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Early Childhood Education and Care
Course Name and Number / 18206 Certificate III Children’s ServicesUnit Name and Number / Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
Teacher’s Name
Email Contact Details / Angie Bailison
9469 8737
Semester & Year / Semester 1 2012
Unit Purpose
This unit of competency introduces you to key concepts, legislation and service policies and procedures relating to the worker’s role in identifying and responding to possible risk of harm to children and young people. The various types of abuse (sexual, physical, emotional, neglect and domestic violence) are covered and the effects of abuse on children and young people explored. The Unit also addresses duty of care requirements and working within an ethical framework.
TAFE NSW © Version 2 / 2010 Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCCHILD401A / Hard copy located in Section file in BM3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:February 2012 / Validated by:
KG MH / Validation due:
February 2013
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Elements define the essential outcomes
of a unit of competency.
1. Implement work practices
which support the protection
of children and young people
The Performance Criteria specify the level of performance required to demonstrate achievement of the Element. Terms in italics are elaborated in the Range Statement.
1.1 Identify children and young people at risk of harm by observing signs and symptoms, asking non-invasive questions, being aware of protective issues and using child protection procedures where appropriate
1.2 Respond to disclosure, information or signs and symptoms in accordance with accepted standards, techniques, and legislative obligations
1.3 Comply with lawful instructions, regulations and duty of care in all work activities
1.4 Routinely employ child focused work practices to uphold the rights of children and young peoples to participate in decision- making where it is age appropriate
1.5 Employ communication and information gathering techniques with children and young people in accordance with current recognised good practice
1.6 Ensure decisions and actions taken are within own level of responsibility, work role and legislative requirements
1.7 Maintain own knowledge and skills as required to work effectively and participate in practice supervision processes
1.8 Maintain confidentiality as appropriate
1.9 Provide an appropriate response as determined by organisation procedures, legal and work role obligations
2. Report indications of
possible risk of harm
3. Apply ethical and nurturing
practices in work with
children and young people
2.1 Accurately record relevant specific and general circumstances surrounding risk of harm in accordance with organisation procedures, ethics and legal requirements
2.2 Promptly report risk of harm indicators accordance with statutory and organisation procedures
2.3 Work collaboratively with relevant agencies to ensure maximum effectiveness of report
3.1 Protect the rights of children and young people in the provision of services
3.2 Identify and seek supervision support for issues of ethical concern in practice with children and young people
3.3 Develop ethical and nurturing practices in
accordance with professional boundaries when working with children and young people
3.4 Recognise indicators for potential ethical concerns when working with children and young people
3.5 Respond to unethical behaviour of others by reporting to the appropriate person
Evidence Guide
TAFE NSW © Version 2 / 2010 Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCCHILD401A / Hard copy located in Section file in BM3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:February 2012 / Validated by:
KG MH / Validation due:
February 2013
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The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, Required Skills and Knowledge, the Range Statement and the Assessment Guidelines for this Training Package.
This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit.
