ESS 360 Physical Education Lesson Plan

Student Teacher Mr. Nave Grades K-1 Teacher #1 Mr. Nave

Teaching Date 3/11 Instructional Theme Gymnastics Skills Lesson Sequence # 2 of 3

Physical Education Standards (A minimum of two standards):
Standard # 1 The students will demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Standard # 2 The students will demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard # 5 The students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Physical Education Performance Objectives/Indicators: (2-3 psychomotor, 1 cognitive, 1 affective):
Psychomotor: K.1.2 The students will perform basic nonlocomotor skills 4 out of 5 times.
K.1.1 The students will perform gymnastics stunts with body control 2 out of 3 times.
Cognitive: K.2.2 The students will demonstrate an understanding of how the teaching cues of the skills by answering 2 out of 3 questions correctly during the closure.
Affective: K.5.2 The students will work with a partner to perform
Subject Area Standards (A minimum of one standard for each subject area included):
Math Standard # 1 The students understand the relationship between numbers and quantities up to 10, and that a set of objects has the same number in all situations regardless of the position or arrangements of the objects.
Subject Area Performance Objectives/Indicators: (One to two for cognitive domain):
Subject Area #1 K.1.6 The students will count, recognize, represent, name, and order a number of objects up to 10.
Equipment Needs (List all equipment, specific records, tapes, CD’s, etc.):
CD player, Dance CD (“All Time Favorite Dances”), Gymnastics Equipment (bench balance board, cheese mats, trapezoid), 6 floor mats.
Assessment Needs (List all task sheets, assessment forms to be used that the student will supply)
Skill Observation Checklist: Students will be assessed on the different gymnastics skills they learned during the lesson according to a specific criterion.


Type of Assessment
(How will you know what the student has learned in the lesson) / Description and Example Form to be Used
(i.e., skill observation checklist, rubric, cognitive)
Three different resources must be used for your assessment choices
***Two best may be submitted for the Applied Assessment: Skills, Attitude, Knowledge assignment
Skill Observation Checklist / Students will be assessed on the different gymnastics skills they learned during the lesson according to a specific criterion. I will assess the students on their animal movements, balance stunts, tumbling, and individual stunts. I will be assessing according to a certain criterion for each movement. For example some criteria would be that the students have adequate body control, they move smoothly, or they are able to hold the balance for a period of time.
(Darst P.W., Pangrazi, R.P. Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Students 5th Edition)


Type of Adaptations
(Describe special needs of any students and how you will adapt instruction to their needs) / For more advanced students, I will encourage them to perform the gymnastics skills not only on the mats but also to try it on the equipment. I will also challenge them to come up with as many gymnastics skills as they can perform on each piece of equipment.
For the students that need extra practice, I will allow them to perform the skills they can on the mats. I will allow them to do easier skills on the mats and I will also allow them to do variations that decreases the difficulty (i.e. balancing with 2 feet instead of 1)


Introduction/Set Induction
(You may use bullet points rather than full sentences) / ·  Who here has ever been to the zoo?
·  Has anyone here ever seen gymnastics on tv?
·  Has anyone here ever done gymnastics skills before?
·  Let the students know that we will be learning some new animal movements like animals that are in the zoo.
·  Stress to the students how easily and controlled the animals in the zoo move because that is the criteria that I am assessing for them.
·  I will also introduce to the students how safe gymnasts are and how well they control their bodies, because again this is what I am assessing at the end.
·  Let the students know that we will also be learning new gymnastics skills and that we will use the skills to play a tag game at the end of the lesson.


(Real clock time) / Movement/Gymnastic Concepts to be Explored / Instructional Activities (Detailed) Guiding Questions (Sequentially developed questions to explore the concept or concepts for the lesson)
Key Teaching Points/Learning Cues / Organizational Plan
(How will students and equipment be organized? There must be clear descriptions for movement patterns)
Introduction/Set Induction (Text noted above)
12:50-12:53 / I will have the students sitting on the semi circle on the floor for my introduction in which I will ask them questions that will try to connect the concepts in class to what they are familiar with in their own lives.


