Early Learning Coalition of Palm Beach County
Provider Monitoring Survey
The Coalition welcomes your feedback regarding your experience during the program monitoring you received in the 13-14 Fiscal Year. This survey will allow the Coalition to anticipate needs of providers and to ensure the delivery of timely and accurate services. Please email the survey to , fax to
561-214-7450 or mail to 2300 High Ridge Rd Ste. 115, Boynton Beach, FL 33426, Attention: Chelsea Reinhart.
OptionalName: / Contact #:
Provider Name: / Would you like the Coalition to contact:
Yes No
Please circle the appropriate answers below:
Provider Monitoring:
Please rate the amount of time spent at your site to conduct the monitoring: Too Long Just Right Too Short
Please rate the efficiency and organization of the monitoring process: Excellent Good Average Poor
Please rate the helpfulness of the Program Assurance Specialist: Excellent Good Average Poor
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the monitoring process:
Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable
What did you like about the monitoring process?
What did you not like about the monitoring process?
How can we improve the monitoring process?
Anything else you would like us to know?