Eaton County Courthouse
1045 Independence Boulevard
Charlotte, Michigan 48813-1095
Phone: (517) 543-3809
Fax: (517) 543-6446 / Richard Wagner
Eaton County Drain Commissioner

Part 91 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control

Application for Commercial, Multiple Residential, Industrial and

Institutional Sites, and for Road and Utility Corridors

Dear Prospective Builder:

Any earth change activity occurring within 500 feet of any stream, lake, pond or wetland, or any disturbance that exceeds 1 acre in size, requires a soil erosion and sedimentation control (SESC) permit under Part 91, Act 451 of 1994, as amended. The legislature defines an earth change as “any change in the natural cover or topography of land, including cut and fill activities, which may result in or contribute to soil erosion or sedimentation of the waters of the state.”

Plans submitted for the listed land uses must conform to stormwater management rules of the Eaton County Drain Commissioner, including post- construction management of the site upon completion. Refer to the Drain Commissioner’s page on Eaton County’s website ( for information. Access to current stormwater management and soil erosion requirements can be found on this page.

To secure a permit for any of the listed activities, the attached permit application must be completed and returned with an erosion control plan and storm water detention calculations. Two complete sets of civil construction plans must be submitted (architectural drawings are not required). One printed copy along with one electronic copy is the preferred format for submission. Additional fees may apply (see fee schedule on the webpage).

Attached to the application is a timing sequence that will enable you to submit an approvable plan. When completing the application, it is important to have the permit application signed by both the landowner (or a statement from the landowner) and the designated agent, if applicable.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact my office during regular business hours.

Richard Wagner

Eaton County Drain Commissioner Office

Site Subject to NPDES Permit Requirements

For Part 91




Permit #
Date Issued
Expiration Date


Name / Landowner / Designated Agent
Address / E-mail Address
City / State / Zip / Tele. # ( )


Section / Township / City / Village / County EATON
Subdivision / Lot No. / Tax ID Number / Street Address


Describe Project
/ Size of Earth Change
(ac or sq ft)
Name and distance to nearest lake, stream or drain / Project Start Date / Project Completion Date

4.  SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN (Refer to Rule 323.1703 attached)

Note: 2 sets of Site Plans (one paper & one electronic) including an SESC Site plan must be attached. /

Cost of Erosion and Sedimentation Control (include silt fence installation and maintenance, temporary and permanent seeding, dust and mud control, and cost of crushed rock construction entrance.


Name of Landowner (if not provided as applicant) / Address
City / State / Zip / Area Code/Telephone Number
Name of Individual “On-Site” Responsible for Earth Change / Company Name / Area Code/Telephone Number


/ Cell #
City / State / Zip / Fax #

6.  PERFORMANCE DEPOSIT (Amount Determined During Plan Review)

Amount Required $
/ Cash / Check
I (we) affirm that the above information is accurate and that I (we) will conduct the above described earth change in accordance with Part 91, Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended, applicable local ordinances, and the documents accompanying this application.
Landowner’ Signature / Print Name / Date
Designated Agent’s Signature / Print Name / Date

*Designated agent must have a signed statement from landowner authorizing him to secure a Soil Erosion Permit in the landowner’s name and designate an on-site person.

Sample Timing and Sequence of Construction

Commercial and Industrial Development

Project Start Date:



/ Delineate Names of Months / Activity
/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / Completed
1.  Stake building sites / utilities
2.  Identify and protect buffer / filter strips
3.  Protect and stabilize critical areas
4.  Install temporary control measures
a.  Diversions
b.  Sediment basins
c.  Other (Temporary seeding, silt fence, etc.)
5.  Maintain temporary control measures
6.  Install aggregate access road
7.  Site clearing
8.  Remove and stockpile topsoil
9.  Install underground utilities (incl. well & septic)
10.  Grade site
11.  Excavate footings / basement
12.  Construct footings / basement
13.  Backfill footings / basement
14.  Construct superstructure
15.  Apply aggregate base to driveways, etc.
16.  Complete final grade, including topsoil
17.  Implement permanent control measures
Vegetative controls (seeding or sodding)
Other (specify)
18.  Remove temporary control measures

* Applicant must indicate the start and duration of each applicable activity by weeks from the projected start date. The approximate completion date for each activity must be indicated in the last column. Construction activities not applicable to the project may be left blank.

What information is required in the permit application?

The applicant must submit an application that provides specific information such as the name of the on-site responsible person, location and size of the earth change, description of the earth change, and project starting and ending dates. The applicant must also submit a SESC plan that includes the following information:

R 323.1703 Soil erosion and sedimentation control plan requirements.

Rule 1703. A person shall prepare a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan for any earth change identified in R 323.1704. A person shall design the plan to effectively reduce accelerated soil erosion and sedimentation and shall identify factors that may contribute to soil erosion or sedimentation, or both. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:

(a) A map or maps at a scale of not more than 200 feet to the inch or as otherwise determined by the county or local enforcing agency. A map shall include a legal description and site location sketch that includes the proximity of any proposed earth change to lakes or streams, or both; predominant land features; and contour intervals or slope description.

(b) A soils survey or a written description of the soil types of the exposed land area contemplated for the earth change.

(c) Details for proposed earth changes, including all of the following:

(i) A description and the location of the physical limits of each proposed earth change.

(ii) A description and the location of all existing and proposed on-site drainage and dewatering facilities.

(iii) The timing and sequence of each proposed earth change.

(iv) The location and description for installing and removing all proposed temporary soil erosion and sediment control measures.

(v) A description and the location of all proposed permanent soil erosion and sediment control measures.

(vi) A program proposal for the continued maintenance of all permanent soil erosion and sediment control measures that remain after project completion, including the designation of the person responsible for the maintenance. Maintenance responsibilities shall become a part of any sales or exchange agreement for the land on which the permanent soil erosion control measures are located.