TIME / Movement/Gymnastic Concepts to be Explored / Instructional Activities (Detailed) Guiding Questions (Sequentially developed questions to explore the concept or concepts for the lesson)
Key Teaching Points/Learning Cues / Organizational Plan
(How will students and equipment be organized? There must be clear descriptions for movement patterns)
1:45-1:52 / Warm Up - Fitness Activity
(An activity to begin class and to get the students active before the lesson)
Animal Movements
Balance Stunts
Tumbling and Inverted Balances
Individual Stunts / Sharks and Minnows
In this activity the students will stand on one side of the playing area and they will be designated as minnows. One student will be named the shark and stand in the middle of the playing area. The minnows will have to cross to the other side of the playing area without being tagged by the shark. If a minnow is tagged by a shark then they also become a shark. Now they are in the middle of the playing area and they are doing the tagging of the minnows.
Different variations of the activity will be used such as the students only being able to move in certain locomotor patterns.
I will explain and demonstrate each animal movement, balance stunt, tumbling and inverted balance, and individual stunt I want the students to perform and then I will play music and allow the students to perform the movements around the general space of the mats. After some practice I will challenge the students to do some of the skills on a piece of equipment.
Animal Movements: Bear Walk, Gorilla Walk, Puppy Dog Run/Cat Walk/Monkey Run, Siamese Twin Walk, Lame Dog Walk.
Balance Stunts: Single-Knee Balance, Hand-and-Knee Balance, Single-Leg Balances
Bathroom and Drink Break
Tumbling and Inverted Balances: Log Roll, Side Roll, Forward Roll, Back Roller, Mountain Climber.
Individual Stunts: Rubber Band, Pumping Up the Balloon, Rising Sun, Heel Click.
Teaching Cues for Gymnastics Skills
·  Listen and watch carefully to the teacher when demonstrating the skills.
·  Keep a good center of gravity to keep your balance
·  Stay spread out so you’re not running into other students.
·  Try and balance using one foot.
·  Use hands and feet together when doing the animal movements. / The students will use the opposite side of the gymnasium where the mats are not on the floor. The students will line up on the baseline with the sharks being in the middle of the floor.
The students will perform the gymnastics skills inside the boundaries of the mats with their shoes off. I will regroup the students after each skill to explain and demonstrate the next skill.
I will have the students line up in a single file line at the door.
1:52-2:00 / Culminating Project or Activity / Gymnastics Tag
Students will do animal movements around the general space and when they are tagged they must freeze and do a balance stunt and count to 10. When they count to 10 they must perform an individual stunt before returning to the game. / The students will use the general space of the wrestling mats to play the tag game. They will have their shoes off which will mean they must stay inside the boundaries of the mats.
2:00-2:03 / Closure / List two questions that explore the concepts covered in the lesson.
When we are doing our stunts, what is our number 1 concern? (Safety)
When we are doing stunts on the mats what is something we need to keep in mind? (Don’t run into anyone, stay spread apart, etc…)
Describe one activity, movement pattern, etc. students can practice for the next week. I will challenge the students to practice the one skill that they had the most trouble with during the lesson. I will challenge the students to practice this skill throughout the week in their homes and to also work on their body control.
Suggest how the next lesson will build on what the students practiced in this lesson.
I will let the students know that the next lesson of gymnastic skills will incorporate the same skill plus a few new ones, but also they will be learning to combine the skills. They will learn to do skill combinations that incorporate up to 3 skills.

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Skill Observation Checklist

X= not proficient at the skill / Animal Movements / Balance Stunts / Tumbling / Individual Stunts
Able to perform Skill / Moves with ease and control / Able to hold balance / Able to do one leg balances / Controls body well / Keeps movement safe / Able to perform stunt / Keeps stunt safe
Student’s Name
Olivia Hutton
Gabriel Barton
Noah Callaway
Grace Hanes
Ella Pearson
Karissa Cook
Tyler Eakright
Marcus Haynes
Jeremiah Halderman
Karissa Hanes
Tabitha Harris
Ethan Haynes
Layne Blocher
Jayden Harris
Quinn Haynes
Jason Mcintyre
Jackson Perry