EWC4U - The Writer's Craft


Colonel By Secondary School

Mr. M. Dempsey


EWC4U Description:

This course emphasizes knowledge and skills related to the craft of writing. Students analyse models of effective writing; use a workshop approach to produce a range of works; identify and use techniques required for specialized forms of writing; and identify effective ways to improve the quality of their writing. They also complete a portfolio of best works, as well as a creative or analytical independent study project, and investigate opportunities for publication and for writing careers.

Prerequisite: ENG3U

Units of Study

  1. The writer’s variables: introduction to major genres; issues of audience, purpose, style
  2. The writer and the reader: biography and autobiography; writer study; inspirations through reading
  3. The writer for business: report and technical writing; resume and profile writing; preparing for post-secondary pursuits
  4. The writer and drama: script and screenplay writing
  5. The writer and the news: newspaper, editorial, magazine, writing
  6. The writer for specialized audiences: fiction and non-fiction for children and young adults; poetry readings and writing
  7. The writer and his craft: ongoing throughout the year—diction, rhetoric, stylistic skills
  8. The writer and his magnum opus: the presentation of the portfolio and one other major independent creation; a self-analysis of best work


Students will be complete frequent practice assessments through each unit. Each unit will then provide one or two culminating major evaluations. A summative evaluation will occur in June consisting of a portfolio, a major creative project, and/or exam.

Students will be evaluated in four categories:

Knowledge/Understanding 17.5

Thinking/Inquiry 17.5

Communication 17.5

Application 17.5

Summative Evaluation 30