11/12th Grade August 2014 – June 2015 ERHS

Teacher: Mr. Bouarfa

Rm. 3-220


Phone: 352 383 6101 Ext. 4697

Planning period 3rd 9:14-10.00 am (Conferences must be pre-arranged)

Classroom phone will create email when parents leave messages.

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills necessary to read for both pleasure and purpose. The students will focus on increasing vocabulary as well as applying reading strategies that will help with comprehension.

The goal of the course is to guide students to become proficient, fluent, and excited independent readers, as well as effective writers based on the Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS).

Students will have many opportunities to read and analyze informational text from various perspectives/ points of view, to view and analyze literature in historical context, and to observe and create connections between literature and the arts.

The course encourages reading, writing, listening, and speaking in whole group, small groups, and offers individualized differentiated instruction and practice...

· Students are expected to incorporate, listening, speaking, and writing in their course work.

· Students are expected to give oral presentations, formal written reports, and complete projects in groups/pairs as requested by teacher.

Required Materials for class daily:

· 1 spiral notebook

· 2 3-prong folders (preferably black/gold-extra points)

· Loose leaf Paper

· 2 Sharpened Pencils

· 1 Blue or Black Pen

· Highlighters,

· Correcting pens (red/ green)

· Sticky notes/post its

Grading Procedures

The Lake County School Board policy has mandated the following grading scale:

% Letter Grade Progress Reading/Writing Scale Performance

90 – 100 A Outstanding Proficiency

80 – 89 B Above average Developing

70 – 79 C Average Emerging

60 – 69 D Lowest acceptable Beginning

The grading rubric is posted in every ERHS classroom

Grades may not appear immediately after they are turned in but they will be placed in a reasonable amount of time so that we can help the student achieve his/her academic goal.

Students earning less than a B average will take home weekly progress reports on Fridays as parent contact.

Skyward Grade Book - The parental access is coming soon. Parents/ guardians are encouraged to frequently review academic progress with students If you do not receive notifications from the grade book please contact me as soon as possible and provide your email. If you do not set up your grade book account ASAP then I cannot send you notifications via the district based grade book, Skyward. Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or need clarification.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

All students are expected to follow the rules stated in the Lake County Student Code of Conduct. In addition, the following rules will apply in the classroom:

· Be Prompt:

o Arrive to class and be seated before the late bell rings. Tardies will be subject to Lake County and ERHS school policy

· Show Respect for Self and Others

o Be mindful of your classmates “space” and treat each other with due respect.

o Stealing is a referable offense Never “borrow” or remove anything from a classmates backpack, pocketbook, , etc. without acquiring permission from the owner –

o All equipment inside of the classroom (audio-visual equipment, computers, printers, desks, walls, etc. are property of ERHS and therefore Lake County School district. Students must not damage this property in any way, shape or form, including scribbling on furniture.

· Be prepared for class:

o Always have your materials at hand: your own pencil, pen, paper, reading novel, notebooks, loose leaf paper, etc.

o If the teacher requests additional material for a project or special assignment, make sure that you bring it to class on time when required.

o Apply good study habits; being prepared means coming in with homework assignments completed, ON TIME and being ready to discuss assigned reading material, etc.

o Late work will be accepted per the LCSB Code of Conduct. If the student is out when a long term project is due, the project shall be submitted when the student returns to class. All assignments are posted and due dates noted in students’ agendas. Late work will be handled according to the LCSB policy for late assignments.

· Speak at appropriate times:

o Never shout out answers, wait to be called on.

o Only one person should speak at a time; when someone is speaking, everyone should be listening.

o Use an appropriate tone of voice inside of the classroom.

o Know when to be quiet and when to speak

· Remain on task:

o Come to do work for the Intensive Reading class only!

o Remaining on task means “sticking” to whatever task the class is working on.

o If you have completed the assigned task, ask the teacher for further instructions or read your SSR novel while the other students complete their work.

o Never work on another class’ assignment with the teacher’s permission.

· Show self-control with language and behavior:

o Obscene or objectionable language is forbidden in the classroom.

o The classroom is not the place for “tantrums”, anger fits, shows of excessive emotion, violence, etc.

o Any infraction to this classroom rule will result in parent conference and/or referrals.

· Keep the classroom clean:

o All paper or pencil sharpening shavings should be disposed of properly in the wastebasket.

o Nothing should be thrown on the floor or under any desks in the classroom (if you chew gum, please place it in a paper before throwing it in the wastebasket…and never put it under the desk!)

· Bell Work: Each day, students are expected to read a short nonfiction passage and respond to 4 questions.

· Independent Reading (Silent Reading or Literature Circles):

o Independent Reading is an integral part of this reading course

o Literature Circles will be small groups of students created to read and analyze/critique the same novel

o Students MUST have a novel (whether it is one that the entire class is reading or one that is chosen by the student and approved by the teacher) AT ALL TIMES during class.

· Restroom Breaks:

o Bathroom breaks will be kept to a minimum based on urgency or need.

· Seating Arrangements:

o The teacher will assign seats and students will remain in their assigned desks unless otherwise instructed.

o Groups are assigned based on academic performance and differentiation techniques

Return Receipt

Dear Mr. Bouarfa I/We have received a copy of your Intensive Reading Syllabus for the term from August, 2014 – June 2015. I/We have read and discussed the syllabus completely with my/our son/daughter and agree to comply with the rules and regulations as established by Mr. Bouarfa and Lake County Student Code of Conduct. Our son/daughter agrees that he/she and will be held responsible for any infractions as per school and county policy.

STUDENT’S PRINTED NAME: _____________________________________PERIOD: ______

STUDENT BIRTHDATE: _________________________

STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________ DATE: ____________

MOTHER/GUARDIAN NAME: _________________________________________________

SIGNATURE: ____________________________DATE:_______________

FATHER/GUARDIAN NAME: __________________________________________________

SIGNATURE: ____________________________DATE: ____________






Mom Home: ______________ Dad Home: ____________

Cell: ____________________ Cell: ________________


Additional information you would like me to have on file:

Movies for analytical purposes

Although viewing movies in the classroom is not a regular, routine activity, there will be times throughout the semester during which a movie will enhance the student’s perception of a story or novel that has been read in class or may serve as a lesson or motivation relating to classroom behavior and overcoming obstacles.

Please review the list of movies that may be shown in the classroom. The ratings given to the movies are provided. If you have any objection to having your son/daughter view a specific movie, please let me know by indicating this on the attached Return Receipt. If you have no objection, please mark the “Authorize” section. Your suggestions and opinions are highly regarded and always respected. You will be notified if any new movies are added to the list.

Movies based on novels

Tuck Everlasting PG

Because of Winn-Dixie PG

Pride and Prejudice PG

Around the World in 80 Days PG

The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas PG

Kite Runner PG

The Great Gatsby PG-13

Life of Pi PG-13

Diary of Anne Frank PG-13

Motivational Movies

Dead Poets Society PG

Stand and Deliver PG

Lean on Me PG-13

Freedom Writers PG-13

Glory Road PG

Great Debaters


The Pursuit of Happyness PG-13

Radio PG

Take the Lead PG-13

Soul Surfer

The Giver PG-13

Movies for Entertainment

National Treasure PG

Secondhand Lions PG

Night at the Museum PG

Fat Albert PG

Clock stoppers PG

Cellular PG

Hairspray PG

The Game Plan PG

Percy Jackson the Lightning Thief PG

Please return your signed acknowledgement of the syllabus, classroom rules, and fill in the requested information by Friday, August 29rd, 2014 so that we can initiate and maintain open parent/teacher communications during the term.




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