EXAMPLES For each simile in bold print, choose the best meaning from the box. Use each word or phrase once. Then check if you are correct by rolling your mouse over each over each blank space.
captures / unpleasant
full of conflict / pain
protective / awkwardly
1. / When the baseball crashed through Mr. Perkin’s window, the children
scattered like wind-blown leaves.
The children scattered: ______.
2. / Jamal’s gym clothes smelled like an old mop.
Jamal’s gym clothes smelled______.
3. / When Randall stepped on the sea urchins, he felt as though he had
stepped on a bed of hot ashes.
Randall felt ______.
4. / Gavin runs like a newborn colt.
Gavin runs ______.
5. / The look on Marcie’s face is like that of a bride stood up at the altar.
Marcie looks______.
6. / Kareem and Tamara’s marriage is like a wrestling match.
Kareem and Tamara’s marriage is______.
7. / When it comes to her children, Roxanna is just as dangerous as a mother
Roxanna is ______.
8. / Roberto’s voice sounds like a piano that needs to be tuned.
Roberto’s voice is ______.
9. / Amber floated into the room like the rising moon, and everyone gravitated
toward her.
Amber has a ______effect.
10. / Mr. Staller’s teaching style is like that of a skilled fisherman with a net.
Mr. Staller ______his students’ attention.