Emigration pg. 440

6. Carrying capacity pg. 442

7. Limiting factor pg. 443

8. Population crash pg. 442

9. Primary succession pg. 446

10. Secondary succession pg. 447

11. Dynamic equilibrium- a state of stability in an ecosystem when the populations do not change very much

12. Pioneer species pg. 446

13. Nonrenewable resources pg. 485

14. Renewable resources pg. 485

15. Biodegradable- objects that easily decompose in the environment

16. Algal bloom- an excessive growth of algae due to fertilizer run-off

17. Conservation- preserving and restoring natural habitats

18. Pollution pg. 488

19. Smog pg. 488

20. Global warming pg. 492

21. Ozone layer – a layer in the upper atmosphere that protects the earth’s surface from UV radiation

22. 03 -what the ozone layer is made of, three oxygens

23. CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons)- a compound used in aerosol cans that destroy the ozone layer

24. Biomagnification pg. 495

25. Introduced/invasive species pg. 500

26. Habitat fragmentation pg. 499

27. Climax community- the final community in an ecosystem once it becomes stable

28. Ponds are never climax communities.

29. Pioneer species are usually lichens.

30. Lichens- algae and fungi living in a symbiotic relationship, helps breakdown rocks into soil

31. Logistic growth- natural population growth that follows an S-shaped pattern

32. Exponential growth- unrestricted population growth that follows a J-shaped pattern

33. Population crash-pg. 442

34. Density dependent factors- limiting factors that depend on the number of organisms in a population; examples: available food, water, habitat

35. Density independent factors - limiting factors that do not depend on the number of organisms in a population; examples: natural disasters or human activities