Easter Treasure Hunt: A fun activity for kids on Easter Sunday!

These hiding places worked for us in our home, but you can adapt for your home/environment very easily! Just add or remove any steps that don’t work for you.

Have this one just lying around somewhere obvious, it is the first clue they should read. You might also just hand it to them and say: Look what I found, from the Easter Bunny / You’re getting bigger, so I thought I would make this a bit harder for you this year. Welcome to your first Easter Treasure Hunt!!! This is your first clue. You will find the next one hidden somewhere safe. But first, I need to go dry off, as my tail got soaking wet on the snow.
This clue was hidden in our dryer / Well done! Hey, isn’t it supposed to be spring??? I froze my little whiskers on my way over here. I am going to find myself somewhere really toasty to warm myself up.
This clue was hidden in the chimney/fireplace / You guys are really good! I wonder if Santa Claus gets as dirty as I just did when he comes down this chimney. Ah choom! Ah choom! Well, I’m off to leave you your next clue. Since it was so hot in here, I think I need to go cool off now. Let’s see if you can figure it out…
This clue was hidden in the fridge / All right! Enough of this hot/cold business, I’m going to end up getting sick!! And then all the other kids will miss out on chocolates. So, what’s next? How about a little music to lighten up the mood? Anybody for Mozart?
This clue was hidden in the piano / Great job! I hear you guys are getting quite good at piano. Do you know the Peter Cottontail song? No? Maybe you’ll learn it next year.
Wow, all this hopping around your house is tiring. I think I might just plop down somewhere comfy and have a little rest. I wonder where I might put my feet up for a couple of minutes?
This clue was hidden in on of the couches / Gotcha!!! Well done, that was a tricky one. What’s that noise? It sounds like a plane flying nearby. Oh no, it’s just my tummy rumbling. I haven’t had anything but carrots since last night. I brought my favourite frozen dinner with me, though! Is there anyway we could cook it quickly before moving on to the next clue?
This clue was hidden in the microwave / Mmmmm, Mmmmm. That was DELICIOUS, thank you very much. But it has left me with a huge thirst to quench. What would I like? A tall glass of orange juice? Some nice warm milk? I know!!!!!!!! How about a nice glass of red wine…
This clue was hidden in the wine rack / Good job! Am I too tricky for you? You’re doing great, that’s for sure. Oh no! I just spilled some of this red wine all over my beautiful white fur… Do you know how to get wine out of rabbit fur? Rabbits don’t really like water that much, you know. But I guess I have no choice. Wish me luck!
This clue was hidden in the bathtub / That was just as bad as I thought! Rabbits aren’t really made for bathing, you know. Now I can’t stop sneezing from all that water up my nose. All right, we’re getting near the end, now. I don’t believe it!!!! After all that, I just found out that the wine not only got on my fur, but all over my little jacket as well. What does a rabbit need to do around here to get a little coat cleaned?
This clue was in the washing machine / Brilliant!
Oh my goodness! Look at the date! It’s my brother’s birthday today! I should really send him a card. Do you have any pens I could borrow? If I could write in a rainbow of glittery colors, that would be really great.
We happened to have a ‘carousel’ of glitter pens the kids love, so this clue was hidden there. / Great thanks. I hope he gets the card on time. He lives in Australia, you know!
Do you think I should send a little gift, too? On second thought, I have an even better idea. I have had enough of these cold springs here in Montreal. Snow in April?? No more. I’m going to move to Australia, too. All I need is a swim suit and some towels.
This message, along with their final prizes, was hidden in the linen closet / Superb!!! That was fun! I really hope you enjoyed it, you deserve a nice prize, now! Have a VERY HAPPY EASTER, and I’ll see you again next year.