Smith County Bar Association

Board Meeting Minutes, July 23, 2015, Regions Bank Board Room

Attendance:Ron Stutes, Marisa Schouten, Greg Kimmel, Reagan butts, Stafford Davis, Danny Noteware, Leigh Porter, Ron Schoenbrun, Andy Stinso, Nathaniel Moran and Executive Director Cristy Arscott

Absent:Deborah Pullum, Bryan Campbell, Leigh Hunt, and Pete Kerr

Call to Order: The July 2015 meeting of the SCBA was called to order by Ron Stutes, President, on July 23, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. in the Regions Bank Board Room

Remarks from the President -- Ron Stutes
Board members introduced themselves to eachother. Stutes discussed plans and programs for 2015-16 followed by Q&A from Board.Focus for upcoming year is increasing membership to increase revenue. Stutes requests all board members to reach out and encourage individuals who need to renew or aren't members to become members.

Internal Affairs– Ron Stutes
Dues- renewalsand new members, letter to Emeritus and judges, and speaker for Joint Luncheon discussed.

Noteware moved to send a letter asking lawyers who aren't required to pay dues to do so anyway as a contribution to the SCBA. Schouten seconded. Passed unanimously.

External Affairs
Veteran’s legal clinic with the Houston Bar Association: The legislature this year provided more funding for veterans services. The Houston bar association wants to include the SCBA with them in a grant/coalition to promote veterans clinics. The deadline for the grant is soon. The downside is that Lonestar Legal Aid won't be used but rather the Houston Volunteer Attorney Program. No action taken.

Request to send email to SCBA list re: Smith County Court Automation. Passed unanimously.

Open-ended discussion on strategic plans: Executive Director Cristy Arscott
Review of strategic plan tasks.Discussion of rough draft of Affinity Program. Goal is to raise additional funds for SCBA to support purpose and function of the organization. Affinity program would bundle advertising opportunities etc. as packages for potential advertisers to purchase.

Suggested: A sub-committee to look at long range fundraising strategy. The concern is to avoid hitting individuals up 6-7 times a year, and instead only ask for money once a year.

Review of list of potential individuals to ask: add banks, accounting firms Leigh suggests to personalize the brochures so that our target businesses understand it's because they have relationship with law offices/legal market.

Subcommittee formed: Schouten, Noteware, Stutes, Kimmel, Heine.

Minutes and Commitments Review: Secretary Marisa Schouten
June minutes approved by consent.

Finance report: Treasurer Greg Kimmel
Financial report approved by consent.

Executive Director: Cristy Arscott
Report on activity since last board meeting

Round robin

Next Java with Judges August 27, 2015-- district and county court judges.

Discussion of promoting membership based on list attached to meeting handout. Stutes requested all to make notes as contact is made. It's time to ding-dong the list.

Kimmel suggested to get feedback from bar members. 2 different surveys (short). Eg. What can we do to help you be successful?

Stutes asks all members to attend the monthly CLE luncheons.

Chair for Mock Trials needed.

Judges for mock trial needed as well.

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned by Ron Stutes, Pres. At 1:00 p.m.

Submitted by Marisa Schouten, SCBA Secretary.