Essential knowledge:
The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively perform task skills; task management skills; contingency management skills and job/role environment skills as outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit
These include knowledge of:
1. Statutory and policy requirements relating to job role
2. Ethical obligations as stated in relevant codes of practice, licensing, accreditation registration to professional bodies, service agreements
3. Ethical approaches that incorporate the conventions on the rights of the child, and human rights
4. Responsibilities to clearly define worker and client roles and responsibilities in regard to ethical conduct and professional relationship boundaries
5. State/territory requirements and processes for notifying suspected abuse and reporting process
6. Child protection system: including reporting protocols, responses to reporting, interagency policies
7. Organisation guidelines and policies for responding to risks of harm to children and young people
8. Duty of care responsibilities
9. Ethical obligations as defined by the job specification and employing organisation
10. Principles of ethical decision-making
11. Recording procedures appropriate to job role
12. Common risks to child’s safety
13. Indicators of the different types and dynamics of abuse including as they apply to age, gender, disability, culture, sexuality
14. The different types of abuse: serious psychological, physical, sexual, neglect, domestic violence
15. Impact of risk of harm
16. Appropriate responses to disclosure
17. Overview of legal system and it pertains to the job role
18. Outline of common legal issues as relevant to work undertaken with children and young people such as:
- abuse in all forms
- domestic and family violence
- neglect
- exploitation
- alcohol and other drugs (AOD) concerns
- systems abuse
Essential skills:
It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to:
· Provide an appropriate response to indications of risk of harm
In addition, the candidate must be able to demonstrate relevant task skills; task management skills; contingency management skills and job/role environment skills
These include the ability to:
19. Apply indicators of abuse to make judgements about risks of harm
20. Follow procedures and instructions
21. Apply principles of ethical decision-making
22. Maintain professional boundaries in work with children and young people
23. Provide required reports and records, including effective use of relevant information
technology in line with occupational health and safety (OHS) guidelines
24. Use child focused work practices including:
- communication skills
- awareness and sensitivity to children and young person's needs
- inclusiveness of children and young people in participatory decision-making process
- making special allowances to met needs of children and young people
- ways of engaging children and young people
- observance and presence of children and young people as primary clients
25. Distinguish between legal and ethical problems
26. Work within a legal and ethical framework
27. Apply problem solving and negotiation skills to resolve problems of a difficult nature
within organisation protocols
Method of assessment:
· In cases where the learner does not have the opportunity to cover all relevant aspects in the work environment, the remainder should be assessed through realistic simulations, projects, previous relevant experience or oral questioning on ‘What if?’ scenarios
· Assessment of this unit of competence will usually include observation of processes and procedures, oral and/or written questioning on Essential knowledge and skills and consideration of required attitude
Evidence requirements
This collectively describes the sufficient evidence a learner needs to provide to achieve this Unit of Competency.
Learners must provide evidence of the ability to identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm by:
· Implementing relevant child protection procedures and child focussed and ethical work practices.
· Understanding and applying indicators of abuse to make judgements about risks of harm.
· Following current statutory and organisational procedures for the recording and reporting of circumstances surrounding risk of harm.
Grading criteria
Grade Code: 42: Competency (Ungraded)
The student result is based on the evidence provided to meet the criteria for competence as specified in the unit of competency.
The result AC or NC is entered in CLAMS representing Competent or Not yet Competent respectively.
TAFE NSW © Version 2 / 2010 Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCCHILD401A / Hard copy located in Section file in BM3 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:February 2012 / Validated by:
KG MH / Validation due:
February 2013
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Table of specifications for recommended assessment
Assessment Task / Elements, essential knowledge and skills and critical aspects of assessment addressed / Dimensions of competency(the 4 main aspects of work performance that need to be taken into account when assessing competency) / Weighting
Must pass all events
Off the job / On the job
1: Case studies
Learners should complete at least1 case studies which require them to:
· identify & respond to indicators of risk of harm/disclosure
· outline workplace guidelines & policies to support the protection of children & young people
· consider relevant legal & ethical issues / - Relates to elements 1, 2 & 3
- Relates to knowledge and skills / Task skills
Task management skills
Contingency management skills
environment skills / AC/NC
2.Work sheet
Learners should complete worksheet which requires them to answer specific questions about:
· Mandatory requirements
· Indicators of risk of harm
· Supportive work practices & ethical practices
· Reporting procedures
· Relevant terms & concepts / - Relates to elements 1, 2 & 3
- Relates to knowledge and skills / Task skills
Task management skills
Contingency management skills
environment skills / AC/NC
TAFE NSW © Version 2 / 2010 Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCCHILD401A / Hard copy located in Section file in BM03 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:
Feb 2012 / Validated by:
KG MH / Validation due:
Feb 2013
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Specific Instructions to Learners:
· You must complete and pass each individual assessment task for this Unit to meet the assessment requirements of the Unit.
