ENST 204.001 Environmental Film Seminar
Dr. Amy Cooke; Office 306 Whitehead Building
/ 919-962-0622
Mondays 3-5pm / Hanes Hall 107
Course Requirements:
1. Attendance: each student is allowed one excused absence.It is imperative that you make it to class to view the film and take part in discussion.
2. There is a total laptop / electronics ban during the films. Laptops are a distraction for everyone in the class.
3. Leading discussion: The second week of school every student will sign up for a day to be part of a group who leads small group discussion after the film. The weekly group leaders will be required to watch the film before class and prepare discussion questions ahead of class. These questions will be emailed to me before class each week.
4. 5 shortresponses. Each student will write up a 5 (casual) response papers, to be turned in the next week. (1page).
5. Final Exam: the final exam will be based up on the film seminar, the discussions and the response papers. It will be short answer.
1. Attendance: 200 points
2. Leading Discussion: 250 points
3. Response papers: 250 points
4. Final exam: 300 points
NOTE: this course is worth one credit hour.
Finally, please join the class listserv. Because films can take years to get through production, I would like to be able to easily send you updates as I find them in the news or academic literature.
List of Films
8/27 Is God Green
9/3 Labor Day, no class
9/10 The Ocean World (from Blue Planet)
Plundering the Ocean
9/17 Semper Fi: Always faithful
9/24 Gasland
10/1 Last Mountain
10/8 Flow
10/15 Blue Gold
10/22 Captured Rain: America's thirst for Canada's Water
Waste not waste: ecosanitation
10/29 Up the Yangtze
11/5 Drowned Out
11/12 The Electric Valley
11/19 Upstream Battle
11/26 The Nile River: Shared or Monopolized?
11/3 King Corn or Food Inc. (tentative)