ENG1D To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Topics
For this assignment, you are to write a formal essay on one of the topics listed below. As a formal essay, you are to write with the proper essay form: intro, body, and conclusion, and with proper spelling and grammar. Don’t forget your strong and clear thesis that unifies your essay, and your directional statements to tell your reader how you will prove your thesis. Also remember proper body paragraph form, including introductory and concluding sentences. Use the PEE format to develop your arguments.
è Please refer to the essay explanation handouts on the class wiki
è This will be a four (4) paragraph essay. You must support your thesis with 2 main arguments. Additionally, each main argument must itself be supported by at least two examples/quotations (each example must be supported by a quotation). In other words, you must PEE at least twice in each body paragraph, and your “example” must include a quotation.
Prompts: Choose one of the prompts on the following page. Write your essay as a response to your prompt. Your thesis should answer the question(s) asked in the prompt you pick. Please title your essay “response to prompt # x”
è Remember to use MLA format for your essay. Here is a link to an MLA style guide: lish.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
è MLA format is important when citing your quotations
è Please always work your quotations into your own sentences.
NOTE : Plagiarism will not be tolerated!! It is an offence that Atticus would call cowardly and Mrs. Dubose would cuss at you for. Plagiarised sections will not be marked at all as they show no evidence of your learning.
Also, show true courage by handing your paper in on time!! Even if you know you are licked, do it anyways!!!
Outline: Due: ______________
è You MUST attach your returned outline to your final essay
Good Copy to be submitted: Due:______________
Marking Rubric:
You will be marked according to the attached essay rubric
è You MUST attach your rubric copy to your final essay
1. The idea of people as “trash” is discussed throughout the novel. Develop a definition of what it is to be “trash,” and explain your definition through a discussion of two different characters in the novel.
2. What is the significance of the title To Kill a Mockingbird? What theme statement does the metaphor/symbol of the mockingbird develop? Prove your answer to this question through a discussion of two characters from the novel.
*Suggested format: In each argument paragraph:
Quotation #1: supports that s/he is prejudiced against by an individual or society;
Quotation #2: supports that s/he is similar to a mockingbird (and what that means).
3. Through their experiences and growth, the children move from naivety to maturity and understanding. What do the children learn by the end of the novel? Discuss two different characters in your answer to this question
*Suggested format: In each argument paragraph:
Quotation #1: supports that s/he is na?ve about a topic/idea;
Quotation #2: explores the new understanding the character reaches about that topic idea.
4. TKAM explores ideas about prejudice through the concept of appearance versus reality. What is Harper Lee saying about prejudice? Consider two different events in your argument.
*Suggested format: Consider two different events from the novel. In each paragraph:
Quotation #1: supports that prejudice is evident or practiced;
Quotation #2: supports that prejudice is unfounded.
5. Atticus is a single parent, whose parenting technique is often called into question and criticized by members of the community. Do you think he is a bad parent? Why or why not? Explain your answer by discussing how two different characters in the novel criticize his parenting, and by giving your own judgment about their opinions.
*for prompts 6-10 (and indeed for all prompts), remember you must structure your essay to support your thesis using two (2) main supporting arguments.
6. Identify a symbol in the novel, and explain what it symbolizes/represents.
7. Compose a possible theme statement for the novel, and argue that it exists by supporting your theme with examples and explanations.
8. Learning and maturity are important topics in the novel. Select one character, and identify how the character develops and matures throughout the novel.
9. Gender roles are sets of behaviours or rules that society decides are appropriate for males and females. Does TKAM reinforce traditional gender roles? Select one character from the novel and discuss how his or her development helps to either reinforce or deconstruct gender roles.
10. The novel has frequently been banned for use in schools because of racial content, tension, and slurs. Do you think the book is appropriate for use in schools? Do you think the novel reinforces or deconstructs racist attitudes? Why or why not?