· If assessments are not submitted or are incomplete you will fail to meet the assessment requirements for the Unit.
· Extensions and resubmissions of work may be granted at the discretion of the teacher. Resubmissions cannot receive a mark higher than a pass.
· Assessments must include a cover sheet.
· When specified in the Assessment description, the information you present should be referenced and presented according to Randwick TAFE Child & Family Services student handbook guidelines.
NOTE: The Student Assessment Guide (SAG) for this Unit can be accessed from eReserve:
TAFE NSW industry recommended context and assessment
A minimum of 50% on the job preferred, if not, 50% must be assessed in simulation with children.
TAFE NSW recommends that this unit could be assessed with the related units:
· CHCCS400A Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework
Unit Assessment
Task 1: Case Study/Scenario (Off the job)
Relates to elements 1, 2 & 3 and all related performance criteria, all required skills and knowledge.
A simulation where the learner role-plays responding to indicators/disclosures of a child who is at risk harm.
You will be given a scenario and you will need to respond to the following
1. List the indicators of risk described in the scenario
2. Give at least 4 appropriate responses to the child in the scenario, both verbal and non- verbal
3. Identify who and when you would notify (demonstrating knowledge of Keep them Safe website and current online Mandatory Reporting Guide/Decision Trees)
4. State under which area in Section 23 would a report be made
5. Describe the actions/work practices you would take as a follow up from the report
6. Identify some of the ethical issues that may arise when responding to these scenarios
These are possible examples of scenarios to be used
Scenario 1
Asher is a 4 year old boy who attends your centre. Today the weather is very warm, and Asher is obviously hot and uncomfortable as he is wearing a high-neck jumper. You suggest to Asher that he take off his jumper, and he says angrily: “No, Mum said I had to keep it on.” You continue to observe him, and see he is sweating heavily. You suggest again that he take off his jumper. You see he has dark bruises on his arm, leading under his shirt, and more bruises are visible on his neck collar. Asher looks scared, and says “Mum said I’d get into trouble if I took off my jumper. I don’t want her to hit me again.”
Scenario 2
Blake is a 9 year old boy whose family is receiving assistance from your service. Blake has an older brother, Jordan and a younger sister, Kate. You are talking with Blake about things he enjoys. He starts to talk about how his favourite time at home is when Gary, his mother’s partner, is out at night. Blake says: “He goes out at night, and we all feel good. We get to choose what to watch on TV, and if we make a noise it doesn’t matter.” He goes on to say: “The worst time is when Gary comes back. When he goes to the pub, he gets drunk, and when he comes back it’s really awful. The other night he got really angry at mum, and pulled a knife. Jordan tried to help mum, and I thought he might get hurt. Kate was screaming and mum was crying. Next day everything’s alright, and mum says Gary was just drunk, and he didn’t mean it. But it’s really scary.” Then Blake says: “Don’t tell mum I told you.”
Scenario 3
Nicole is a 13 year old client of your service. She lives with her mother, Claire, and her mother’s partner, Scott. You are talking with her about school activities, and she tells you about a class she attended today. She tells you how the teacher said that no-one could do something to them if they didn’t want it. She goes on to say: “You know Scott? He does things to me that I don’t want him to do. But it’s my fault, because I let him start it. He used to give me things, and I didn’t mind. He touches me in my private places, and I hate it. I get scared about what he is going to do next. I don’t know how to stop it, and my mother would kill me if she found out what I’ve let him do. She turns to you and says: “I don’t want to break him and mum up or anything. I just want it to stop.”
TAFE NSW © Version 2 / 2010 Validated Assessments / Unit of Competency CHCCHILD401A / Hard copy located in Section file in BM03 / Validated for delivery for F/T, P/T / Last validated:Feb 2012 / Validated by:
KG MH / Validation due:
Feb 2013
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